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Everything posted by CharethCutestory

  1. Oh man, I got so excited when I first saw this but you're probably right! lol
  2. Very much enjoyed Liz chewing out Jason and finally calling him out for being an absentee crap father to Jake. That should've happened a long time ago. I'll ignore the Franco factor of it all because it needed to be said and I never thought it would happen whatsoever, so I'll take it.
  3. I just caught up on this weeks episodes so I'm late on this but the Liz/Sam discussion about Jason and how toxic his life is to anyone within a 100 mile radius was long overdue by like, a decade, but I'll take it and I did enjoy them having a genuine moment of camaraderie. I almost fell off the couch when Sam said she always admired Liz for kicking Jason to the curb to protect Jake and her kids years ago. They're really the only two who know what the other one is going through, tethered for life to Borg. Shebeast, much to her chagrin, never got to actually spawn with Jason. She lost Morgan and has had countless tragedies due to both Sonny and Jason but she's a sicko and ultimately thrives on it all. Mob moll to the end. If this Jason breakup actually sticks, and it looks like it will for a bit, I wonder where they'll take Sam next. If I were Kelly I'd either be doing cartwheels of joy in my dressing room that I'm free to get some new storylines or pacing with nerves that this is the foundation of my character's sendoff. If Drew is brought back that would be a nice way to have her exit with Scout and Danny. Pull a Robin and Patrick and go the rarely travelled happily ever after route. So the nanny is under strict orders by Kim not to tell Charlian that the baby is his. Which is a dud and a half of a revelation. I still think somehow its Franco's. Anyway, when the baby cries, instead of being like oh yeah, thats my baby and shut the whole thing down entirely she tells Julian that its Kim's baby and she was pregnant before she even left PC, didn't he know?? And his name is Andrew. LOL All that time to prepare a ruse and that's what she comes up with? Then she calls and tells Kim don't worry, he won't suspect a thing. OMG WDV! You finally get to your barber and you go with that number? Or is it a hair piece? I'm not entirely sure what's happening there but it's tragic.
  4. Really ridiculous. The girl had an enormous beam fall on her head and pin her down due to an explosion. Not exactly a slight bump on the noggin. Maybe get her right in for a brain scan or at least a concussion check?
  5. For real. Can Laura have just one child she doesn't need to mourn and bury? (whether they come back from the "dead" or not)
  6. Jason cooly walking up to an exploded Floating Rib like its a minor fender bender because PSYCH! He and Danny weren't even inside! What a twist! You're flaming garbage, show. I can't believe on Friday I was excited to see how all this played out. I know better! One episode of resolution at the site itself. Nobody trapped. Danny's just a forgetful kid who left his hat behind. They kill off another teen and its met with a resounding shrug. Gross. Sonny doesn't go with him and make any arrangements for Dev, who he took in the last two years and cared so much about. I guess that's the treatment dollar store Stone gets. I was no Dev fan but c'mon. And poor Dustin. What was a thankless exit. Kudos to ER for her performance. Even Genie was getting choked up watching her. I legit loved Alexis' monologue about knowing this day would come. About who Jason is and what it means for Danny. NLG nailed it, no surprise there, and it was some rarely uttered words of truth that will go absolutely nowhere. Sigh.
  7. I really wasn't sure if they would have Julian go all the way with it and outright, of his own volition, leave the bomb in a crowded restaurant. I figured Julian would ultimately come to his senses but it would be too late and his attempt to get rid of the bomb would fail. But he just blew full speed past the point of no return. Wow. Of course Cyrus was lying and OF COURSE the burner phone is the detonator! And of course this thought failed to dawn on Julian. What a pathetic character to the bitter end. They didn't even take AJ, town whipping boy, to this extreme of a point. I'm actually looking forward to the next episode and I'm bummed I have to wait the weekend to see what happens next. It's been a long time since I felt that way about GH.
