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Posts posted by OutOfTheQuestion

  1. With seven departures since last year, the SNL cast is down to a measly......um, 14 people.  And it's basically 17 if you count the "Please Don't Destroy" trio.

    It's probably safe to guess that at least a couple of new cast members will be added.  But, SNL is already so loaded that I'd prefer to see the show make better use of the actors already on board.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    I’m sure they want to find Jesse though, and Saul might know a few things.

    This didn't even occur to me until now, but if Saul does get caught and confesses to the authorities, Jesse could still be in danger.  To help his plea bargain, Saul could give up the Disappearer, and so Jesse and any of Ed's past clients would be pursued.  Obviously everything we know about Ed suggests that he's a careful guy who has his tracks covered, but he must have some kind of existing intel on the premises about specific clients (like his system for delivering stuff to Walt in New Hampshire).

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  3. 2 hours ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

    So Kim inadvertently and ultimately sets off the entire chain of escalatory events of Saul getting embedded into the Breaking Bad world, Gus and the superlab, the worldwide distribution of meth, and all the BrBa deaths. Wow. 

    Jesse and Combo were already at the office, and Combo was meeting with Saul at that very moment.  Even if Kim had told Jesse that Saul was human garbage and to stay away, Combo was probably about to stroll outside talking about how Saul made a bunch of big promises.  Since pre-BB Jesse wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, he probably forgets Kim's advice anyway.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

    Oh, and while Gene pretended to care about his (pretend) dog, cancer guy has an obvious, sincere love for his (deceased) dog. Maybe you can say that cancer guy is everything Gene is not: Ethical, moral, honest, loving, religious.

    Between the cancer and the $737K bank account matching Walt's "walkaway" total, Mr. Lingk was basically the non-evil version of Walter White.  Perhaps another reason Gene felt so determined to rip this guy off in particular.

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  5. I doubt that the first (?) contact between Jimmy and Kim in years would be reduced to an unheard conversation.  It seems more likely that Jimmy was yelling at...

    * an employee at the sprinkler company who told him Kim doesn't work there, and her new contact information isn't known
    * an employee at the sprinkler company who told him Kim NEVER worked there, so whatever she might've told him about her whereabouts was a lie
    * maybe speaking to a new husband or boyfriend of Kim, who is telling Jimmy to never get in contact again, and Jimmy then loses it.

    Given the unpredictability of these last two episodes, I half-expect the next one to be entirely about Kim, catching up on her life since she broke it off with Jimmy.

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  6. My prediction for the next episode is that Jimmy/Gene/Saul is arrested, via either his own sloppiness with this break-in, via Carol Burnett's suspicions, or both.  Then the finale is Jimmy on trial, where he naturally acts as his own attorney but is found guilty....finally, in a situation he can't talk his way out of.

    Jimmy then suffers a fate unique to the BCS/BB universe by being the only (?) major criminal character to end up in jail.  Everyone else was either killed or got away like Jesse, but Jimmy's final fate is prison.  After taking advantage of the legal system for so many years, the legal system finally takes Jimmy down.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Dev F said:

    Was I the only one for whom the combination of "little runaway dog" and "dreary black-and-white world contrasting with a wonderland of color" brought to mind a particular ambiguous happy ending, The Wizard of Oz? "If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."

    Gene isn't in Kansas any more......but the Kansas City Royals are.

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  8. I had no idea what to expect from tonight's episode, and now have no idea what to expect from the remaining three episodes.  Is it possible the writers will make the bold choice to just stick in the Gene-verse from now on, skipping over the entirety of Breaking Bad?  (With the logic of "we've already seen Saul as SAUL" on that show?)

    I also thought Carol Burnett was going to reveal she knew JMSGGT's identity, maybe that's another twist still to come if the remaining episodes are all in Omaha?

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  9. 1 hour ago, Jodithgrace said:

    I do hope we get another glimpse of Kim before the end. I want to know what becomes of her. 

