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Everything posted by CharethCutestory

  1. I'm hoping that comes from Sonny's own mouth tomorrow on the stand. Although Carly & Co. should've realized by now that in the year 2022, if Mike didn't know who he was, it was because he was actively trying not to know. The subconscious motivations for this are also pretty obvious.
  2. So Diane's strategy to accuse Nina of being unfit, was that she took no interest in Nelle while she was growing up....while she was in a coma. Uh, yeah, that's the whole reason why Nina is such a sympathetic character. She was in a vegetative state for twenty years while a psycho raised her kid(s). Then Diane smugly returns to Millow and all but high fives them over such a winning argument. What? Other than that, I enjoyed the courthouse scenes. I thought CW did a great job, I liked Sonny asking to be put on the stand, and the subsequent faces of doom on team Millow, and I got a good chuckle seeing Scotty shoot up to tell the judge lol
  3. Can Val please bring Nina into the ELQ stuff. What I wouldn't give to see her fire Michael's ass and tell Drew that if he likes, there's a part time spot for him in the corporate mail room.
  4. They give Nina the lamest comebacks when she has enough ammo to read these hypocrites for filth. She better be saving it for the stand. But I'm not hopeful.
  5. Uh, of course Nina wants Wiley to love her, he's her grandson. Willow is such a dunce. Idk, I think the pills and sleepwalking are a misdirect and this is the start of a DID storyline that traces back to Liz's childhood. They've been teasing her family for the last year. Maybe the pills are causing a reaction that is letting the alter start to break through. Welp, I liked Sonny again today. To quote Liz, "What is happening to me?!?" Interesting that he overheard about the "test results."
  6. So happy that the show got a second season! I really hope more people catch onto it. It's got a lot of heart and all of the actors do a great job capturing these quirky small town characters.
  7. Sonny and Nina don't set the world on fire but, I don't know, I like them together. And Mo doesn't look miserable in scenes with her, that's a plus. JZ's makeup was way too night time and heavy but I thought she looked really good! Nice to see her, although its a shame she was there to drag Nina and prop Carly but that's par for the course now. Love how they drone on about Nina's past making her so unfit to be around Wiley. Uhm, Carly's talking to the bio mom she raged into town to destroy. She succeeded in blowing up her marriage, making Tony go nuts and then shooting him in open court. Ancient history! Nina didn't tell anyone about amnesiac Smike for nine months. NINE!!!! MONTHS!!!! I'm liking Liz's story, mainly because I'm always rooting for BH to get good material that's about her. Liz been through the mill for years now. It totally tracks that she would reach a breaking point and snap. Lastly, today reaffirmed what I already knew, Gregory Harrison can still get it. Like fine wine.
  8. Michael and Drew aside, I like seeing the business stuff being played up more. I've been hoping that the kinder, gentler Sonny (sort of) since he got back from being Smike is signaling a long awaited phase out of the mob.
  9. At least she wasn't wearing those big white sneakers that look like sketcher's shape ups I mentioned in an earlier post that she gives off a manson family brand of creepiness. The retro patterns and baby doll frocks add to that, imo. I can appreciate it if wardrobe is giving her a distinct style that goes along very well with a character that's trying to appear angelic but is in reality up to no good.
  10. I enjoyed the Sam and Spencer scene. They're family, they should interact. I've always wanted to see Sam more involved with the Cassadines and moved away from the mob crew. Unfortunately, Sam will most likely betray Spencer's trust within minutes and run straight to Carly and tell her everything. They really hit a home run casting NC. I don't think he's had a bad scene yet. Really talented young actor. Today has me leaning more towards Nik is playing Esme and he's not a total moron. Still moronic enough to not loop his own wife into his plans but not dumb/gross enough to fall for a nineteen year old. So like father like son. Except one is a middle aged man with this terrible plan and the other is a dopey teenager. AP is great at playing the creepy schemer though. She gives off Manson Family vibes. Maura went old school soap getting right up in Esme's face. I felt like I was back in the 90s for a second there! I want Ned to team up with Val to take down dumb and dumber, but I'm afraid no matter what he's going to be made the loser left out in the cold.
