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Everything posted by AsYouWish

  1. Late to this and every other thread but I love seeing how we all seem to rank the seasons in a slightly different order. Mine is 2, 1, 4 (gap), 3, 5, (really big gap), A Year in the Life, 7, 6. Every season has at least some great episodes and a few episodes I pretend don't exist, but generally speaking I could watch 1, 2 and 4 all day every day, and since I don't have much of a life, I probably will. Seasons 3 and 5 have some of my favorite moments of the whole show but also a lot more that I really dislike and want to skip through than 1, 2 and 4 do. I actually like most of the Emily and LL moments in A Year in the Life and the wedding goes a long way towards redeeming the revival for me despite the parts that made me wonder if ASP secretly hates us all. And the revival is shorter than seasons 6 and 7, which means there's less for me to skip through. And while I'm generalizing: I will vote "best" for almost any scene set in Stars Hollow with Lorelai, Luke and/or Rory, even the ones where the townies are there and being over the top, over almost any scene set elsewhere. Stars Hollow with its quirky charm and own set of strengths and flaws is like its own character to me and so much of what makes the show unique. I love Lorelai and Rory's home and would honestly rather just watch our characters eat and mock on the couch or at Luke's than almost anything else. Friday Night Dinner scenes can be brilliant but I agree with the person who said that they're stressful to watch because the conflicts between Lorelai and her parents are drawn out so exhaustingly for so long and even when you think they're moving forward, they move backwards the next episode. And by now I mostly skip all the scenes where Rory is "high society" with the Life and Death Brigade and the DAR.
  2. Hi everyone, I posted here a bit and then managed to lose my password and have now returned to find that the format and even title of this site have radically changed! Like Luke, I'm not a fan of change, so this will take some getting used to 🙂 I've been watching episodes again while working on a java junkie fanfic about Luke's birthday that also involves some other GG characters. My fanfic is beyond terrible, but the rewatch has helped me fall in love with the show and LL in particular all over again. And since I just watched the Ins and Outs of Inns, can I share how happy it makes me that Luke is a secret fan of science fiction? It's a perfect layer to his character and is something else Luke and I have in common 🙂 Also, if anyone can confirm Luke's eye color, that would be great. I think they're greenish-blue?
  3. Ghostwhisperer, season 10 is one of my favorites too! The order of my favorite seasons changes all the time, but S10 is definitely in the top three of four. And I hear you on loving and never tiring of the blooper reels :)
  4. AsYouWish

    All Episodes Talk

    I forgot to say how much I also love the final season of the show. It amazes me that this show could be so phenomenal in its 11th season when most shows start to take a sharp turn for the worse after three or four :)
  5. AsYouWish

