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Dowel Jones

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Posts posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Being that Edgewater is a pretty good sized town, wouldn't it have been better to hold the gala in the high school auditorium or somewhere?  All the Simple Green and Boraxo isn't going to clean an apparatus bay and get that We-just-got-back-from-a-fire smell out of the place.  I'm not wearing my sparkly clean clothes in there.  

    The one major rager wildland fire I went to where the Governor showed up (it was Ahnold), the inmates were hustled out of camp and hidden away from view.  Food service was done by firefighters.  You don't want to take a chance on something happening, and I don't mean a drapery fire.  By the way, nice fireproof drapes you got there.

    Yeah, Vince, wait till next symptoms appear.  You mean, a full cardiac arrest like this time?  Plot devices aside, AEDs, 1) Don't shock in asystole (no rhythm), and, 2) They keep a record of all shocks delivered and for that matter any use at all.  Gabriella would get terminated for not sending that information in afterward, and the EMS authority would want to know everything possible about the patient.  I am curious as to why there wasn't a standby ambulance crew there for any kind of an emergency.

    Eve's statement that "all the dozers in the world can't do what crews do".  Sorry, Eve, I beg to differ.  By the way, once again, if she is in the back with the crew, who is driving the crew bus?

    I guarantee you that Luke and Manny would be on the carpet at the Regional Office within a day, trying to explain why they shouldn't be at the very least suspended from duty for assault on another employee.

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  2. Stella was right, that car must have been moving right along to launch from a surface street up to a second floor window and penetrate the wall like that.  That's some Blues Brothers level driving going on.

    How dumb of a crook do you have to be to take a check for $50k with your name on it?  At least Cruz played it right instead of trying to be Super Detective.

    Fire Department funding is often a zero sum game.  Since GOF gut full funding, someone else's program got cut the same amount.

    Ooh, mystery abounds with the new firefighter.  What's going on?  Is 51 in peril again?

    • Like 2
  3. 17 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    Looks like Justin Hartley did the parachute jump himself?

    My guess is that, while he actually stood on the foot mount of the skydiving plane, they had a fan to mimic the wind, and he jumped on the ground, photo angle being very helpful.  I am a skydiver myself, and I can attest that landing in mountainous terrain surrounded by trees is very dangerous.  Smokejumpers in the fire service use round canopies rather than squares, as you fall straight down, as opposed to travelling forward right up till landing. Not good in trees.  It takes a fair amount of skill to pilot the canopy down through unpredictable winds and land without crashing, neither of which a production company would likely risk their lead actor.  I think he did do the landing, but, again, my guess is that they let him off an unseen crane with his canopy fully inflated for the landing scene.

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  4. 1 hour ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    How they portrayed them here is frankly disgusting to me.

    Why should they be exempt from the writers' ignorance?


    1 hour ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    ...the beginning of his slow journey to Captain Bode...

    You mean three episodes?

  5. 3 hours ago, preeya said:

    Tea bags for gunshot wounds??

    I don't know about that and the British Army connection.  Would the proper British soldiers use tea bags?  Ghastly!

    Pretty high body count for this episode.  Great cell coverage out there, though.

    3 hours ago, possibilities said:

    Oh, and is it usual to leave your parachute in a pile in the woods? That's not littering? And aren't they expensive? Are they single use/disposables?

    No.  No.  Yes.  No.  A sport rig like that would be about $8,000-10,000 complete, so unless Colter was tossing away the reward money, he better go back and get that.  However, it would be difficult to carry the parachute and rig around while you scour the woods, so I can see dumping it temporarily.  

    I can't wait to see Colter cast that fly rod with his gunshot wound in the shoulder.

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  6. Show of hands - how many were absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure that Bode would disobey orders and insert himself into a life and death situation to be the big rescue hero?  Everyone?  Okey dokey, then.


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  7. I know these episodes are filmed well in advance, but is it ever going to be spring in New York?  Everyone looks like homeless people with all the clothes on their backs.

    I guess neither Maggie nor OA came from large families, else they would know that bunk beds are assembled by lifting the upper bunk up and over the pipe stands of the lower bunk.  Works in reverse, too, and pregnant lady would have been freed straightaway.

    I didn't get Maggie's statement that " 1" below or to the left and I would be dead".  The bullet would still have been stopped by the vest, but if that's the catalyst for future Maggie-less episodes, so be it.