  11. Willow never dealt with her cult trauma or the grief over losing her son, she dove right into being Wiley's mother and playing house with Michael. Now she has even more emotional upheaval to deal with from the Harmony reveal. I wish the writers would write something real for once. That they were largely together because Willow was so desperate to suppress and not deal with her trauma and Michael was pathologically obsessed with getting the "anti-Nelle" as a mother for Wylie. It wasn't some epic love story. There hasn't been one moment of their entire, strange courtship where there wasn't a dark cloud hanging over them. They look miserable all the time. I hate that they sullied Chase and Sasha, but especially Chase, with the stupid cheating lie in order to prop them. They're one of the worst, unhealthiest soap couples I've ever seen. A woman under the thumb of an abusive man for years is now in a relationship with a partner who gives her no agency because he's a total ego maniac. I do wonder if KMac is playing it meek, deer in the headlights on purpose. Like she's afraid to speak up and say anything to Michael the least bit critical for fear he'll turn the unreasonable anger he has for Nina and Sonny on her, which means no more Wiley and then she'll really lose it.
  12. Ah, thank you for the info Daisy! I've been trying to catch up on what I missed the months I wasn't watching.
  13. I can't tell if Nik is doing as poor a job as Spencer trying to pull one over on Esme or he's just that dumb. He's in the danger zone though. If it goes there he'll get rightly dragged but it'll be soapy as hell. I think it's more likely Esme will drug him and make him think something happened. I'm rooting for the end of Nava either way, not a fan. They keep focusing on Esme's hand. Is it just supposed to be a nervous tic of hers? Did they cover this in an earlier episode that I missed? Last time they showed it was a cutaway scene with Ryan when Brit was explaining the reasons someone would have the pills Esme had.
  14. I'm not a fan of this nail salon set, it’s awkward. And I’m not looking forward to how many conversations will now need to be had over mani/pedi so Frank can get his money's worth for it. “Elizabeth, I’m glad I ran into you. I got your test results. You have multiple personalities. And I can’t decide between perfectly peach or crimson vixen for my toes.” Add a club house to the Metro Court pool, they can drink cucumber water there. Give the teens a PCU set where they study and meet up. Add a hospital break room, not a dang nail salon.
  15. That's the thing, the writers have forced this Mr. Wonderful identity on Michael for over ten years and it's never landed because they've never actually shown us why that's true. In fact we've seen the opposite. Michael hasn't been shown wheeling and dealing like Val and Ned but he's some business tycoon? He's the paragon of virtue but he moved in on his dying best friend's wife and his brother's girlfriend years earlier. He's got the best judgement ever but he chose Nelle multiple times and got her pregnant. He's consistently acted like an overgrown brat, but anointed for sainthood by all the characters around him. It's totally disconnected. A Carly/AJ/Sonny kid writes itself and they still fumbled the ball. He should've always been messy and devious. Like JR Chandler. A smug, entitled SOB who is always letting his own insecurities trip him up as he selfishly goes for whatever he wants. They need to give up on the nice guy angle once and for all and just commit to him being a bastard.
  16. They're basically the same exact character and equally insufferable at this point. The only times I've seen even a hint of chemistry with Michael is when the woman isn't the typical good girl archetype. Not a psycho like Nelle, but has a bit of an edge to her because he has ZERO. I've seen this with Lexi Ainsworth and Amanda Setton, both impossible options. Also, oddly enough, I've seen it with KeMo. *Ducks* I remember they had a scene after Jonah died and Michael was cleaning out the nursery and Sam came by. Just one of those subtle things. I thought, now that'd be soapy and scandalous. So this show will never go there. KT really conveyed how hurtful what he said was. Below the belt, ridiculously mean. He should have lunch with Diane. I love that she told the little turd off and I hope she really lets him have it when he inevitably comes to her again begging for her help.
