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Taking the high end idea that the firm takes 50% that leave $35 million to be distributed between 1000 plaintiffs. Each one gets $35,000 not as much as they could have if they had sued individually, but they get it without having to do any work. As others have said the firm usually only gets 33%, but 50% was easier for me to calculate, but the victims would have gotten more than the $35,000. Plus, if they want to go it on their own, they don't sign onto the settlement, hire their own lawyers and take their chances.
It's hard to say. So often shows cast 20 year olds to play 16 year olds, so it is quite possible that the actor who plays Alfie really is 14 and we just expect kids on TV to look older than they do in real life. I would love to have Bitsie come back. The dynamic between her and Matty is great. I'm also glad that she pointed out that Matty's revenge tour is just as much of an addiction as Ellie with drugs, their mom with alcohol and Bitsie herself with baking. I've seen it that way for a while and it's good to have someone come out and say it. I am looking forward to the conversation between Matty and Mrs. Belvin. Why was she so sure that it was either Senior, Junior or Olympia who buried the documents. If she was wrong, Olympia could be cleared. I will also note that the fact that the person went to the ladies room does make it look like Olympia is the one who did the hiding, there are, currently, no DNA detectors to make sure that "no man will enter these doors". I really look forward to the end of this season and to seeing how they set up next season.
I'm pretty sure we would not have seen a picture of him yet. They would hold that off until the part has been cast so no one can complain that he looks different from the picture back in season one. The characters have probably seen a picture, but the audience hasn't.
AFAIR, race has never been mentioned on Roman. Ava is played by a biracial actress who looks biracia. Roman's last name is also Sinquerra and is pronounced as if it is Hispanic. The implication is that he isn't what is considered white but his ethnicity hasn't been spelled out.
Compare and Contrast High Potential Versions
Percysowner replied to shapeshifter's topic in High Potential
I did try to watch the first episode of HPI and was unimpressed. The Pilot for High Potential is virtually a word for word remake of the first HPI episode. The version on Hulu is dubbed and I found the characters to be less interesting than the ones in High Potential, but I don't know if that was due to the actors or the dubbing. I thought the character of Karadec was so unemotive as to be wooden, but again, was that what the show wanted? Or did the dubbing fail? I did appreciate that the French version was willing to cast characters who are not all gorgeous. For example the sister who is involved in the crime was not terribly attractive, not young and looked like someone who could be conned by a good looking, rich, and powerful man. I got more of the feeling that she was being used, instead of an active participant. I didn't go any further in watching the French version, so I can't speak to subsequent episodes. I know this is the original version and has a good premise. Perhaps if I hadn't seen the American version I would have been impressed, but it just didn't catch me. -
These people have a chauffeur and with the size of the house I would guess full time maids and a cook. I'm sure there is someone that can stay with the kid for a few days.
I'll also say that they drop in the first mention of Morgan's father in this episode. We find out he is/was HPI like Morgan. I think there is a chance that Game Guy is Morgan's half brother, and that is why he is focused on her and the squad. Things were fine when she was a struggling single mother who couldn't hold a job. Now she's working with the police, becoming a success and being a worthy adversary. I'm probably off, but all I could think was we suddenly got Chekhov's father and it's interesting that we got him in the episode that introduces Game Guy.
He dropped a small box with a game into her bag. Since she notices everything she knows she didn't put it there.
I really enjoyed this one, no huge plot holes stood out to me, so YAY! Anyway, I know most people are shipping Karadec and Morgan, but honestly, I'm on the Karadec/Ronnie (former partner) ship. They just have more chemistry to me than Morgan and Karadec AND it avoids the co-workers must turn into romantic partners trope, which I'm not fond of. Although I will say I can see a Daphne/Oz ship and I wouldn't mind because they are background characters and, again, I see real chemistry there. It does look like David Giuntoli will be a recurring villain High Potential Boss Breaks Down Finale’s Roman Reveal, Offers Early Intel on David Giuntoli’s Mystery Role I'm fine with that, he's a good actor and having him recur could be fun. So we got Tom back for a minute and a half. I was afraid HE was going to turn out to be Puzzle Guy. I'm glad I was wrong. I'm now thinking he could be Roman, after plastic surgery. I'm not sure it works because everything points to Roman being Hispanic and Tom definitely isn't, but it would explain his popping in again, for what seems like no reason. Roman coming back, wanting to check on his family without involving them in his life would give Tom a good reason to stick around. Okay, just saw the speculation that Tom is FBI or WitSec in charge of protecting Roman. That would work too.
