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Posts posted by OutOfTheQuestion

  1. Am I to assume that Hai/Lydia/Mike split the votes to avoid the shot in the dark, knowing that Daniel and Chanelle voting for each other? That random Mike vote almost really backfired on Chanelle.

    Next week will be total chaos, between the 4-4-4 tribal split, three activated idols, god knows how many extra votes floating around now, and the possibility of the time-turner twist being used again. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    That was wonderful to watch. Has there ever been a Survivor quite like Jonathan? Insanely strong and competitive, yet well liked by his tribe and apparently fairly self-aware and humble?


    He reminds me of Grant, the former NFL player who destroyed pretty much all of the challenges in the first Redemption Island season.  But I think Jonathan might have already gotten more screen time than Grant got, since Grant was unfortunately on the BOSTON ROB IS THE BESTEST season.

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  3. Presumably some of the tribe's logic in keeping Maryanne was "if we vote her out first, the viewers at home and the producers are going to haaaaaate us."

    I can't totally blame Mike for telling others about his idol.  These twists are so complicated that if I was out there for a few days with no sleep and no food, I would want another set of eyes reading the parchment over to make sure there wasn't anything I missed out of pure delirium. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

    Owen Wilson as Biden?! Wait, no, it's the new guy as Biden. Hell of a first role. He looks like Skinny Darrell Hammond and my brain was going weird for a second.

    I literally thought it WAS Darrell Hammond, since why not get the old guy who's still around the show to do another political impression?  The resemblance between Johnson and Hammond is pretty uncanny.

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  5. On 8/15/2021 at 8:09 PM, helenamonster said:

    Somebody from Eternals is also likely

    Kit Harrington did a surprisingly great job in his first time hosting, I could see him returning as well.  Or maybe Kumail as the more obvious pick as the actual comedian in the cast.

    Sudeikis seems like almost a lock.  Former cast member starring in a newly-beloved hit show, he might even get the premiere.

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  6. Between the entire show's TV sitcom framing and the introduction of the X-Quicksilver, I wonder if the main villain is Mojo.  He'd be a pretty deep cut from the list of X-Men villains but the MCU version would naturally make some changes to his origin story.  Mojo is also the only TV-centric villain I can think of, since the likes of Dormammu or Mephisto seemingly wouldn't have Wanda's "fantasy life" patterned so directly after old television shows.


    I thought it was also interesting that Vision's brief chat with the "real" Agnes didn't reveal anything deeper about her character.  She seems like a normal scared townsperson like everyone else in Westview.

  7. I can't blame the new castmembers for not breaking out yet because this is absolutely the strangest possible year to be doing SNL.  Imagine dreaming all your life about being on SNL, getting cast, having all the usual pressure of adjusting to the job and trying to get material and airtime, and then all the additional COVID protocols that have changed the show environment.

    The cast wouldn't be as big as it is if it wasn't for the pandemic, since I think they want enough people to be able to do a show if there's any kind of outbreak.  I haven't been paying close attention to who's there or who isn't every week, but I wonder if there's some kind of unofficial rotation of cast members so a few of the 20 (!) actors are held off the show as emergency fill-ins.

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  8. On 1/24/2021 at 1:55 PM, tracyscott76 said:

    With all the little Angelina bits Mario has managed to sneak in (she's the FU Brad Culpepper in this one, for example), it's a shame there probably won't be a Funny 115 Part 4. It seems like he views her as I do, as a humorous "villain" stand-in, as opposed to a horrible person, which seems to be some other people's take on her. I'd be curious to read his Angelina character entry.

    It seemed like Mario was reaching for "funny" moments in the third version, so i would really be pushing it for a fourth version.  Angelina herself is worth a good 20 entries or so but I'm not sure if I could come up with 95 other truly amusing moments from seasons 31-40.

  9. On 2/7/2021 at 2:13 AM, Arkay said:

    I know a lot of hosts refuse to do a sketch based on their most famous work, I guess because they want to show their range, or not be typecast or something. But I was hoping they'd do a Schitt's Creek skit anyway.

    It seemed like Kate was trying to hold back from going Full Alexis in that wedding sketch.

    But kudos to the costuming people for getting Ego from jeans and a t-shirt in the football song sketch into a wedding dress over the course of a commercial break.

  10. On 6/23/2020 at 4:45 PM, LadyChatts said:

    Probst didn't like BvsW 2 to being with, and probably was just pissy that they took control of the challenge in that way.  I was honestly surprised he didn't give them more of a scolding or just said 'forget it' about the reward and sent them all back to camp.  I thought it was pretty crappy how they just openly stood there and made it obvious, which was no doubt their intention to show they were aligned and in control.  

    But seriously, without the chopping challenges, we never would have had the downfall of the Rotu 4, and never would have had a possible flip during Exile Island.  I still think there's a chance Shane and Courtney would have voted with Terry and Bruce had Bruce not been medevaced.  But no, let's just do more of those exciting dig in the sand for puzzle pieces and then knock them down with balls, or endurance challenges where they don't even get tempted to come down or try anymore.   

    The problem with the chop challenge is that players now realize it's a social trap, and know how to manage it.  So it makes for a completely drama-free challenge, whereas at least with the digging-in-sand type challenges (which I agree are played out) there isn't an obvious way to game it.

  11. Wow, I came away with the exact opposite impression of Denise.  She is one of all-time favourites, and nothing about her seems phony to me.  She's just a very smart, level-headed "normal" person doing a great job of the constant plate-spinning that is Survivor. 

    I like Tony well enough, but after that scene of Denise, Kim, and Sophie all hanging out, it made me sad that THEY weren't the power trio running the season.

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  12. Was Chris necessarily "told" to give up F4 immunity, or he just knew to do it because he knew for a fact that the rest of the jury was voting for Devens if Devens was in the finals?

  13. It really feels like Tony is being presented as the eventual winner, but I was texting a friend about the show tonight and she had an interesting theory about why Tony might be tripped up at a final tribal council.  She thought if a juror asks him about his "lions vs. hyenas" strategy, a lot of jurors who won their previous seasons by playing lower-key games might not take kindly to being seen as less worthy.

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  14. It's a tribute to Tony's gameplay that so many players (Nick, Jeremy, Sophie) thought he was on their side, at least a workable swing vote.  But Tony's prime alliance is seemingly with Sarah and Ben.....unless tonight's scene of this being the "tiebreaker" season between Tony and Sarah hints that they'll be going against each other at some point.  Could be a blindside attempt, or maybe they'll face off in the fire challenge.

    Not sure when this Ben/Denise pairing became a thing, but it seemed to save Denise for two more votes, since I thought she was kind of a sitting duck after last episode. 

    About Denise's move of spending her remaining fire tokens on the rice, why weren't they all pooling their money for a bunch of food if tokens are no longer valid?  That also would have been a way for Ben to figure out who used the disadvantage on him, if they're pooling their tokens and Nick is mysteriously broke.

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