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Everything posted by hannahbanana

  1. Just watched this episode (finally got around to it). I cannot believe this was not jumped on. Do their arms ever go the other way (right in the air, left touching the ground)? How does a vet make this mistake? Maybe they were too preoccupied with Christina or it's on the editing room floor, but holy moly that stuck out like a sore thumb! Kelli's talking head at the end of this episode definitely sounded like she was tired and just fed up with all of the vets' antics!
  2. Meh, we still haven't seen the episode so we don't know that we won't get a Kelli talking head the first 10 seconds or so in saying something like, "a tcc/veteran has decided to leave training camp" to explain the numbers. An explanation as to why? Probably not, but I guess we could all be floored in the opening segment (not holding my breath). I doubt what we see/don't see is because she threatened to sue. More like someone else said, Erica lucked out and The Powers That Be (Charlotte?) said, "enough showing of out of control cheerleaders, sweep this one under the rug." Got to maintain that image after all. "...this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans." Nah, guess I'm not invested enough in the show to feel this way. I know what happened. Whatever they do/don't do on the show isn't going to change that.
  3. I think this comes across as Shelly being out of touch with how the girls feel about it (and maybe forgetting how the cheerleaders during her time felt about it -- if it wasn't a big deal, honor, or something special, why bother to rotate?) as well as the need to maintain their "all sweetness and perfect sisterhood" image. Of course it is important for them to be front and center. There just aren't cat fights or huge discussions about it among the girls in front of the staff, cause, you know, you have to be a team player and not toxic and all. Think So Sharp (if you saw it) and all the cattiness/in fighting that was played up and shown on that show seemingly encouraged by the coach -- can't have that for "America's Sweethearts."
  4. I'll play the devil's advocate here and ask, "but who really decided to show that office visit and why?" While I am sure Kelli has some input (and Charlotte even more so), there is that little thing called ratings and "interesting/"good" story lines. I don't think Kelli or Charlotte told the editors to include that segment so that they could "put Jenna and anyone who thinks about speaking up in any way at all down." More like the editors said, "oooo, something juicy to include" and either Kelli/Charlotte didn't know about it; knew about it, didn't like it, but were overruled (not likely); or knew about it and were okay with it (most likely scenario). But to include it just to punish Jenna and warn others? Nah, they have better/more effective ways to do that.
  5. But we don't know when the text was forwarded to Judy. Did Shelly send it 2 seconds after she received it from Jenna or days later when she was reporting on the week & K&J asked for it? We don't know. One of the main reasons I'm giving Shelly the benefit of the doubt: If Shelly is the snitch some posters are making her out to be, Jenna is dumber than a rock. This is her 6th year and she doesn't know that Shelly is going to run to K&J with any little thing? Common sense says you steer clear of the snitches, not send them texts.
  6. I don't read this as @ShellyB "running & snitching" on Jenna. More like @ShellyB was asked how the week & SG went & she replied "we worked on this, Jenna sent me a text (or asked) about point, we did that . . ." and K&J asked for more details about Jenna & the text & then asked her to forward it to them so they could ask Jenna about it. And, of course, as others have mentioned, there may have been more than just the text (Jenna talking to others, complaining, whatever) that we didn't hear about. I may be wrong, but I'm giving @ShellyB the benefit of the doubt.
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