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Everything posted by trimthatfat

  1. This. I knew Ashley was trying to put on a brave face when she said she didn’t care if he cheated. I believe she very much cared and just didn’t want people to know. And now, she has actual proof that Jay is slanging his penis around so she can’t be in denial anymore. I hope she does get a divorce. He knew what he was doing by getting on the app right after the wedding. I know one might argue that he’s 19/20 so what did Ashley expect...but I knew cheating was wrong at that age. Did you miss the pink penis necklace? Was the highlight of that outfit for me.
  2. It can be ready same day if you have the money to cover the fees. I had a friend who was supposed to travel to Jamaica for aunt’s funeral. The morning of the trip, he realized his passport was expired. He was able to get a new one in time for the flight, but it was so expensive.
  3. I agree. She even asked him once to compliment her and he acted like she was asking him if he wanted a colonoscopy.
  4. Ashley doesn’t want her children shown on the show. I don’t blame her. It’s nice to see a parent keeping their children off of this train wreck of a show. Anyway, I don’t think it’s a big deal that Jonathan went for drinks after work. As my 3rd teacher so eloquently said when I complained about being bored....boring people get bored. Fernanda, blessed as she is, is quite healthy physically and mentally. Thus, nothing stops her from heading to the gym, going out to explore the neighborhood, checking out local shops, visiting a library or a museum, etc. I can understand that she’s lonely and frustrated, but she’s old enough to entertain herself until Jonathan is back. If she can’t do so, that’s a big problem.
  5. Kalani is full of shit. She has numerous birth control options available to her and still blamed Asuelu for the pregnancy. The man says he doesn’t want to use condoms so Kalani had one of 2 options: 1) abstain from sex or 2) go to the doctor and ask for birth control.
  6. Kalani is full of shit. She has numerous birth control options available to her and still blamed Asuelu for the pregnancy. The man says he doesn’t want to use condoms so Kalani had one of 2 options: 1) abstain from sex or 2) go to the doctor and ask for birth control.
  7. I agree that Larissa likely had no idea what she was getting into when she agreed to come here. In Brazil, multigenerational homes exist so I am sure Colt living with his mother wasn’t a problem until she realied that the relationship was always going to be about 3 people. I believe that Colt offered her a lot, including their own private home, just to convince her to come here.
  8. Colt is a cheating asshole. Completely unsurprising. Does this mean Larissa will be deported since she doesn’t have a green card if they get divorced?
  9. So the budget went from $1,000 to $150? Amazing. I hope Larissa wasn’t forced to wear a dress she didn’t like just because the price tag was low. The dress looks okay, but I can tell it’s not her style. I assume it was worn off the rack and not dry cleaned because a decent dry cleaner would have taken out the wrinkles. I am not one who believes that a dress needs to cost thousands, but if someone promised me a $1,000 budget and it became about 90% less, I would be disappointed. It’s manipulative of Colt to keep making promises he has no intentions of delivering on. I see Debbie wore her favorite errand-running outfit per the wedding picture Larissa posted on IG. I wonder if it was out of spite or if that’s really her best wedding outfit.
  10. As someone who had the misfortune of dealing with a Debbie when I was with my ex, Larissa has nothing but my sympathies. It is a miserable, lonely situation to try to be with your partner and have his mother shove her face into what should be a personal, romantic relationship. It was a traumatic experience for me. What sucks is that my ex’s mom came off like Debbie, sweet to her son and the other family members, so they couldn’t fathom why I side-eyed her. But she was manipulative to a very concerning level. As far as the DV charges are concerned, I am curious as to what really happened. I could see Colt being incredibly calm and Larissa being hysterical. As far as the kids are concerned, Larissa seems to have left them with family. I will not criticize a mother who likely left her children with family who could provide a better life for them. I read that at one point, Larissa was working in Brazil and that money was used for child support. I also read that she ran into financial difficulty and couldn’t pay at some point, but still. Larissa did say she plans to at least bring her oldest over when she’s far more settled in the US. Makes sense to me. She can’t work and her housing is unstable right now.
  11. As the amazing Heather B once said, the producers can only use what you give them. Steven gave them footage of him being a dick to Olga after she had major surgery. She’s breastfeeding so I am sure she’s exhausted and her nipples are sore. It’s not a fun, carefree time caring for a newborn when you are their sole means of food. I refuse to give Steven the benefit of the doubt. Producers didn’t just make up Olga breaking down twice. They didn’t make up Steven saying he’d take the child to the US...to a woman who has NO family. They didn’t make up Steven whining that he wasn’t getting attention from an exhausted new mother. They didn’t make up Steven throwing a tantrum and sitting in a park like the toddler he is. Steven is an adult and as such, he needs to take responsibility for his actions.
  12. Exactly. Cousin Colt came in and he came in strong. I doubt he’d be so upset if Debbie and Colt were telling hin that Larissa is all sunshine and roses. Where was Cousin Colt getting that Larissa was with Colt for a so-called “glamorous” lifestyle? I believe 100% that Debbie felt her place in Colt’s life was threatened and that’s why she decided to recruit the Cousin to be on her side. I get that she’s older, but that doesn’t mean she’s a completely innocent party.