    So all the wackdoodles are gathered up in front of the palace to prevent entry.  Did anyone think to look around at the back door?

    Several months worth of MREs stored in the garage.  Now I know why they're all brainwashed.

    • Like 6
  8. Aurora, Vermont.  Which doesn't seem to exist, according to Google Maps.  And not a single shoutout to maple syrup, although I did kind of like the deputy's snark at Colter's homeschooling.  But only kind of.

    Once again, Colter shows up unannounced at a door, doesn't identify himself except with a brief "I just had some questions for you about a missing girl", and the woman not only lets him in, but lets him roam through the house.  I guess it's somewhat mitigated by her being a psycho kidnapper anyway.


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  9. Right off the bat I said "How could that cart woman not see Blair Underwood step out from the corner?"  That was so obvious it hurt.

    I've tried a few episodes now, maybe one more.  I'm tired of the TV trope of incompetent detectives shown up by the outsider on the most basic of evidence.

    I am glad the twatwaffle ball girl got nabbed, too.  Extortion is not a misdemeanor.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Sully comes out smelling like a rose.

    Plot twist: Sweet couple Sully and Daniela breathe a sigh of relief after everyone has left, and Sully says "Now we can get back to the money laundering scheme that the dope smuggling was covering up."

    I am always amused that during these type of shows, a totally unknown person walks up to someone else, doesn't identify themself, and proceeds to ask all manner of questions which are readily answered.  Especially "Where were you last night?"  To which the majority of people would answer something like "I was hanging around the corner of Piss Off and Go Away."

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  11. Yabber yabber yabber.... I almost fast forwarded through their scenes because I hate bickering.  Show of hands, here - how many of you said "The deputy did it," when Mickey and Sharon drove up on the two down sheriffs and no Rudy?

    Rudy should have been yanked from camp and put in a prison hospital (not just the infirmary) when he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  You can't work on a fire crew in that condition (although he was outrunning Bode at the end there) and there's a ton of liability if they do keep him there.

    Ahh, Gabriella is in love again.

    "Let's get some water on that fire, folks!  Let's knock it down!"  I think you're a bit behind the power curve there, boss.  Won't save much.

    Management should never have placed Eve up in front of the cameras.  That's why you have Public Information Officers, and CDCR would have handled that situation so much better.  It wasn't CalFire's fault that the inmate escaped from the camp; that would be on CDCR.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, rr2911 said:

    Damn!  There were no dead bodies this week!  Maybe the next episode will have multiples?  🤣

    In New Jersey?  Perish the thought!

  13. 16 hours ago, juliet73 said:

    Why not just pull the fire alarm? 

    Or maybe get on the PA and announce "Free beer at the tavern next door!"

  14. The subtitle of this episode should have been "It was at that moment that Tiffany knew she fucked up."  Since the radio mikes are apparently voice activated, Jubal and Co. back in the office would hear every piece of dialogue between Tiffany and Scola, and Maggie and OA.  Jubal should have stopped everyone with a direct order to stand down before they ever went in the club, but of course that would impinge on their independence.  And Isobel shouldn't even bother with questioning Scola about Tiffany.  "You're both on admin leave, starting right now."

    Army guy falls into that TV group 'Too Stupid to Live.'  Sure, I'll take a package of high explosive to some guy I've never met and give it up before I see the money.

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  15. Mouch, I have a job for you.  Find a dictionary, and look up the definition of "grovel", because that's how much you owe Trudy.  The look on his face when she took down Crazy McCrazypants was just perfect.  As was Trudy.  No nonsense all the way.

    That arson investigation might have got off to a faster start if the crews had actually done some proper overhaul at the scene.  They would have found that body straight away.  I did like the looks the cop gave Severide in the interrogation room when he jumped into the questioning even after she told him not to.

    OMG, we have a man-eater (maybe even omnivorous) on the ambulance.  That, plus a little heavy drinking is setting up a big fall down the road.

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  16. 13 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    It is amazing how empty a street can get, in the middle of the day, when two cars crash into each other.

    Plus, it is really difficult to plan a T-bone collision with that kind of force.  Timing is everything.

  17. 7 hours ago, millennium said:

    But I have to ask, does the JOC have a Star Trek transporter to beam agents around Manhattan?

    Since the New York field office has only four agents, they have to adapt.

    • LOL 5
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