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Everything posted by CharethCutestory

  1. If Oscar dies and the cult story escalates where more people could be hurt, like Scout and Sam if he doesn't remember his past, I can see him retrieving the memories then. I'm so bored of this whole thing. On the love interest note, if Franco goes along with Jordan's harebrained scheme of pleading guilty and lying to everyone, including Elizabeth, maybe she'll lean on Drew and they can reconnect. I could practically hear LW thinking, "Aren't you glad you gave up this primo role and will now have to pry it from my cold dead fingers you dumb dumb?" It was all over TB's face that yes, she regrets it very much.
  2. So Jay has a big revelation about Hodel and the Black Dahlia after we barely see him researching anything and we're supposed to gasp? All we've seen are disjointed off putting scenes that weave nothing together. What's the narrative? After four episodes even though I really tried to like this show, I think it's just bad. Jay's let us know, in between ass kickings and getting drunk/high that he wrote about Hodel and it got him black listed. Then out of nowhere he latches on to Tamar having a daughter. Then he buys a magazine. Collage of horrific images. Some random phone calls. That's him on the case? I get they were trying for a noir, avant garde angle but this is a mess. All the metaphor and allusion and trippy scenes mean nothing if there isn't a cohesive story happening. True Detective season one is the best example of taking the unsettling and the allegorical and crafting it together with a riveting plot and characters you can't turn away from. It's all one complete work that never pulls apart. It's not easy and I Am the Night doesn't remotely get there. Jay and Fauna for their own reasons and common goal should've been working together from the end of the first episode and Jay should've ditched the booze and drugs and forced himself to get focused by episode three. Too bad because the show had tons of potential.
  3. 100% the only reason Jax was freaking out was because cameras were there and it was transparent. as. hell. He's the worst actor on the planet. Beaux kind of latched onto Jax's ridiculousness for some reason, but I think it was just to play along. The theatrics were so OTT. Just don't do anything, simple. Or take a ten minute uber ride back to your apartment. If you're committed to your partner you won't have a red faced sweaty panic attack the second some strange comes within twenty feet of your dick, JAX. That guy will cheat again if he hasn't already, bank on it. I'm done feeling sorry for Brittany. She's willfully dumb and will do anything to stay on the show. Whatever, her choice, but she's a fool. Carter lives three years in the shadows of this show and the moment he's brought into the light he's thrown in front of a double decker bus. That was a swift execution. Carter, you can exit stage left and join Mike Shay now. He sounds like a scrub but Kristin is insane so I'm not surprised a mooch with ulterior motives glommed onto her. No healthy, well adjusted man with self respect would. He could indeed be a loser, but coming from the witches of WeHo and their coven of suck I think it's all relative and varying degrees of assholery. Even the already sainted Beaux. He seems nice and the most normal but given the company he keeps, you have to wonder. Lisa will never view Kristin the way she views James. And Kristin lacks the maturity to get her shit together and go to Lisa and clear the air and apologize like Stassi did to get back into her good graces. Lisa views James as a surrogate son, she's known the kid his whole life, she'll always look out for him. Kristin made a scene at every VPR event and then (not to say James didn't play a role, he did) she messed with James which is akin to messing with her family. If I were Kristin I'd have more of a gripe over Jax being given chance after chance. I think a big reason why Kristin behaves the way she does is low self esteem and an inability to heal her bruised ego. It's that old adage until you love yourself nobody else will. She's not innocent by any means when it comes to the situations she's found herself in with Sandoval and then James, but both ended up in a better spot than she did when things ended and it's obvious this eats away at her. They moved on from her, she didn't move on from them. She transferred all of her ire for Sandoval to James when the relationship with James ended. Stassi is full of it that she doesn't care about James. It may not be all of her problem but it's a large part. She needs therapy, mood stabilizers and to stay away from alcohol or else she'll be 40 years old and the same way which would be pathetic. See: Jax.
  4. Sam rattling off all the logical, sound reasons Jason is a terrible choice for a partner as a method of hiding her relationship with Jason was more meta than this show intended I'm sure. I was waiting for Shiloh during his "see the light, brother" speech to Jason, to mention Jason being a criminal and killing people as part of that bad path he's been on. But the writers will never go there anymore. Pathetic. As usual, the baby stole the show.
  5. Seeing the wretched mothers of so many of these cast members lately helps to explain how heinous they turned out. James has a whole host of issues but I'm actually impressed he turned out as well as he did being reared by that. As someone earlier said, watching the striking resemblance between Kristin and James' mother in their physical and emotional traits is so Freudian, so Oedipal, it's disturbing.
  6. Isn't because he's Chris Pine enough? Are you saying you would turn down those baby blues if he offered you a lift? Cause I'd throw stranger danger right out the window. I guess since it was between Jay and the freaky Hodel lackey, I get why she took up Jay on the offer and I was glad she did since it looked like they would finally start featuring the pairing that was marketed as the show. Then it was over five minutes later after a conversation that went in circles. Fauna's been telling everyone she meets she's adopted and on a quest for her origins and why won't anyone help her?? Here comes a guy that seems to know a thing or two about this long lost family of hers and she chooses now to clam up. The series is only six episodes long and half over and nothing has happened.
  7. Calling it a little early but I feel confident. This was a piss poor midseason premier.
  8. If this show had any stones Negan would have a massive coronary and drop dead at his first taste of freedom in the middle of his old sanctuary all alone.
  9. Like sands through the hourglass....so are the zombies of our lives. For real, this show will run for decades and become a full on soap. It's more than halfway there.