  13. Because they bought the dress to wear as bridesmaids. They are no longer bridesmaids. They are no longer attending the wedding. They wouldn’t have paid for a dress if they’d known there would be no wedding. I think it’s reasonable to expect that Ashley feel some remorse for that. She’s been engaged 3 times...it’s possible the friends have been out money before as a result of canceled weddings.
  14. I failed to mention that Ashley’s friends need to ask her to pony up for the cost of the dresses. The one friend rationalized that they could use the dress for a vow renewal. Um, nope. You bought the dress for a wedding you planned to attend in two weeks, not a vow renewal. I know from experience that bridesmaid dresses can either be really cheap or really expensive. Either way, it’s not fun to shell out for a fancy dress you can’t even sell after it’s likely been altered.
  15. Her name is on the lease and she was there first. It is her apartment, technically, so she can come and go as she pleases. Leida hasn’t contributed a dime and has no more of a claim to the place than Eric. I would bet Tasha only stayed with the BF because she had no where else to go. Leida doesn’t work so she’s always there. It’s a toxic environment to be in and I would probably hang out elsewhere, too. Lol, I was being sarcastic. I am sure that’s what Leida thinks though.
  16. Yeah, at most, I’d say her room was disorganized. A few items from Ikea and the Container Store would have kept the space nicer because I mostly saw clothes and accessories everywhere. Not trash.
  17. She is Eric’s other daughter. The one he’s paying child support for...Jenika has to earn her keep somehow!
  18. I didn’t care for Debbie at all in the beginning because I’ve been there, done that with mama’s boys, and the innocent granny types can be the most manipulative of their sons and their relationships. I’m sure Debbie is a perfectly nice person off camera, but I knew that she was going to start shit behind closed doors and then pretend to be an innocent party when called out. She knew she was going to Cousin Coltee and badmouthing Colt’s relationship. I don’t care for her reminders to Larissa about Colt paying for things either. He took a woman with no money of her own and brought her here. Legally, he has to provide for her.
  19. I could see this. He was probably interesting and exotic in Samoa, and now he obviously sticks out in their OC world. I really feel for him because he honestly seems like a nice guy. When he cried because Kalani rejects his attempts to smooth over disagreements with cuddles, I felt bad. I respect that Kalani doesn’t want to be touched and Asuelu should as well, but she just treats him so badly. If the roles were reversed, people would be appalled.
  20. And since Colt’s cousins think Debbie is the bee’s knees, I vote they move Aunt Debbie into their home. I bet they’d send her back to Colt within a week. Colt reminds me of jello. He just sits there, unmoving, 90% of the time. He doesn’t seem to give a shit about Larissa’s comfort because he knows she has limited options. There’s something very cruel about that. He absolutely needed to stand up for her when the cousin called her a bitch and insisted she was a gold digger.
  21. I respect anyone who voluntarily wants to live on their own at 19 and who is out there in the adult world surviving, but I can’t criticize anyone who would prefer to live with a parent or another family member at that age. It is sad to me when I see young people struggling to make it in this economy with no support from family. I’d rather my child get off on a more stable foundation with money in the bank for an apartment/home and vehicle. Tasha was not in a space to go find an apartment quickly and her dad knew that.
  22. Maybe it’s because in my culture, parents love to have their kids in the home for as long as possible, but I found the treatment of Tasha appalling. She’s 19! She doesn’t have the education or means to comfortably afford an apartment easily. Leida is just a cold hearted bitch. She not only kicked Tasha out, but she did it in front of 2 kids. Eric is just as bad...the tone he took when he told Tasha to get out was terrible and cruel. He needed her to help make ends meet and that’s what he does to her. Tasha is better off.
  23. She comes off depressed and lonely to me...like someone who spends all day at home, just waiting for her son to call her so she can pick him up from work. I honestly think a senior community would do her some good and force her to find actual friends.
  24. Debbie made the senior living community sound like prison. I’ve worked for one and have also visited family members living in one. They are basically apartments/condos for older individuals. They aren’t depressing at all. My aunt’s community has community activities and holiday events. Debbie knew that talking about the facility would make Colt reassess what he’s doing with Larissa and that incredibly selfish. I also dated a mama’s boy with a deceased father and it was a miserable situation. I was always going to be last. We couldn’t live in a city where I found a dream job because his mom complained the city was too loud. I couldn’t spend holidays with my parents and my ex because his mom said my ex was abandoning her. Run, Larissa! It won’t get better.
  25. I personally don’t feel bad for Steven. A c-section involves major surgery. A newborn involves major attention. Breastfeeding involves a significant amount of exhaustion. He sulks around like a baby. It doesn’t matter to me that he’s just feeling what men feel after childbirth. Women spend their lifetimes thinking about everyone’s needs, but their own. Steven can fuck off. My heart broke for Olga when she said sorry. That was a “Let me say sorry so the anger can stop”. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. It’s not a healthy place to be in at all.
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