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  1. When is the show going to start ? Usually it already has ...
  2. Never mind... got it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Cowboys_Cheerleaders:_Making_the_Team#2018_season
  3. Just watching the show- but Victoria has horse teeth, and so self absorbed. I know by reading that Melina did not make it- but honestly- I thought it was there. Jasmine needs to get past " band practice cheerleader" and turn more to dance- ... Hopefully next year- she will have it to connect the dots. How are you able to see this ? is it a program etc. ( for those of us that do not " Ap"...
  4. Love Maddy ! She is home grown- with style, punch, power, and a lady !
  5. I am rather relieved to see this as that is how I perceived her also. In watching on the show so far. VK just sends a bad " fake" vib- and her mother is rude and brash- ... I take it that VK did not make the team. Caught VK lying ? Are we talking about the same one- ie Victoria ? And if so- lying in what ?
  6. I was looking for the list ( photos ) of those that made it so far....
  7. Keyra being cut surprises me... She did so well last year.
  8. Did all the Vets make training camp ?
  9. Well that stinks.. Always loved Kelsey, and Robin. .. Jenna- always seemed like she was playing a mind game.. Milan- loved here too.. I had a bunch of posts I quoted here, but none of them showed up.. Last year was awful who left- and then the drama of last year.. Considering the Dallas team- with the criminal etc proceedings, only reason I even follow all this is due to the the cheerleaders.. Opps- found quotes- Alexandria- gone.. okay. Kalyssa- what the heck.. Maggie- never got to know her Cersten- we knew that was going to happen but hope she comes back. Simon- never felt it.. Or Stephanie But to loose Robin and Kelsey ? Last year was hard with sooooo many good ones leaving. ( Danielle etc).. But will miss those too.
  10. Frankly- I think that Dallas will not win another superbowl until- when the cheerleaders are on, they show them on the big screen, and when the players are on- show them... Odd to say- but even the telecasts are so jumbled.... ( example- during Thunderstruck, all they mix in old videos of the players.. This is not the time- and won't make new to be history unless they drop the old... )
  11. Being in Maine, we are not local TV, nor are we Dallas fans... However- I watch the game to get a glimpse of the cheerleaders. Never... not a thing but a glimpse of boots.. I thought Kelly said that cheerleaders were on tv all the time.. Uh... no... I guess it is a local thing ????
  12. Absolutely ! And now saddled with what any employer would see as a possible risk- sexual harassment if a relationship went back with dating a fellow " employee"....
  13. One would think so as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship should be the last thing on players mind....
  14. If Jenna had not been violating the terms of the contract also, I would have said " this is a violation of our DCC contract. This can not continue, as it will end up being reported to K&J. " type thing. I agree. And with most employers, an employee is warned in some way prior to being dismissed off the team. ( hince the reason for being " suspended" verses cut ) .
  15. This is a Professional National Team... This is not a junior/high school/college team. People are expected to be adults. That said- with sexual harassement charges, or anything else that could show up, rules are written they way they are. A violation of contract one would think is more severe than a dance issue to make the team. Charlotte has said over and over again " it is a privledge, not a right, to be associated with DCB organizations. Even Kitty has said " we do not just represent the team, we represent the brand. ". After watching last nights show again, it further struck me just how much Holly tried to bluff charge through the meeting with K&J.... Blatant lies.... or dancing- and I do not mean on the dance floor... Well Stated ! Exactly !
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