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Everything posted by go4luca

  1. Of the vets we've seen so far, I found Molly and Christina's the weakest.
  2. I know I said earlier the vets were bringing it, but that was after seeing Lacey and Heather. Not so much some others we've seen so far.
  3. Plus Converse...mustn't forget the Converse.
  4. Not wild about Christina's solo. Not trying to be mean but just not.
  5. Hate to say it, but I agree and I like Molly. Hope Charlotte thinks she brought enough. ...and holy cow. Amy's outfit is um....interesting?
  6. Right there with you! Hope it gets posted somewhere!
  7. Lacey's solo is stunning as usual. The vets so far seem to be bringing it.
  8. Thanks - been so busy on Insta, forgot to check on Twitter. Knew about Amy since I posted that pic. ;) Dang at Gina's solo costume!
  9. Another view of the lighting set-up. I know the crew arrived in the dark. You can see why.
  10. I am never this awake this early. #notamorningperson VK and Mom
  11. I loved seeing more of the vets last season, especially their growth. Making the Team involves all facets: rookies, vets, to those involved in the decision process ie: Kelli, Judy & Kitty. It's not just one part. It's the sum of all parts together.
  12. Interesting. I've seen several positive posts today. Go figure.
  13. I haven't and I've looked everywhere. It's like everyone went silent running.
  14. Does anyone know what time Finals begin tomorrow?
  15. It did to me too. That's why I said I hope she can relax and have fun this time around. The ball's in her court. But for the time being, I'm rooting for her.
  16. Me too and earlier I was one who said I didn't think she had the facials. But per her posted audition pics this year, I've been really impressed. She looks strong, confident and like a DCC. I'm hoping her dancing has progressed so she can relax, sell it and have fun.
  17. Thanks for being so cool about it and yes, as long as I have access, I will share what I can!
  18. A lucky find and not one I can share. Otherwise they may go on lockdown. I'm sorry, but hope you can understand. :) (as it is, I took a risk sharing it b/c we know this forum is read by one and all)
  19. Sorry it's a bit blurry but it's a screen grab. Look who is getting interviewed!!!
  20. Posting a temporary vid link. Is that Yuko in the back shown at end of the video? (watch full screen)
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