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Posts posted by OutOfTheQuestion

  1. 8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    Tribe swap next week!  I will be very disappointed if the editors aren't leading up to a Joe blindside.  I can't imagine that arrogant big mouth making it far.  They have to be setting him up.  I'm sure no matter what tribe he winds up on he'll end up pissing them off.  I'm glad Cole told Roark and Desi about his idol, and Jessica may be happy, too.

    Cole's blabbing may actually pay off, since now Desi and Roark could be on board with Plan No-Joe if they're separated in the swap.  Or, if Roark or Desi end up as the only Healer with Joe on a new tribe and they spill the beans to him, Joe'd be more likely to play his idol on himself out of paranoia since now his secret's out.

    If it's a move into two tribes next week (with the odd person out getting exiled and joining the loser), I suspect they'd go onto the Heroes and Hustlers beaches, since those two idols are presumably still there to be found.  I'd guess Ryan's first-vote-only idol doesn't negate the presence of a normal HII on Hustler Beach.

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  2. All caught up on the first two episodes.  The second one, moreso than usual for this show, seemed like an episode of the Office....the cut to Jeff actually breakdancing was just an actual laugh out loud.

    Sarah Lynn is the rare first-task PM that actually seemed competent!  Then again, a laundry hamper would've seemed competent compared to the guys team.  It's rare that the show makes it so clear which team is losing, yet no editor in the world could've made a team that GAVE THEMSELVES LESS THAN TWO HOURS TO ACTUALLY SELL THEIR PRODUCT a hope in hell.

    Both hotel rooms were lousy, though as Sugar put it, the ladies' room was less hateable.  Perhaps better to be sparse with bad decoration than to overload a room with bad decorations.  Thought Ross deserved to be fired over Jeff, and was surprised more wasn't made about his weaselly "I'm ideal to lead this task but only as subteam leader" pitch.

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  3. What I thought was going to happen was that since the vote seemed to be between two people Ali was fond of working with, he'd arrange things against Lauren for being so stridently anti-Patrick.  BUT then it turned out that it was just a straight-forward Simone-or-Patrick vote, and then it turned out that nobody really liked Simone at all and it was just total editing misdirection.

    Much better episode than the premiere, at least.  I feel like I know the majority of the cast, at least, even if some people are still complete non-entities, editing-wise.


    Cole shouldn't have helped Joe with the idol. It doesn't say that it's a co-idol. He should have sent Joe out to sea and went to the well to find it himself. I know they want to have a bond but not when it comes to idols. That's something you try to get on your own

    This 100x.  Dumb move by Cole. 


    The big elephant in the room which I am guessing will not be brought up the show but I hope someone asks Jeff Probst is the fact that not only did Ali and Patrick go to college together but they knew each other as well.  If production knew about this and still put them on the same tribe it would seem to be a little unfair.

    What?!  Wow, that is a huge screwup by someone in the casting department.  If I remember correctly from Samoa, Laura and Brett knew each other from some church group, which was also never mentioned on the show (and part of the reason why Brett got an invisible edit and birthed the 'CGI Brett' meme)

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