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Dowel Jones

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Posts posted by Dowel Jones

  1. What I would like to know, apropos of nothing really significant, is why Big Jim, back in the day, didn't just plumb the extra gas tanks into the fuel system. Why did he need a secret switch when he's the only one in the plane?

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  2. Regarding Pope's Climb to Fame, if I'm climbing up a steep gradient of any kind, I would sling a bag over both shoulders and free up my hands plus securing the bag.  But that's just me.  Mythbusters did a show on jumping off a three story building into a pool vs. landing on an air mattress.  Their conclusion was, with a water landing, if you don't do it just right, as in stuntman ability, it will likely be fatal.  But that's just Tom.


    I liked that ending scene, with Tom and his buddy looking off into the woods.  Good lead-in moment, kind of like "It's quiet out there".  "Mmm, Kemo Sabe;  Too quiet."



    How did they get word out to the entire town that there was a funeral for Angie  (The computer won't let me work with the quotes)

    Simple.  They put a note on the front door of the Sweetbr8ar Rose :  Funeral for Angie today 9-11 am.  Free food 11am till closing

    'Cause, you know, the owner's dead anyway.


    So Barbie's a pilot, too.  Any chance he's a top flight trauma surgeon with a specialty in OB/GYN?


    Reopen the school?  Now there's an idea. Gather up all those headstrong teenagers with no visible hope in the future, and coop them up in a classroom all day.  Teach them to build evermore accurate dioramas of Chester's Mill and the chicken wire dome.

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  4. I thought the scientist on board the Russian ship was Sergei, Quincy's friend.  Ruskoff had said he had been killed, but that could easily have been a ruse.

    And it was a serious miscalculation on his part to scatter his officer's head all over the quarters in front of his other staff, and then shrug it off as "just another mouth to feed."  That might work for a short while, but when word gets out, he could likely be the one less mouth.  After all, the crew has no fear of repercussions from Moscow.

  5. Hey, the dog made it!  So did the helo, but it disappeared again when they most needed it.  Speaking of the dog, would it not be infected, or the the virus restricted to humans?  Except the main leads, though. 

    Looks like the show is going Star Trek on us, and I mean the original ST, where the five top officers leave the ship on every hazardous mission.

    Wouldn't the first question of the contractor be "Identify yourself?"  Preceded by "Drop your weapon".


    Pretty funny that the spoils of war are potato chips instead of liquor

    They had their chance on the cruise ship.  I have no sympathy. Snark.

    The additional problem with the fuel is that they took on a substantial quantity of contaminated fuel from the cruise ship.  It has to be disposed of in the harbor before they could refuel from the tanks at Gitmo.  The environmental concern is nil, but, as the XO pointed out, it's a wee bit flammable.


    I heartily endorse the addition of John Pyper-Ferguson.

    If you gotta have a semi-shirtless  smartass on your show... (I'm looking at you, Last Resort).


    Speaking as a fireman, I can attest that if you have not had training on SCBA, or you're exerting or under stress, those cylinders (actually 30 min, not 1 hr), will not last anywhere near the ascribed time.  Having said that, I would think that the ship would have ample spares in case of an onboard fire.  Maybe they should have taken some extra along?  Of course, that mitigates the desperation factor, which allows for the dramatic rescue.  By rope?  What?

    • Love 2

    Go ahead!  Nuke London and Paris

    Boom goes London

    Boom Paree

    More room for you

    And more room for me

    And every city all the world 'round

    Will just be another American town....


    With apologies to Randy Newman for "Political Science"

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    Gordo standing up to Joe...

    I really liked the little detail in that scene of Gordon's fingers twitching like mad.  He KNEW he had torpedoed the meeting, and was bluffing Joe in standing up to him, but it worked.


    Or maybe those are terms familiar to stores.

    Product placement is everything, so I understand.  I have read where big block stores like Walmart will negotiate with suppliers over price, to get their products at eye level in the store, because that product gets picked more often.  I notice it in the supermarket, too.  Take a look at which cereals are at kids-eye level and which are at adult-eye level.

    I liked how it showed how the Japanese businessmen were rather reticent about their achievements with the LCD screen.  It has been pointed out that one of our big disadvantages in the US at that time was that American businessmen and product engineers tended to brag about their product specs and capabilities, and thus gave away the company store to outsiders.


    So where is Cameron going to stay now?

  8. Yay!  The 'Domies are back.  At least some of them.  I gotta say, the Dome is pretty good at mailbox baseball.  Glad to see no one had metal filling in their teeth.  That could have been ugly.  I'm sure there's a dentist somewhere in town, or maybe out in the woods.  And nice shout out to Carrie with the knives scene!

    As for the food in the cafe, did anyone do a head count on those pigs wandering around the town square?  And it's a good thing the town still has garbage service, huh Angie?


    Jim made Phil the DJ the new cop.

    Altogether, now.  "A BLACK SHERIFF????   "Hey, it worked on Blazing Saddles"

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  9. Very nice scene with the bandmember playing Taps at the end....Except....that it's an instantly recongnizable song of memory for the dead.  Not something you want the patients in an ER hearing.  "Well, we lost another one. Next!"

    I thought Jordan was going to follow up her line about "He didn't call me" with "He stayed at my house last night" and lay that bombshell on Dr. Scott''s lap.

    The bus full of orphans and nuns, after crashing into the rogue helicopter, will end up on its side wrapped in power lines.

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  10. Tip of the hat to the writers for the garage scene with Cameron and the kids:  "You're fun.  You're not trash".  What was that loud noise?  Oh, the anvil.  I laughed out loud at the absolute innocence with which that line was spoken.  Oh, you kids.  And, while Donna may be awesome with an A, remember that she handed over her entire purse to a relative stranger. 

