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Posts posted by jenrising

  1. Justin's a sidekick. He thinks and feels whatever he expects will please Bill at the moment. And Bill himself changes his mind about the love of his life at least once a year so how can anyone else keep up.

    Plus I really think Justin just wants Bill with a woman again so he can spin around in Bill's chair while he's out on dates*. 

    Not that anyone on this show ever actually goes out on dates, but still. 

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  2. 14 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    And a couple of days before that she was showing great ingenuity getting her captors to give her the binoculars. Now she has an opportunity to study her surrounding so she can make her escape and all she can do is whine about a book that when she gets back to the compound she can have a guard bring to her. That book wasn't going anywhere.

    She's a child. Even a clever, talented child is going to get scared and make mistakes. Things have changed a lot since her treehouse build. Starting right after that moment of ingenuity. And that book is the only thing she has left of her mother. Of her life before all of this. She might not even remember where they left it given everything she's been through since then. It's not whining to be afraid to lose a connection to your past, even for an adult. Let alone a ten year old child. 

    • Love 10
  3. 23 hours ago, Irritable said:

    I don’t see John and his girlfriend making it through this.  She doesn’t love him, no matter what she says.  It’s so obvious.

    When she said he looked cute at the bonfire meeting, I'm pretty sure that was the first positive thing we've heard her say about him. I hope whatever happens on the show he leaves her and finds someone who actually respects and likes him. 

    • Love 7
  4. 2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

    I'm always struck when they show footage of Mike from before that he truly has crazy eyes.  It's hard to explain what I mean but when they cut from old footage to him sitting next to Leah his eyes look so different to me.  It's disturbing.  And, as you've all noted, kudos to him for facing up to what he's done in the past. 

    Yes. Tommy Davis had them too. Same as Cruise and Miscavige. It's zealotry, I guess. 

    • Love 6
  5. 5 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    This is where I get confused...either the CO$ areas are private or they aren't.  Considering the Co$ owns most of the town, I don't understand how the non-brainwashed people that do live/visit/vacation there are supposed to be able to take a stroll anywhere without being accosted by the police.  And honestly, SP or no SP - how is the police force supposed to make that distinction, and even if they could, the term "suppressive person" is only unique to this crazy cult.  That's like a "religion" saying that if a person with green eyes walks past our buildings, they need to be escorted away because we don't believe in people with green eyes.  I am trying to figure out how this police department handles a myriad of daily crazy calls from scientologists complaining that someone they don't immediately know has the gall to walk down the street.  Maybe this was covered (I haven't seen all of Part 2 yet) but is the Clearwater Police being paid by scientology, and if so - how can that be?

    I don't know the specifics about the park they were in but there is such a thing as a privately owned public space. Basically a developer and a city come to an agreement. But even beyond that, a lot of privately owned spaces are "open to the public." Like shopping malls. You can get kicked out just because the "owner" says so. Of course malls don't want to do that because they want you to stay and shop, but they could. 

    In the park on the show there was a list of rules and note that it was owned by the "church." That's why when the police came they explained that they would make Leah and everyone leave if someone from $cientology asked them to - even if they weren't doing anything wrong, because if the owner tells you to go and you don't it's trespassing. No one did, so they weren't actually required to go. 

    So if a random person decided to hang out there it would be fine. But if that happens to be a SP they just call the cops and kick them out - no reason necessary. 

    • Love 6
  6. 7 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

    Question for those in the know about this organization: how exactly do they make money by buying 20 million dollar buildings? That's the part I just don't get. How can the tax write offs compensate for the expense of buying AND maintaining these expensive properties?

    They don't. The money $cientology makes comes from its members. They spend that money on these buildings that sit empty after flashy events and promises to those same members to inspire them to give more next time. Through donations and buying new versions of the books every five minutes, "services," whatever else, all that stuff would be taxed in a normal business, making it less profitable. But with the tax-exempt status, they get to keep more of what they take in. The write-offs make the buildings a bit cheaper to buy and maintain, and I'm sure they have a million other side hustles, but it's all financed by the members. 

    • Love 7
  7. 2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

    I agree that this episode was antiblack in that Vee thought that a law enforcement officer would be unwilling or unable to fulfill his professional responsibilities because of his race, and that was really gross, but I am just curious as to how the entire show is antiblack?  Maybe I'm not seeing something that others are...

    How is what Veronica said anti-black? She wasn't suggesting that the man was incapable of being a cop. She was questioning how the black officer could reconcile the uh... let's say fraught relationship between law enforcement and black people. It's a complicated issue that is certainly debatable but I don't see anything anti-black about her POV. Many black officers have talked about trying to reconcile this issue. 

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

    I really don't understand why this is effecting me so profoundly; I have watched many horrible, gut wrenching SLs on soaps over the years, but they have not left me with so much distaste and dissatisfaction. I think part of it might be AN, who I believe is doing a bang up job of depicting a grieving parent. Something in her performance is so raw, you can feel how fragile her mental state is.