    All Episodes Talk

    I always forger how much I love this show until a certain scene will pop into my head and I go running to my Frasier DVD collection and fall in love all over again. Like all of you, I love the Cranes and their relationships with one another, and of course I'm including Eddie. To paraphrase someone else, it's that perfect balance of clever wit and genuine, unforced warmth. The show's snarky lines about psychology and therapy are perfect, and yet somehow the show never totally dismisses the importance of the work that Niles and Frasier do or comes off as cruel to the people who seek out their counseling. Maybe it's because I studied psychology when I was in college a million years ago, but I really love that aspect of the show. It separates it from every other family-centric and workplace-based sitcom. Unlike most of you, I don't love either of the main female characters, which sucks because I'm one of those people who really loves to connect and root for the female characters on my shows. Daphne is the type of character I'd usually love, but the acting, the writing or some other factor I can't identify just make her really grating to me. I especially disliked her when she became more bitter and shrill in later seasons, but even when she was comparatively more of a positive and cheerful character, she really annoyed me. I do appreciate how Daphne's role gave Niles even more depth and hilarious moments, though - he's one of my favorite characters in TV history! I like Roz more than Daphne, but I don't really relate to her and found her hard to warm up to. I agree with someone who said that she's one of the characters who became more likable later on in the series. I'm usually one of those curmudgeons who doesn't like a lot of focus on babies and children on my shows, but I think motherhood ended up adding another dimension to Roz. I remember finding Roz more likable and interesting when she discovered she was pregnant in season 5, while usually surprise pregnancy plots have me sighing and wanting to skip certain scenes :) I have trouble falling in love with most of the sitcoms that have come out since Frasier. Some are sweet and positive but are too silly for me and lack Frasier's razor sharp wit (or any wit, lol). Others have more wit but seem to lack any heart. Frasier was nearly perfect in that regard, and at this point I'm happy to just keep rewatching my DVDs instead of forcing myself to try to get into most of the newer sitcoms! Since people were confessing unpopular opinions awhile ago, I will admit that this contrary part of me loved the idea of Niles with Roz. There's just something about the way their personalities contrast and complement each other's that makes me feel like they could have been not just funny but surprisingly sweet as a couple. Leave it to me to be drawn to the one pairing on any show that had zero chance of ever happening! I want to belatedly join the conversation about favorite episodes but am having trouble choosing fewer than about 200 of the 264 episodes :-) In general, I agree with the person who said that their favorite episodes are often ones that focus a little less on dating and love interests and more on the family relationships, work and other types of plots. I also agree that the Christmas episodes are all perfect! If I made myself pick just 10 episodes, I think at least five or six of them would be Christmas episodes. I was going to cop out and name seasons 1-5 as all tied as favorites, but after looking over the episode listings again I think season 2 may have more favorite than any other season. Season 5 is close too: The Ski Lodge and Room Service alone would make that one I'm taking with me to a desert island. It's so great that there's this community of people who still love the show!
  6. What would you all pick as your favorite seasons and episodes? Or at least the ones you end up watching most often, lol. I'd said 4 and 5 were my favorites, but so many of my top go to episodes that I watch over and over are from the first three seasons. I am very excited to see which episodes other people find themselves watching again and again!
  7. Unpopular perspective here, but I actually sympathized wih Henry. As much as most people here love Shawn, he would be an extraordinarily difficult child to raise. He’s obnoxious, rebellious, cocky, reckless, disinclined to follow any rules, very often dishonest, and frequenty making choices that get him and others in trouble. I see why Henry and many other parents I know would reflexively react to feeling as if they had no control over him by trying to be even stricter. I’m not saying Henry’s methods were always optimal, but I understand where he was coming from.
  8. Thanks to all of you for letting me know that I'm not the only one with this particular addiction obsession completely healthy interest in this TV show. :-) Your next move is to assure me it's also normal that I watch nearly every episode when it's on TV, record as many of them as I can, AND own most of them on both Amazon video and DVD. As much as I love having them all on my phone, TiVo and computer, we need the DVDs: surely I can't be expected to live without gag reels and the ability to watch every random deleted scene!
  9. Is anyone else obsessed enough to have watched the first five seasons at least five times each?! My mother is maintaining that "no one" is quite as obsessed with this show as I am, and like the mature middle-aged fanatic that I am, I'm eager to prove that at least a few people out there are as obsessed as I am :)
  10. I am still constantly watching and really loving this show. My mom still loves it too, and the fact that it's a source of bonding between us now makes me love it even more. A few more unpopular opinions I've developed now that I'm on S8: Part of me ships Reid with a very unmarried JJ now. I don't know how or why that happened. I know most disagree and understand why, but it can't be helped! Seasons 4 and 5 are my two very favorite seasons. I think loving S5 this much seems to be unpopular...? I just adore every bit of it and like that both the drama and the lighter moments seemed more pronounced this season. I don't see nearly as drastic a change in JJ as most do. I also have a headcanon based off a few scenes that she's very self-doubting and insecure, which helps me sympathize with her. I'll make this even more unpopular by admitting that to me JJ is a lot more consistently depicted than Prentiss. I know Emily is a very popular character, but I saw her as all over the place. Like someone else said a while back in this thread, they tried to make her a socially awkward, geeky dork, a badass superwoman, an emo goth-y type, and everything in between, and it seems to switch depending on the episode. I like the actress so miss her a bit now that I'm on S8 (though as much as I try to avoid spoilers, I know she eventually comes back!), but I never felt like I had a strong grasp of the character. Weighing in on the eternal question of the series: Reid's hair ;) I'm in the group who prefers it shorter and more tame (I don't even know if that's the popular or unpopular opinion by now), but I love it regardless. By the way, my lovely mother wants me to "marry Reid." Aside from the tiny stumbling block of him being a fictional character rather than a real person, I broke the news that thousands of members of the online fandom had already called dibs. "Well, Hotch would make a wonderful husband too," she conceded. I'll let you guys know when we set the date ;)