Sadly the network at the time didn't agree. I admit, it flew under my radar, so I can't make a judgement on quality, but a lot of shows that are good get canned while other shows that are mediocre stay on for what seems like forever. I do wish Harry's Law was available streaming, so I could see it myself, but thus far no one has looked at the success of Matlock and said "hey, lets give fans a look at Harry's Law".
I did wonder for a second, but I also know that dogs react differently than people to things. For example, if your dog happens to eat even one grape or a raisin you need to call your vet ASAP because they are so highly toxic to dogs. So I can see it working the other way as well, something that kills a human and does nothing to a dog.
Cats are worse. When they think it's time to be fed they let you know. Loudly most of the time, but I have known of cats who jump up on the bed and slap you in the face, claws sheathed, to remind you that it's time for food NOW. Dogs just look sad.
I liked the episode, but boy did I have to turn off my "find the holes" brain. I'll just add to the chorus of "never put an unknown flash drive into a computer attached to a network". Jeeze I'm a 70 year old retired librarian and even I know that much. Using the dog collar to poison the guy was just criminally negligent. Anyone else could have touched it and then died. Plus, who took the dog away after the victim was dead? I'm hoping it was the murderer because he would have avoided touching the collar, but if someone else caught him they would have been poisoned. I also spent some time wondering who is taking care of the dog, because I really did wonder. I have no clue how Security Guy knew they were moving the body, but I guess since he was no longer employed he could have just been keeping an eye on the morgue, just in case. If he had been questioned by both the police and the FBI, he could have sussed out that the body would be moved, maybe. Why did Kenneth have more than one dog collar and why did he keep the other one? Would the poison go bad after X hours and he wanted a backup? Why is Ludo SO overwhelmed and why aren't they (Ludo and Madison) doing something about it? The 2 oldest kids are in school, so that means he only has to watch 1 during the day, if it's not summer vacation. Madison negotiated child care into her contract so if Ludo IS so overwhelmed she can look for part time daycare for Chloe and summer day care for the other kids. Ludo and she can still co-parent and do it well while having their kids in daycare. Many, many parents manage it. Yes, I was waiting to find out that Karadec's partner was also his PARTNER, because that made a lot of sense and would make the Karadec and Madison must hook up vibes less. I mean he could be bi, but that isn't how most shows roll right now. There is not a lot of B in LGBT main stream media presence. I still liked the episode and like the show, but the details in this were messy.
There are ways around it. it does seem as if she did maintain her bar license even after she stopped active practice. Her maiden name could, by coincidence, have been Matlock and she continued to use it when she practiced and never changed it as her professional name. Yes, I know she and Artie talked about how Matlock was his mom's favorite show, but it could have been her favorite BECAUSE he had the same name as her mother. She could have covered her bases and changed it legally, so she is practicing under proper credentials. Basically, there are ways that using her Madeline Matlock persona meets legal criteria.
The show has been doing a slow burn of this story, so I'm trusting them to eventually give us more information on Matty's daughter. As to why Wellbrexa, this is the US of A. All drugs get patents and the company that invented them gets all the profits. For example fentanyl was made by TEVA owned by the Sackler family and THEY are the ones that pushed the drug as safe and non-addictive, or at least not very addictive. Other companies my develop similar drugs, but only fentanyl one that has caused the biggest crisis. Pharmaceutical companies do not enjoy sharing the credit or the wealth from their drugs. We have to accept that Matty's daughter got addicted specifically to the drug that Wellbrexa made. That is a reaction a lot of people have. It is carving out the "right kind" of addicts and giving them sympathy. It is similar to how for most of history rape victims had to be the "right kind" of victim, someone who did nothing to "ask for it". The point of the show is, whether the addict was completely sympathetic or not Wellbrexa manufactured, promoted and sold a drug under the umbrella of being safe and not incredibly addictive and that they not only lied, they hid documents that proved the lie at some point when their safety was being reviewed. Addiction really is and illness. Some people can deal with the stresses of life better than others. That doesn't make the fact that, in Matty's theory, a rich, powerful company TARGETED the people who were most likely to be hurt by their product.