    You know I think you're right and this is what gets me too. AN's performance and the writing for her is giving such real grief that all this nonsense going on around her is even more sickening than it would be normally. 

    • Love 17
  9. 1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    When Debbie was handing each family member a piece of paper with how much they owed, Liam's share was the same as Carl's and Lip's which is really not fair. Liam is a kid and he isn't really old enough to get hired for even a minimum wage job, which means his contribution has to come from hustling. I can't remember how old Liam is supposed to be on the show, but he looks like he's about 10 which is far too young for him to have time to hustle for more than a few hours per day. If I recall correctly, Debbie's financial contribution to the family when she was that age was mostly during the summer. No one would have expected her to come up with $70 in one day when she was in elementary school.

    I hope no one ever finds out that Carl is the father of those sextuplets. The last thing he needs is six more mouths to feed.

    I think Liam mentioned being 9 but yeah, it's ridiculous to expect him to pay an equal share with everyone else. Honestly, Debbie and Lip both have steady jobs, they should be shouldering the burden of expenses and like you said, Liam can contribute in the summer. Wasn't that the way the squirrel fund worked originally? They all worked their asses off in the summer to "squirrel" away the money for winter when there weren't as many opportunities for shady Gallagher business?

    • Love 7
  10. 33 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

    The viewing public is being set up for the ongoing saga of 'How Dare Hope, (that LOGAN bitch) keep Steffy Forrester (Marone) Away From What She Wants, Chapter 479:  Even If It's Hope's Own Child.

    This is exactly where it's going. How dare Hope when Steffy is the greatest strongest most wonderful woman of all time. And she can't be blamed for letting her mom buy her a pet/child from a random stranger with no paperwork and an anonymous contact. Clearly the best thing for everyone is that Beth grow up sleeping in a dog bed at the foot of her owner/sister Kelly's bed.

    • Love 15
  11. I don't really care about spoilers for this show anymore but a friend noted this from the spoiler ninjas for the midseason premiere:


    Is something going on with Rosita? Do we have a love triangle on our hands? 

    Rosita is pregnant, but Siddiq is the father. She tells Siddiq about it. They apparently had a short fling before Father G. Eugene overhears Rosita and Siddiq’s conversation. (Love...square?)


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  12. 1 hour ago, RedRockRosie said:

    I couldn't watch stupid Liam's f'ing face while he "met" baby Phoebeth. (What about your suffering wife? How will she feel when she finds out you were bonding with another baby? You are a rat bastard, Liam.) I had to FF the whole mess. Can't believe I'm even saying this but I actually didn't mind Trump pre-empting the first 20 minutes or so of this shit show. It has basically become tragedy porn.


    There is no balance or fairness here, I am done watching The Steffy Show.

    It's so cruel and he's just going along with it and wistfully looking at that stalker picture Steffy keeps on the wall. I can already see the waffle cooking. "Look at this happy place with my baby and her pet baby. It's much better than the sad place where my wife mourns our dead child."

    I was kind of hoping that this would have Liam and Hope stronger after going through all of this but now I want her to dump him for hiding this from her. 

    • Love 19
  13. 19 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

    I lived in California for a while and as far as I know, Catalina Island is part of the State of California, subject to the laws of the state.  It's not in the middle of nowhere or even the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  And my understanding is that TWO WOMEN gave birth in a clinic during a windstorm.  Not on the side of the road in the middle of a tsunami.  Nobody assisted Dr. Wayne Shady with TWO births?  He didn't even work at the clinic.  Is there just some open-door policy at clinics where doctors can walk in and conduct major procedures without notifying ANYBODY?  I know California is laid-back but it ain't that laid-back. 

    And there's NO record of NotBeth's birth.  I understand that women give birth and abandon babies at churches, hospitals, or other place but the authorities are usually able to track the mother down because it's fairly easy to identify a women who has just given birth. 

    He did work at the clinic. He mentioned multiple times that he took shifts there. But somehow everyone else working that day was gone or couldn't get there? That part definitely doesn't make sense. But Dr. Shady was on staff there. 

    And I guess that's why there was no paperwork because he was the only other person in the building. One wonders where the woman whose baby died went, if it was so impossible to get in and out of the clinic.

    • Love 8
  14. I hope whoever Steve's former clients are didn't pay much. He got one piece of information and acts like he solved the issue of drugs in jail single-handedly his first day. I agree that he's probably just scared and wants to go home.

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

    Fuck him. I'll help him pack his bags. 

    Same here. Thorne came back into town stalking women until he found one that was vulnerable. And shoved his nose where it didn't belong and basically guilt-tripped Katie into trying to take custody from Bill. I can't wait for him to slink his way out with his tail between his legs. I'm just sad he won't take Ridge with him. 

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