  17. Yeah, Drew had one decent moment there when he challenged Michael that if it's all just nature and no nurture maybe he's raising a little psychopath himself right now, huh? Michael was affronted by this and said of course not, Prince Wylie is perfect! As usual he was not comprehending what was being said to him, simple as it was. And speaking of nature vs. nurture, I guess if anyone has the warmth and love to break through Esme's sinister ways its Felicia. And Mac as well. I hope it happens soon because the ick factor of these Ryan and Esme scenes is just too much.
  18. The only thing worse than bringing about Wiley at all, was making him Michael's. They should've given Nelle a secret dalliance off-screen and made him the father. And, while she doesn't eat the show, in fact, I can't remember the last time she was seen or acknowledged, you can't get a more pointless baby than Donna. I still can't believe they did that. Bonkers. Just the dumbest decision ever.
  19. OMG Nina, snap out of it! You were more vicious with Willow when she was withholding gold stars from Charlotte. Sonny was right, you've got to go for the jugular in court because you can't reason with those two dopes. They're so smug they generate zero sympathy. Get on the stand and open with the fact that Michael and Willow were willing to let a baby stealing, cult following, double murderer near Wiley before his own grandmother. That should tarnish their shine pretty quick.
  20. So how exactly is Carly, or Michael, if she ropes him into it, going to sabotage these DNA results at the PCPD right under poor Dante's nose? I'm starting to wonder if this is going to dovetail with the other DNA mystery going on with Esme. Ages don't work out for a one to one swap but after today I can see Spencer putting the pressure on Esme to figure out who her birth parents are, and Esme, in an effort to keep her charade going and prove that she has nothing to hide, agrees to a DNA test with plans to do her own sabotaging. Maybe she enlists Ryan's help? Through some convoluted series of tampering, Esme's results become Willow's, while Esme's show inconclusive. Carly knows this isn't true but continues to let Willow think she has a serial killer for a dad and yet another incorrect mommy because, "Wiley."
  21. I think it's starting to dawn on Cameron. He's looking at Joss and thinking...
  22. The other day I was trying to work out the tangled web of Sante's shared family members. I got a headache rather quickly and stopped. Leo and Wiley will have some interesting conversations in the future. Wiley: My aunt is my mommy. Leo: Cool, my sister dates my brother.
  23. I know, this show is only likely to disappoint us and yet, my optimism persists. Get Michael in on the lie! The two of them work together to keep the secret! Willow dumps Michael! End of miserable Millow! A girl can dream. Ah, good point. That could be interesting. Until he inevitably switches sides and pledges undying loyalty to Saint Sonny of course. But I mean, as long as he's not another long lost Sonny spawn, I guess that's a win these days? Ugh.
  24. Wow, Dex is laying it on real thick, even mooning over Sonny to the henchman making espresso. Chill out, dude. I really hope this guy is an undercover fed or something. We don't need another Brando. And speaking of Brando, while he and Sasha aren't a couple full of sparks flying, and they kind of just slouched into them being together, I do enjoy how they write him so completely in love and devoted to her. It's actually really sweet. I'm giddy over the thought that Carly keeping this secret will fester into a big blow up right in her face, finally at long last. Carly is so overdue to lose and lose big. Law of averages says somehow she'll end up the hero of this tale and I'll be left just as disgruntled as usual. But I really really hope she winds up public enemy number one. I'm trying to remember if I always found Diane this repulsive? She was so over the top cruel today. You would think she was Wiley's other grandmother. Aren't lawyers supposed to maintain some semblance of professionalism? No wonder she's been the go to for that awful crew for forever now. Lastly, I just can't with that stuffed, sloth is it? In Sonny's office. First of all, yuck, second of all, its all your eyes can focus on in the scene! I want the giant bowl of moss back.
  25. I can't believe this show is having Michael call Sonny out right as they make him likable. Well, as likable as Sonny can be in relation to Michael and all of the other characters in the overall General Hospital landscape happening at any given point. This is not the dichotomy I saw coming. I planned on inevitably cheering on Michael as he turned on Sonny again. And now, I'm not sure what to do. Well played show, you crafty bastard, well played....
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