  8. Agree 100%. Add to that good writers that can give otherwise Mary Sue characters the layers and details that are needed to be more than one dimensional goody-two shoes. I'll point to Elizabeth, yes she came on as a rebellious teen but they transitioned out of that pretty fast. She had the rape story which Becky nailed as an actress and the writing was also there. After that her character evolved and filled the nice, girl next door type but BH carried it so well and continues to. She was also given a fleshed out, strong personality. In recent years, the new regimes have done a number on Elizabeth, which enrages me, but for the majority of her tenure she's been a character who is kind and moral and that you can related to. She's been the answer to the Carly's and Sam's. A strong female character that's relatable. She's not constantly plotting and scheming or going off on adventures to "kick ass," she makes mistakes and she's human. I also think Becky has had chemistry with pretty much everyone they've paired her with. Again, recent years have really undermined who Elizabeth was for a long time, but every established character has been butchered in the last decade, and every new character introduced lacks any depth whatsoever. Willow and Michael are so milquetoast and painfully boring on their own, put them together its a full blown lobotomy. CD didn't exactly have chemistry, but sparked a bit with Nelle after she was his enemy because she treated him like shit. I've also thought he shared some chemistry with Lexi Ainsworth and that's only because Kristina is such a vapid, nasty brat.
  9. I'm honestly shocked they got Wiley back from Nelle so quickly. This show has two speeds; immediate resolution or never ending saga. Since I'd like Carly and Jax to give it another go I don't mind this secret they have about Nelle now. I mean, it's dumb, but Carson are dreadful and Jax and Nina are a flop so I hope it leads to the destruction of both couples.
  10. And that's what the show is so tragically boring. They never mix it up ever. Not even a little bit. I hate the Michael and Willow MOC because half of it is Michael, the drip, and anything he's a part of is immediately awful. If they get closer during Wiley's kidnapping and officially get together then find out about Sasha and Chase's fake tryst, at least there would be some drama. If Chase finds Wiley that would further drive a wedge between anything new between Willow and Michael. Michael would owe Chase. And so forth. But they won't do anything other than Jason is there to save the day thanks to Michael with the assist and Carly somehow takes down Nelle. Yawn. I will say, at least Michael had a pulse today with Julian at the PCPD because up until that point he had been remarkably chill about everything. I feel bad picking on Chad Duell, and a lot of the issues can be blamed on writing, but Michael should be taking up the torch for the show at this point being a Quartermaine raised by Sonny and Carly, he should be an epic character but he's a pitiful dud. I know CD is well liked by the cast, probably a very reliable employee and his place is safe as long as he wants to be there, but if they ever do recast I think Michael Mealor who plays Kyle on Y&R would be great. He's also besties with Josh Swickard IRL. I think MM could capture the arrogance but tortured soul Michael should be given his lineage and upbringing and everything he's been through.
  11. Unless they really drag this thing out and find the toy but not Nelle and Wiley. You just know they're going to find the car abandoned because Nelle will get tipped off by an updated phone alert or radio broadcast and ditch it. With this show's MO we'll be lucky if Wiley is home in time for a Christmas miracle.
  12. LOL!! My mother and I always quote the fabulous Dame Maggie Smith when we see someone has gotten some not so subtle facial work done. "...and your LIPS!!" And yes we did say that to one another after seeing Kelly's new face. I mean I'm all for getting something here and there to fix an issue, make yourself feel better, give you a boost, etc. more power to ya so long as it doesn't become an addictive problem but Kelly really didn't need to do anything to her face. It looks like she went full on face lift she's so swollen and she's still too young for that!
  13. Yeah the second Jason called Spinelli that's where my mind went too. So what's the over/under that Jason saves the day (of course) but pushes himself just a little too hard too soon in his heroic pursuits and ends up in a coma or something. I wonder how long Nelle on the run is going to last. Giving Michael a kid was a huge mistake. CD cannot pull off fatherhood even a little bit so if there was to be an accident or something happens and Wiley dies and/or is presumed dead, as sad as that would be, it would fix that problem. Probably a nice big bottle of chloroform in there too.
  14. I've been waiting for something like that too. Go the brain tumor or multiple personality route to take Nelle to the point of totally irredeemable--but wait!! After slashing Brook Lynn I think they're about there.