    I find it impossible to believe that was Kim's last episode, and we'll never find out what she's doing in the Gene timeline (or even during the BB timeline since it looks like we'll be getting some time of Jimmy as full Saul).

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  10. After stretching the Jimmy-to-Saul transformation over more than five seasons, the show suddenly just rips the band-aid off and makes the full transition within the span of one jump-cut.  Incredible.

    "Fun and Games" was also the title of the first act of Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, about another notoriously toxic couple that seem to poison everyone around them.

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  11. Cool first episode.  As the trailers sort of imply, this show...


    expands on the "make-believe" elements of Nathan For You, by having elaborate stagings and recreations of scenarios so real people can make decisions.  There's plenty of comedy in seeing just how far the show goes with its recreations, the interaction between Nathan and the regular people, plus how Nathan still seems to be playing the "lonely" version of himself from the previous show.

  12. 3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    They set up their drug addiction story rather well that this suicide will just back them up.

    But it's also only a story, and one that isn't completely airtight.  The shady PI who was a double agent....if he sees on the news that Howard is dead, he might freak out over suddenly being involved in something way more serious than a scam.  The detail that sticks in my mind is Kim blowing off that meeting with the governor, which would've gotten back to Cliff since he set that meeting up in the first place.  Even if Cliff didn't believe Howard's story about being set up, Kim doing something out of character on the same day as Howard's meltdown might set off Cliff's spidey-sense.

    I think the show expects us to just buy that Mike and his guys are competent enough to clean and cover the whole situation up, and that'll pretty much be that in regards to the mystery of Howard's demise.  It's a bit of a narrative cheat, but there's still a lot more to cover in the last few episodes, and Howard's only remaining role is how his death will emotionally impact Kim and Jimmy.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Bannon said:

    Howard's "suicide" should cause Saul and Kim lots of problems, and his car being found several states away would likely bring in the Federal law enforcement. Saul and Kim ought to be under a microscope, along with Howard's activities over his last few days and weeks. I hope the writers just don't hand wave that away. I think we can rule out Kim going to jail for anything; she knows too much for Gus to risk her dropping a dime. 

    I don't think it fits their jurisdiction, but could Hank and Gomez investigate Howard's death?

    2 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

    Gus has to be wondering what’s the use in paying for his small army at this point. 

    Next episode, Gus moves Mike to being assistant manager at Los Pollos Hermanos, and Lyle becomes the security boss.

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  14. Going into the next season, my wishlist is....

    * more of the ENTIRE cast in the same place at the same time. No taking several episodes or an entire season to bring everyone together.
    * more inter-mingling between the cast, especially some random characters who have never/rarely interacted in the previous four seasons. We've had two full seasons now where pretty much the same character groups have been sequestered away into their own plots, so let's get some fresh pairings.  One episode where, say, Lucas, Robin, and Hopper are on a side mission.  Or, Joyce, Will, and Dustin.
    * the finale implied this, but S5 shouldn't begin far beyond the end of S4.  The Upside-Down has already cracked into the real world, there is ash and fire, One/Vecna is wounded but still active, etc. 
    * Eddie's name to be cleared!  The Hawkins sheriff surely realizes something is awry beyond a regular serial killer, so he might as well specify that Eddie didn't do it.

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  15. The episode was both too long and too short, since there was so stunningly little of the entire group together at the end.  I really could've used another 10 minutes of confab between all three groups, as least for more of a "holy shit" reaction from the other two groups about the third was doing, for instance.  Like, everyone was very "oh, Hopper's still alive, that's cool!" like he'd just been out for groceries for a day.

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  16. Thinking about random characters, it occurs to me that we'll probably need some kind of finality with the film students.  They've been around since almost the very beginning of the series, and I doubt their involvement in the Howard scam will be their very last appearance.

    After Howard's death, I'm now worried for the fate of just about any tertiary character.

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  17. 7 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I believe they started thinking about it with a season or 2 to go but didn't started developing it until after Breaking Bad was over.  And what it ended up being was a lot different than what they originally envisioned.