  10. So they're sending Daryl, the great communicator, in there to get some answers. Great.
  11. The whisperers should've been the Fear people. That should be Alicia.
  12. I wish Lauren all the best but those promos make me not want to watch. But it does make me think she would've been great in an ALIAS reboot.
  13. I miss the prison. I miss the farm.
  14. Hey show, stop trying to make feeling bad for Negan happen. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
  15. Michonne talking about letting these people stay because almighty ten year old Judith found them. Tell that kid to go in the house and practice her multiplication tables. WTF is this? Who are all these people? I don't care.
  16. Negan breaks out in the dead of night and waits to leave until its bright and sunny, of course. I wish this kid was as trigger happy as she is talkative.
  17. I thought some more about soap actors that aren't doing much these days and came up with James Scott (EJ on Days and Ethan on AMC) and Chad Brannon (Zander on GH) as potentials for nunuAdam. They're in the age range and were always solid actors. I think James could be great if he can pull off the American accent.
  18. I've been a casual on/off viewer of Y&R the past fifteen years, I was more into ABC soaps, but since GH is the only one left and its been damn near unwatchable the past year I've gotten more into Y&R. Anyway, after scoping out different forums I think I'm the only person in the world that likes Summer! Although I do get a kick out of and understand the Dummer moniker lol I like that she's a classic soap schemer and screw up. I think HHK does a great job in the role of bad girl that appears to have a ton of confidence but is actually very insecure. She's exactly what I'd expect Phyllis and Nick's daughter to be. I'll show myself out now....
  19. They should've hired JT to play a new character and made him a detective or something, he's horrible as Billy and I can't see him being much better as Adam. I know Jeff Branson played Ronan (wasn't watching then) but I think he'd make a decent Billy. As for who could play Adam I have no idea. I'm going through the soap vet and Hallmark rolodex and coming up blank.
  20. Yes! 100%. The first and second episode should've been consolidated into one premier and the final scene is Jay and Fauna meeting even if they weren't sure who the other one was yet, just a crossing of paths as they're on the same trail. I think a lot of scenes in the first two episodes were either unnecessary or went on for way too long. The commercials that played AD NAUSEAM for this for MONTHS- seriously it was nonstop, I have never seen a show more heavily advertised- did make it seem interesting. I like the noir true crime vibe, Chris Pine is a great actor with the added bonus of being very easy on the eyes, India Eisley also seemed a good fit, so I was looking forward to watching. But the pacing, at least so far, is pretty bad. I think its a show that probably would've been better featured on a streaming service, released in full and binge watchable. Maybe then things would feel more fluid. For a show so leisurely paced the week long break between episodes further hinders any momentum.
  21. I kept waiting for someone to mention the tumor because that's all we've heard ad nauseam in FV's endless pursuit to rebrand Franco and get us to accept RoHo in the role. They can't have it both ways. A tumor can't be responsible for him being evil and a serial killer and therefore an excuse (ridiculous), if his tumor free self is waxing poetic about the high he got off of it at the time. It should make him sick to his stomach, at best RoHo plays it off as ambivalence. He feels a constant pull to the dark side but what made him that way isn't supposed to be a factor anymore. It's all so friggin' stupid.
  22. Yes I've read she's shy and hates to audition but I think she would've had a good chance outside of soaps if she left when you mentioned. When BH joined GH, Dawson's Creek was at the height of its popularity and Becky's look and acting style was very similar to Katie Holmes' I thought. She must like the steady work and stability a soap provides, it's about as low key 9-5 as you can find in show business which I imagine makes managing time with family easier. As much as I love Elizabeth, I do wish she'd taken up DOOL some years back when they were courting her during contract negotiations just to see her play another soap role. She deserves a lot better as a vet and good actor with a big fanbase than she's gotten in recent years at GH.
  23. How did the best season of BD have the lamest reunion? They needed two parts for this, everything was rushed and disjointed, a bunch of stuff didn't get covered. And why can't they find a different venue other than the cramped clubhouse? I like Kate's wit, she's quick and smart and knows how to chief stew a yacht like nobody's business on an operational level but she is a terrible boss. She's aloof, dismissive or downright snarky unless you happen to click perfectly with her ala Josiah and much of that was thanks to his blind admiration for her. Her communication skills suck. Caroline is batshit insane, she was a disaster the whole time and deserved to be fired, but what Kate and Josiah did was way out of line, juvenile and just weird coming from grown adults. Okay, we all have a "breaking point," but when you're a supervisor and you set the example, you can't be hazing and mocking employees, whether they're heading out the door or not. It's a terrible look and precedent and since this is Kate's millionth charter she knows better. Cut to Laura, who did come on very strong, having issues with Kate. Instead of sitting her down and going over what she needs done and how and asking Laura to relax a bit, taking that initiative as the manager with a new employee, Kate snipes and belittles her constantly until Laura reaches her breaking point and goes in on Kate. Probably an unpopular opinion but I think at that point Kate deserved a lot of it. Laura went a bit far, Kate is her superior, but at least she didn't blast music in her face and scream how disgusted she was by her STD. By that point both ladies needed to "check themselves." And I like Capt. Lee but he has blinders on for Kate and always has. I get it, they go way back and they're the big draw of Below Deck but to dismiss Kate and Josiah's behavior, even Rhylee's, saying he was glad she finished the season, but say he'd fire Laura on the spot made no sense.
  24. LOL I thought the same. Teresa Caputo she ain't! They should have her have a psychic dream then wake up with a start, gasping. She can turn to Ned, trying to wake him but he'll just roll over muttering, "Fuck Mayor Webber. I should've won that election."
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