  11. After rewatching, I still have mixed feelings about the revival as a whole, but I liked it a lot more this time around now that I knew what to expect. And I'll come out and admit that I really do love Fall!
  12. Marty. I thought he was kind of dull and uncomfortably odd when I first watched the series, but now I think he was a likable and potentially very interesting character who could have been very compatible with Rory in some ways while still just different enough to complement her. And he's got that quirky, endearingly neurotic randomness that would have made him a very good fit for this show. Oh, so much agreement here! I would rather spend a week with Liz and TJ than even one day with Colin. I also change my mind a lot about how I really feel Rory, but then again, so do the writers! :-)
  13. I knew the brilliant GG experts here could help me out! Luke having a fall birthday was actually just what I was hoping for :)
  14. Hi everyone! Does anyone happen to know when Luke and Lorelai's birthdays are? I'm asking for fanfic purposes :)
  15. If anyone here is on Tumblr, where I am probably the oldest person by a few decades, please come check out my new Gilmore Girls secondary blog! Lots of pretty pictures for java junkies ad GG fans in general to enjoy, general pro-GG positivity and some interesting character analysis, and I'll recommend fanfics there as I come across them! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/teamgilmoregirls
  16. Challenge accepted! Just don't expect it to be of especially high quality :-)
  17. You're so right! The identical smirks does make them perfectly cast as TV's most maddeningly smug, cocky father-son duo. Since we're in the UO section, I will embrace the spirit of the thread and admit that I prefer Mitchum to Logan and have a little more respect for him than I do for his son. I am prepared to be a party of one on that one. It's also interesting to note that Mitchum was, in the opinion of many here and based on the revival maybe even in the opinion of the Palladinos as well, correct about how Rory was not well suited to be a journalist. As long as I'm letting my UO flag fly: Lorelai would have been a better reporter than Rory - she's more curious, determined, resourceful, engaging, plucky and nosy than her daughter :-) Rewatching always yields new unpopular opinions, and even though I still ship Rory/Jess, mine is that single Rory is my favorite Rory. I understand why people say Season 4 is where some of her worst flaws begin to shine through that ostensibly angelic exterior, but I like seeing her have to find her way at Yale and no longer being the revered golden child of Stars Hollow. Weakly running back to Dean, who reminded her of when she felt more secure and adored, made sense even though I didn't enjoy watching it. While watching season 4 again I'm also thinking that it might have been nice to see Rory end up with Marty down the road. He's similar to her in important ways but different as well, and quirky, random and endearingly strange enough to fit into the Gilmore Girls' world. I'm ignoring how they ruined Marty later on because, as we've established here, ignoring a lot about the later seasons is essential to maintaining our affection for this show. I'm also liking Lorelai a lot in Season 4. It may even be her best season, in my opinion. Is it because there's a little less codependency with Rory this season now that her daughter is away at school? (Even though said daughter returns home constantly) I love seeing Lorelai working towards opening her own inn. It's a nice reminder that despite Lorelai's many flaws that make her character so infuriating sometimes, she has a lot of grit, determination and a very strong work ethic - unlike the seemingly less flawed Rory! Luke and Lorelai have a lot of great scenes this season too, and while their chemistry and ability to magically connect still isn't as strong as I felt it was back in Season 1, it's certainly a lot better than it was while they were finally dating. Of course, for every one thing I love about Gilmore Girls there will invariably be one thing that irritates me, and I have to mention how much I hate the Nicole thing. A quickie impulsive marriage? So very, very, very not Luke. Luke, by his own admission, is too cautious and sometimes too slow to act and process, not too impulsive and reckless! And then Luke and Nicole dating again for literally no reason? Oh, GG writers, you really like to see my eyes roll, don't you? :-) Overall, I have to say that I love Season 4 more every time I watch it. It's up there with Seasons 1 and 2 on my list of favorites. And you all know my severe allergy to all things Huntzberger, so I am really enjoying this last Logan-free season while I can!
  18. Can I just vent to you all for one quick minute?! I love this show, but one frequently recurring joke I wish they'd retire: Jake delibertely mispronouncing/changing the vowels of words (for example, nice - noice, smart = smort). It feels like such annoying, stupid, lazy humor. Hearing an adult say certain words in a dopey way for no apparent reason might have been funny to me when I was five, but not now. I'm a huge Jake fan, but whenever he does that, I feel like muting my TV. I get that the show prefers silly, random goofiness to more clever wit (which I don't really mind when I just need to smile, though it's the main reason some people I know claim they can't get into the show). Some of that silliness works really well for me, but something about this one thing just really grates on my nerves. On a more positive note, I love how they handled the Rosa/Pimento storyline and how he wasn't actually cheating but nonetheless moving in a direction that Rosa realized she didn't want to go in. I always forget how much I love Rosa, Amy and Terry working closely tgether until we get to see it again, and the Jake/Boyle friendship continues to be a true highlight of the show. And on an even MORE posiitve note: we still haven't had to deal with Gina and her nasty, unfunny idiocy, unearned wins and massive ego. If only the show could keep it that way! Next week is the annual Halloween episode! Those always have some of the best plotting and fun twists, so I'm already excited.
  19. You know you're obsessed with CM when before you even finish watching Compulsion, the second episode of the series, you rush to Amazon to order Seasons 2-5 because you're already that hopelessly hooked for life. And the fact that those DVDs arrived today is the highlight of your strange little life. You know you're obsessed when you find yourself constantly reflecting on every little apsect of these characters - much more frequently than you think about nearly anyone you know in real life. You know you're obsessed when you force encourage your dear mother to watch this show just so you have someone else to bond over it with, and rather than talking about any of the various real life issues affecting you both, you spend your entire weekend visit on topics like "so which was your favorite serial killer so far...?"
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