    ETA:  Was Silicon Prairie an actual term of that time?

    • Love 1
  11. So the dick-swinging is just about to begin.  Is the Chief of Trauma Surgery different than the Chief of, say, Neurosurgery, or OB/GYn Surgery?  And wouldn't he then migrate to the day shift?

    I hereby dub  San Antonio (or as Ragosa might have it, San Antonion) Memorial Hospital as the Only Surgical Hospital In Town, OSHIT for short.  I'm glad they finally decided to divert some patients halfway into the Storm of the Century.

    • Love 3
  12. So let me get this straight.  The journalist takes a round to the head in East BF Egypt, sorry, Syria, is evacuated by land, sea, and air to Germany and eventually to The Cube, and it is only there that the round becomes so dangerous that they have to evacuate the entire hospital, shut down every medical device, and make the doctors step back to the 16th Century in order to be successful?  Only if it was truly a setup to put Dr. God in a sympathetic light so that Catherine can consider NOT being a boring housewife.  And can Will have his coat back now, please?  Cleaned?

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  13. Maybe the Shrink really had a plan in place.  A little MDMA, a little video, no more legal/accounting issues.  It looks like Jordan is in a dead heat with TC for the lead in the "I'm a doctor, I can do what I want" sweepstakes. Seriously, I would like at least one episode, or even a partial, that shows the reaction of the adult supervision to this Romper Room crowd. It's starting to look like a Hallmark Movie of the Week with a happy ending every time.

    In real life, wouldn't an Army vehicle have an Automatic Vehicle Locator on it?  One that wouldn't be disabled in a crash?  And by the way, maybe try and fix the antenna first?  I'm not even getting into the ethics of the free fire zone stuff.  Or the cow on the base. 

    I agree with CofCinci about the treatments of Christian Science.  Not only are there other religions espousing similar views on medical treatment, but Jordan's attitude was especially condescending.  Bad writing. 

    When your coworkers not only know you're having your nuts worked on...


    When the roach coach guy knows the score, you might consider switching hospitals.

  14. The lawsuit settlement should keep sister IDon'tWanna in creamer and sugar for the rest of her life.

    Regarding TC's comment:  So, we can take it that TC went through medical school, internship, etc., and then manly enlisted as the Army's Premier Trauma Surgeon?  Or perhaps did he go to school on on Army Scholarship and then served his internship in the Army, including Afghanistan?

    This is the night shift.  Ragosa is always conferring with the lawyers on the legality of procedures.  I hope the hospital is getting a hefty after hours fee added on.

    Does the day shift get to use The Tailgate for breaks and after hours whoopdedoo? 

    I loved the interaction between Ragosa and Dr. Psych.  "You're my boss, but right now, you're my patient.  (Keep in mind there's no conflict of interest there, whatsoever.  Especially when you go to work up my performance evaluation.)"

    • Love 1
  15. The scene right after the shoplifting; who were those three guys who approached Cameron?  They weren't store security, as they would have detained her for the police and that would be that, and they mentioned something else to her that I didn't catch.  Also, gordon finds a ninja knife in her stuff in the basement.  I wonder if that is going somewhere?

  16. ATENTION!  EVERYONE TO OPERATING ROOM 1.  WE HAVE A MULTI CASUALTY INCIDENT INCOMING!  CHARACTERS, BELIEVEABILITY, DIALOGUE, ALL CIRCLING THE DRAIN!   I've gotta do something.  We're going to do a plot transplant.  Get me a CBC, A DHL, a FedEx, and a BLT STAT!  And for Chrissakes, hold the mayo this time!  C'mon people, let's move!

    Jeez, do you think maybe they could do away with just one medical drama cliche for this show?  I'm always curious about who is listening off-camera to the doctor bark out orders?


    Aside from the rampant violations of medical protocols and general incompetence that seems to pop up all the time, why is it that the hospital in question, no matter the location, is the Only. Trauma. Center. In. Town?


    I do have one idea to offer.  Make Nick the Chief of Everything at the hospital.  That way he can do any surgery, violate any protocol or state health law, and he doesn't even have to physically assault ol' Mr. Stick in His Ass Chief Financial Officer, who, for some reason, hangs around the Night Shift an awful lot. I'll give it another episode, but it's making its way down the list of things to watch.


    I was confused about one thing - did I miss a line about why Gordon was so against hiring Cameron?

    I thought that it was mostly his reaction to her anti-everything attitude.  He expects engineers to be button down personalities, not wild and crazy.  Just my thoughts.  Of course, as the series progresses, she will win his grudging respect, etc.   If the show follows the standard plot line, anyway.


    My favorite moment:  The garage door opening, and Gordon exclaiming, "You said you wouldn't be home until Monday."  And his wife replying, "This IS Monday".  More coffee, Gordon.

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  18. Mmmm.  Psilocybin and chocolate, my favorite.  Now, see if I drank that just before watching Revolution, it might just have made sense. 


    I rather liked the discussion, however cut short, about Jerusalem Syndrome and the conflict between science and religious epiphany.  They should have gone farther into that instead of bringing out an outright cure for Jacob by the end of the episode.  Good luck billing him for your services.

  19. Yeah, as soon as the lawyer said the case collapsed, I gulped and said "Here it comes, Boyd."  A little bit of dark humor at the reunion:  "Are those bullet holes?"

    Tim and Rachel:  You won, but next time, put your suspects on the ground, face down from the start.  And go to the range, 'cause you missed the first few shots from 20'.  Or bring a shotgun.

    That scene with Kendall.  Rayland knew exactly how to pull his strings, and I really hurt for Kendall.  Having said that, relative to the line above, killing someone, even in the line of duty, should have a much greater effect on the marshals than is shown.  They are human.

    I wonder what Raylan is going to tell Wynona now.

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