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  1. This is just sad. Lee just wants someone to blame and he's been blaming Jussie ever since his attack happened last year about the show being cancelled because of him, and it's not fair. It was sad how they did keep him out of the scenes, and we know how Terrence, Taraji, Trai, Yazz, Gabby, Nicole, and Vivica felt about him and the situation, but I think this is truly sad that Lee wants to blame Jussie for the ending of the show, when it was clearly the ratings. But maybe Lee does want to feel completely accepted by Hollywood, and doesn't care who he hurts, or who he may continue to hurt in the process. We know how Terrence and Taraji felt about the entire cast, and they truly feel as though Trai, Jussie, and Yazz are their children. It's really sweet.
  2. Okay, I see what you're saying.
  3. This is very true, I don't think Taraji is back in L.A., however, because she is going to be getting married at some point when this virus is all over, but I imagine she will keep her home in L.A. But right now, I think she is still in Chicago. And I do agree with other commitments lined up for Taraji. We will just have to wait and see what's going to happen. As for the newer artists/actors, we don't know what's going to happen with their careers at this point, but even if they are working on different projects, not all of them may have careers like Taraji or Terrence in the future. Only time will tell. But if they are able to have great careers, I will be happy. But the only actors I see having great careers are, Jussie, Trai, Yazz, Rhyon, and Kaitlin, and possibly Serayah.
  4. I agree with you, it was fine. if they don't get a chance to film the last two episodes, I'm glad we will possibly get the scripts for the final two episodes. But I liked it. I know that I wanted Tiana and Hakeem back together, but I think it was better that Hakeem ended up with Maya in the sense that it may end up to be a more mature relationship than Tiana and Hakeem would have had, but I am upset that Hakeem is stuck with Maya, and wished that Tiana and Hakeem got back together, because they have a family together, that's what I really wanted to happen, but I'm happy it ended on a happy note. But I do have to say, that maybe at some point, Bryshere and Serayah may have begun getting tired of all of the arguing and back and forth with Tiana and Hakeem, over the course of the series. I loved that Porsha also got her time to shine, and I loved Cookie ala Foxy Brown situation, it's great Giselle and Kelly Patel were called out, and I loved Bougie and the Ho, as well. I was actually sad when Yana was killed, because Damon wanted to kill Lucious, but killed his daughter instead, because of the stupid grudge he had with Lucious. I still have to stream and download the songs I love from each of the seasons, "You're So Beautiful," "Ibiza," and many others were great. "Drip Drop," is great as well, and is a great song to work out too.
  5. Lee Daniels and Danny Strong have said that they want to be able to film the last two episodes, but it's not 100% confirmed yet, because no one knows how long this virus will last. And according to Serayah on her IG Live that she did last week, said that Hakeem and Tiana will have their happy ending.
  6. That's true, because I want to begin my acting career as well, and I'm also noticing the changes that are going on in the industry as well. But yes, It will be a change for the new actors, but not for seasoned actors such as Taraji, Terrence, Tasha, and Vivca. And because actors such as Serayah, Yazz, and others haven't been in the industry long, save for Rhyon Brown, I think it will be interesting to see what they would be personally working on, as well as trying to see what comes next for them, once they aren't working, because they have been working for 5 years on the show, they will be in for a shock once they are just sitting around, working on self tapes for auditions, and creating other things, because they don't know when their next gig will come along.
  7. I hope she will be able to have that chance as well, and I believe she did well with the material that was given, during the duration of the show. Because I noticed Bryshere and others were able to take on different roles during the show's run, but she wasn't able to, because she was busy, but maybe it's also because her mom is her manager, and a lot of people feel like she may not get as far because her mom is her manager. But do you see her in your opinion, taking on other roles after Empire is over?
  8. I agree with you. I feel as though she should work on the craft more, and take acting classes to be just as great as Taraji is in the future. Thanks for your opinion.
  9. Yes, I definitely agree with you. This series has never really had too many happy moments except for when the family came together to fight for the company, and things like that. I have a question for you that's unrelated to the topic, but is about one of the actresses. I just want to get your honest opinion on this. Do you think Serayah (Tiana) can act? Why or why not ? Because she hasn't gotten many roles outside of Empire.
  10. I definitely agree with this, and since they have been on and off during the entire series, it would make more sense for them to work on their relationship and work out their problems, as well as coparent, because their relationship as a couple only works when they seem to be working through things together, and that's why they shouldn't get married at the end of the series, because it wouldn't make any sense for them to marry at the end of the series at all.
  11. I agree with everything you said about this episode. But I don't know how many times we are going to keep spinning on this merry go-round with Tiana and Hakeem. But one of the things I noticed Tiana tell him about the night of the ASA's that it was a mistake, and he told her, "Yeah, it's a mistake until it happens again, right?" I realize that they both love each other, and things have happened in the past that are hard to forget, but this is why I don't believe they should marry at the end of the series, because they haven't been honest with each other about a lot of things, and they don't know each others' wants and needs, and I think they need to work on this, and communicating before they can ever be married, so I feel like they will be better off in a relationship that they need to work on, to build a foundation for themselves, and their kids.
  12. I enjoyed this episode, and I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, Biggie B.
  13. I agree with you about this episode. And I agree that Cookie's car exploding has to be a misdirect.
  14. I definitely agree with everything you said, Asiagosauce! But I also agree with what you said about Tiana and Treasure and Becky and Giselle. This season, even though I'm watching is sorely missing the family dynamic and the writers are trying to bring more storylines for the supporting characters, because they truly have nothing to work with, which is fine. But the supporting character's story lines just seem to me to be very stale. And I think it shows, because you notice, the music from season 6, has been sparse on Youtube. So I don't know how the series will end. About Tiana and Treasure, I agree that they're trying to make Treasure a formidable rival for Tiana, just as they made Nessa be a formidable rival for Tiana in season 3. But about her storyline, I know that she is supposed to focus on her career as well as the kids and coparenting, I didn't understand the controversy either. Because Terry and Andre's son survived, and is quite adorable. But I think she was saying what she said to her fans on social media, to show that because all lives matter, she was saying this in case something happened to her children's cousin and aunt. So I understand it from that standpoint. About Becky and Giselle, I think the artist who is too shy to sing, will be a complete success. But I hope they can afford new artists. But about Becky's family situation, I didn't understand why she is having family issues now, because throughout the entire show, we had never seen one person from her family, and they are writing her family in now? It's very hard to believe she is having family issues, when we have never seen her family during the entire run of the show. That's like adding Tiana's family into the show now, when Tiana mentioned in season 1, that she was raised by her big mama, and then this season, we end up seeing her parents and grandmother when they had only mentioned the grandmother raising her in season 1. It doesn't make sense at all, and it wouldn't make sense to ever see Tiana's family now, when the audience has never seen them throughout the run of the show, when her grandmother was only mentioned in season 1. (The writers would probably not deal with Tiana's family, though.)
  15. I'm still watching as well, and I definitely agree with you Angeleyes!!!!
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