  15. Frank is so full of it. Honestly, what a missed opportunity! Not just because it would make writing within these restrictions and times much easier, they could be one of the first productions to tackle incorporating this pandemic into a current script and what better than a soap that airs everyday? Oh and this particular soap is called General HOSPITAL because it takes place you know....IN A HOSPITAL!!!! WHICH IS A VERY RELEVANT PLACE DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC! HELLO!!!!!
  16. I'd rather they kept both temp Sam and temp Brook Lynn to be honest. Well, ideally they'd send Sam off to find Drew after getting a tip that he's alive never to be seen or heard from again. And I like Amanda Setton, I thought she was really good on OLTL and loved her on The Mindy Project (still don't know why they got rid of her character??) but as BL it's been kind of a miss for me and the actress filling in has impressed me so far. If the actors are doing most of their own hair and makeup I must hand it to Laura Wright if she's doing that glam blowout on that endless mane of hair herself. But I mean after years of watching hair and makeup people gussy you up I'm sure you pick up a few pointers. Aside from some of the guys looking a bit scruffy I think everyone looks pretty dang good for a pandemic. The big unveiling of Ava's portrait was as others have said, quite the dud, but would've likely been done at a big soiree featuring lots of extras if it weren't for Covid. They could've done something like a big storm hits and cuts off access to Spoon Island and that would explain nobody showing for this much hyped reveal. Also a missed opportunity to not have girl reporter live streaming it so it was captured by millions!! *eye roll* furthering Ava's embarrassment and rage.
  17. I cackled when Valentin said Michael would be assigned a position more appropriate for his skill set. With Michael on his current nauseating victory lap over Nelle I'm very much looking forward to Valentin pissing in his Cheerios. Now I just need Valentin to run across Nelle as she's en route to kidnap Wiley and convince her to take a high ranking job at ELQ and play the long game when it comes to revenge.
  18. Oh my God where to begin with this show. Well I binged it in a little over a day. I don't know what happened. I fell into a wormhole maybe? I don't really remember the time passing. Just that I kept hitting next episode until John B and Sarah were shipwrecked then rescued and en route to of all places...the Bahamas! Of course! Pack your bags and passports JJ, Kie and Pope! School? Your own safety? Jail time? Who cares! Next season you get to chase down John B and his girlfriend in another country and put your lives in danger yet again because Pogies never say die! or something. I'd say John B needs his ass kicked but I don't want to encourage any more than every other scene of this show featuring someone, usually JJ, getting their ass kicked. We get it, show, life is tough in The OB. What everyone said about the camp factor being played straight and with total devotion by a seemingly unaware cast is so true. They all really went for it. And honestly, I think all of them at different points gave solid performances, but the plot was so zany and full of so many holes that it was just an odd viewing experience. There would be a legitimately moving moving scene but it would be at the same time, totally ridiculous. I'm getting flashbacks to One Tree Hill when the medic carrying the heart for Dan's transplant tripped, it fell out of the cooler and was promptly taken away like a chew toy by a Golden Retriever in the hospital waiting room. It's that level of early aughts CW calamity going on. Still, nice to see young unknown actors catch a big break instead of casting well knowns. Imagine Miley Cyrus as a misunderstood Pogue. It made it even easier to get sucked into the craziness and over the top drama because there wasn't any previous reference to draw on with these actors. It felt like a table of millennials went from brunch to the television screen. All the cell towers being down due to the hurricane was convenient because nothing sucks the drama out of a moment in film and tv these days like a pop up graphic beside a characters head as they receive a text message. It was the OC meets the Goonies and it took me right back to the 90s/early 2000s which I think has been the hook for so many viewers. It even comes complete with teens being played by adults in their mid to late twenties! John B sure has an impressive five o'clock shadow for a sixteen year old. And you gotta love that Dawson's Creek-level unrealistic dialogue from a bunch of high schoolers. As the show dragged continued on towards the end, even as John B found himself in rapidly escalating falsely accused fugitive circumstances, I cared less and less about him and Sarah and was more interested in how JJ, Kie, and Pope turned out and their interactions. I was surprised Kie went with Pope in the end. I was betting on JJ but maybe they're working a more slow burn there.