    Their original idea was going to be a half-hour comedy, actually, before they decided it was more interesting to stay in the dramatic genre (with some comic overtones) and tie it more directly to Breaking Bad with the cartel element.  It was supposed to be more of a Saul prequel, but ended up being a Breaking Bad prequel, for the most part.

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  18. That's a good point.  BB/BCS doesn't handwave away stuff like Jimmy and Kim now having to deal with a dead body and a ton of blood all over their apartment, and Lalo obviously doesn't care.  Unfortunately, it occurs to me that Howard vanishing might be pretty easy to explain, as it could be guessed that Howard fully snapped and committed suicide after the incident at HHM. 

    Cliff is the wild card in this, since as much as he didn't believe the Jimmy conspiracy theory, he might have some lingering suspicion.  Especially when he hears that Kim blew off her meeting with the governor.

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  19. 49 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    The best part of Mary Anne getting Omar is that in the end, she didn't even need Mike and Jonathan's votes. 

    Ha, I kept saying that during the scene when she was trying to convince those two.  As long as she had Romeo and everyone else was splitting the votes, Maryanne was sitting pretty.

    Great twist this episode, I thought Omar was looking like a sure bet to win the season.  Now it's up in the air again.

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  20. 3 hours ago, Gobi said:

    Interesting take. In BB, Saul said that he caught his second wife screwing his stepdad. I doubt that is true, but it does indicate some real bitterness.

    Though Kim is his third wife, as he guiltily admitted to the courthouse clerk when they officially got married.  I don't think BCS has ever gotten into any detail whatsoever about Jimmy's first two wives or what that situation was all about.

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  21. I think the "D-Day plan" is going to go awry.  We now have Kim pushing to go ahead with what is a flawed plan (Jimmy's instincts about when to pull back are almost always accurate), and whatever fix they try to make isn't going to work. 

    Beyond that, Howard knows SOMETHING is up.  If he has this big Sandpiper meeting scheduled, he might even suspect this is when Jimmy will strike, given his past ties to the case.  He could have some countermeasures in place that Jimmy and Kim aren't aware of, which might also cause their plan to blow up.

    This whole storyline has made me very sympathetic towards Howard, before I realized that it's weird that I wasn't already sympathetic towards Howard as one of the few/only characters on the show who are decent human beings.  Everything about Howard is baked in arrogant privilege, which obscures the fact that he's essentially a good guy.

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  22. 1 hour ago, Constantinople said:

    I was amused when Lenny, the guy impersonating the retired judge serving as the mediator, starts giving feedback on how he sees his character ("Hey. I'm playing a man of substance, am I not...I see him as a man of means. Of style").

    Then Jimmy reminds him they're only taking still photographs.

    Even better, the actor is John Ennis, one of Odenkirk's old castmates from Mr. Show

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  23. Lots of shows have done the "two-part" season, including Breaking Bad itself.  But I wonder if the two-part structure could hint at some unexpected storytelling plan.....like, we take a crazy time jump forward several years and the second half of S6 takes place concurrently within the Breaking Bad timeline or something.

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  24. On 8/25/2018 at 1:13 PM, gallimaufry said:

    Okay, here's a wild piece of speculation.  

    Kim is cagey about where she grew up.  We don't know anything about her family.  We know nothing about her past before she started in the mail room at HHM.  She seems comfortable in the grifter groove even though she's very paranoid about staying on the straight and narrow.  She also had a strong negative reaction to the bank models and seems to spend a lot of time looking at them but also looking at the locations.  What if she's actually looking for a particular location?  As in, worried that she might one day her work might take her too near to a particular location to which she daren't return?

    Why would this worry her?  Why be so vague?  My completely off-the-wall speculation is that Kim was the first person the "Disappearer" disappeared and it's through him that Saul knows of his existence.

    Extreme long-shot but I kind of like the symmetry that Kim is another "Gene".

    I love everything about this theory, except that I doubt the Disappearer would relocate someone to his own home base of Albuquerque.

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