  19. GH disappoints me day after day but still, I hope it comes back and they don't decide to cancel it without a proper sendoff. I fear that will happen the longer no filming stretches on. I wish they'd take the opportunity to do a significant time jump for when it returns. Like five years. It could fix so many problems and be a chance to eliminate a lot of dead weight. Fill the audience in with "flashbacks" for a couple of weeks. Of course all of the kids will be SORAS'd while the adults remain the same age if not younger 😉 If the show the comes back after the writers have had all this time to conceptualize and plan some really good content and its the same old crap maybe it deserves to get the ax after all.
  20. Oh man I loved this episode! If it is the series finale (I HOPE NOT!) it had a heart warming and satisfying conclusion for sure. But if it does come back they could keep the Lainey/CB drama going and have CB deciding to go with Paloma after all, afraid Lainey isn't sure or that she's rebounding after Barry. As for Barry, it was obvious the filming interruption caused the Barry break up to be glossed over. Fine with me. The less Barry the better. The Clueless homage was really flawless. They even featured the three best outfits from the movie! The second I saw the clips in the beginning and they played the "Oh my God...I love Josh!" fountain scene I knew they would include a CB equivalent. The chunnel scene nailed the classic teen movie theme to a T. I really hope the show comes back whenever shows come back now. I look forward to it every week. Its kind hearted and fun. It may be a traditional formula done a hundred times before but its done well and I enjoy it. Everyone is awesome in their roles. It deserves to have a third season. I think I'll go watch Clueless now...
  21. And now her sighs have no grunting bookend with Billy Miller gone. I agree with the poster that it looks like they're hinting at or chem testing a Sam/Brando romance. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Jason and Sam are so awful just put them together and let the leather twins have all their stupid storylines together and keep them away from other characters with a modicum of potential. I was loving it. At least Julian was making some gestures to sell the ruse. Willow looked like she was constantly suppressing her lunch from coming up. Not that I blame her. I maybe fist pumped the air a couple of times when Ava called Sonny out. I doubt the Corinthii will ever actually lose a battle but the more frequent call outs of them by several characters is a very welcome change. Marty's strategy is an obvious one to take and totally true and again I'm shocked they're even going there.
  22. Katelyn MacMullen has the acting chops to pull off a complex fall out from Wiley's reveal but they won't write anything meaningful for her. It will be all about the chosen one, dull as dishwater Michael. I'd actually be into the whole Michael/Willow MOC if it were decent writers and pretty much anyone else was playing Michael because then maybe it would run the course of full emotions and work out in a satisfying outcome for all characters involved but right now I just see a sloppy mess getting sloppier.
  23. I second this. I loved AT's Emily, she was so talented at such a young age its no surprise she went on to bigger things. The revamp of the character to suit NL's was majorly disappointing. That should've been a Jennifer Bransford situation. It was clear off the bat that this was not the right fit for the role and a recast made. Then to help nuEmily along they ruined Zander's character and killed him off. Still, killing off Emily with such finality was very dumb. It's a soap and anyone can be brought back any crazy way, but I don't have high hopes at all that the current regime would write a NuNu Emily like 1.0.
  24. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that the tree hitting scene was effed up! OMG made me so mad! Also, just a terrible scene in general. They could've crossed paths at the boxing gym, ran into one another on the pier and then smashed some wooden crates, even convened somehow at the metro court to smash some glassware when the bar was closed. Or, speaking of glassware, meet at Sonny's where there is always an entire cabinet of glass ready to be thrown and smashed at any given moment. That will always survive any remodel of Mooby's abode. Yes, Sasha, have Chase get you something stronger than water and then have an unbridled night of forbidden passion and make this snooze fest feel like a soap again. I always enjoy the Brando scenes because the actor is just good. He even manages to elevate KeMo above a whisper and gets Mo to memorize a few lines so that's impressive. Watching today's episode that featured both Brando and Michael scenes I realized Wactor would make a way better Michael than Duell.
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