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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. This is why MM is so ridiculous - she is a self described politico commentator and a political "pundint" - and then calls someone crooked and hates. Who does that other than FOX? And how does Ms Heiress even know how trumpsters feel and it is her mission to explain it to anyone?
  2. I have been greatly annoyed MM hasn't apologized or explained about her I hate crocked Hillary comment Fri. Not a word until tonight on twitter. She is bemoaning a comment about her father.....and shredded on twitter for her comment on Friday. She actually tweeted 3 times since then (in about 1 hour) trying to explain it, kind of. Not many are buying it. She regrets it and wishes she would have been more eloquent. I am looking forward to the break......and learning who will replace Sarah. Don't know if I can do this anymore, lol.
  3. What adult asks a child if they like a boy or girl? Mind your own business. If they want to talk about it, they will. Otherwise leave them alone. As far as I am concerned a married couple does not trump a gay couple or a couple of friends traveling together. They paid for their seats and were seated. Perhaps ask if they would mind - but accept their first answer. There were seats available in coach btw. These were premium seats (first 9 rows of coach in this case) and they paid a premium to sit there. The only scenario I can see is splitting a caretaker away from someone or keeping a child from a parent. Then the airline should immediately compensate the one forced out for the airline's problem it alone caused. I use to be a travel agent and traveled a lot. As a ta if asked to change seats or even get bumped off you smile and say "of course." Gosh - 2 girlfriends and I (we were all agents) were bumped off a flight from Puerto Vallarta and had to stay extra 3 nights. Needed to be at work, spent days at airport so no fun, was before ATM's and we ran out of cash but had our credit cards. Then we were able to get on the plane and had to disembark in LA.....since we were called last (of course) to board I alone managed to get bumped there too! That was very unusual but it happens. Just a funny story.......lol
  4. West coast here - and they did have a segment on AA on todays show.
  5. Meghan is a pro at.........sucking all the air out of a room.
  6. I can't wait for the show tomorrow. What will she say after being shredded for 3 days on her twitter and CrooksandLiars after her Hillary comments on the show? What will the producers and ABC do?
  7. I'm not sure why MM ever thought to make herself "the explainer of how trumpsters feel" would be a good road to take in order to be a "political commentator." LOL
  8. Let's remember this little bitch doesn't like labels either.....
  9. MM is still being shredded on her own twitter account for her Hillary comment and many are demanding an apology on Mon. I agree. If Joy had to apologize for her joke on Pence that some took personally as not a joke, MM should have to do the same for saying she hates crooked Hillary, imo.
  10. Good grief - she is so upset about her Hillary comment she retweeted a comment at 1am that said if you're using her seriously ill father to shame her for not liking Hillary, you are a disgusting person." What happened to hate Hillary? ETA - I am on the west coast, 3 hours behind.
  11. Thinking it no longer fits her agenda now that she thinks she has made a name for herself. She does not have a lane, imo. She is a speed bump if that, if not a chuckhole.
  12. Sigh, the crooked Hillary thing. Meghan also says she hated CNN on the show - yet likes Tapper and appeared on Van Jone's show. I noted he was was not particularly warm to her the other day despite his kumbaya. He received a lot of crap for having her on and the weak interview. Also, on the show, she said she called the New York Times the NY Slime. But likes Maggie Haberman that is their WH Correspondent. And, get this - a political analyst for CNN. I don't trust a thing or opinion out of her mouth. I hate her agenda.
  13. I must be missing something - seems the Rabbi was implying Jarrett hasn't and won't forgive Roseanne for being racist to her - two times now. Once in her tweet and last night on Hannity. Yet Roseanne knows forgiveness evidently. Yesterday Jarrett was just fine about it and made no waves, imo. Unless asking "Roseanne who?" or saying she won't be watching Hannity is an awful thing to say, lol. BTW - Jarrett and her parents are not Iranian - they lived in Iran Valerie's first 5 years (she was born there) while her father ran a children's hospital. Then a year in London, then moved here. Roseanne didn't mention she lived there "extensively" as a toddler- A simple google search bio shows this and a lot more. Even the Rabbi should have done that.
  14. Loved Joy's expression - "is it over yet?" I totally get why they gravitate to her. Well, except MM - notice in both photos she is on the end and a little standoffish - the others are truly smiling and mugging like they are having a ball. ETA - wonder if this wasn't just a early farewell party for Sara and Paula.
  15. I imagine people in NYC, like everywhere else in the world, hate being around screeching banshees like MM - in a restaurant, or Uber, etc.
  16. The thing for me is MM does not realize people go through this every day at a time their elderly parents start to pass on. And how difficult it is whether they had the same cancer as her dad or anything else that caused it. She takes this on as the most important disease ever without concerns for others with awful ones. IMO it is playing the victim. I never did with caring for my parents, I hope. Shouldn't she be telling us how difficult it is and how wonderful he has his wife and round the clock nurses and fabulous insurance, let alone trying to keep up in the Senate, and the support of her siblings (that she ignores and never mentions)? I am the fortunate one because my parents had great insurance. And my boss was understanding when I needed time off - and I religiously documented it because I had 5 weeks off then. So, very fortunate. It was much more, for MM, about Lexi, than Lexi. Or Lexi's family's support of her through this. Just Meg - me, me. me. No mention of her family's daily support. Sorry - I can get behind cancer, strokes, heart attacks, parkinsons, etc. Too bad MM can't. ETA and the pain and sacrifice they go though to try and ease them through this, In my experience, they lead US though it often.
  17. Thinking about how she is that spoiled. Parents don't care, perhaps not ABC. She said last week she is called JM in a dress by her mother. But we don't see angry JM. Just angry MM. She is their princess.
  18. True diedra - could be one way to make super rich little girl MM quit to be with her family. Not that 2 R's are a bad idea.
  19. Well, we know who didn't do anything for their NYC stay.....
  20. Agree Tunia and Crow - will be worth tuning in to see. Plus - Meghan seethes when there is not a rehab segment for her like today. BTW - Thanks Whoopi for your influence in getting Hamilton tickets for Lexi and family!
  21. I get up late...(night owl) but always make sure I take my BP before the show - comes on at 10a here. Now I'm thinking of setting my alarm for the damn pill.
  22. In addition there are too many labels- half the time I call myself a dem or a liberal but I don't really know the exact lines of a dem, republican, conservative, moderate, liberal, progressive, etc. Too many slots for my brain to drop people into a slot while following a conversation. Also - for someone that hates labels - MM sure uses them a lot - socialist, the above, Trump Deranged Syndome, tribal, etc.
  23. I think the panel is not challenging Meghan on things like 90% taxes in the 50's and the Iran money returned is because Meghan goes off topic and throws in the kitchen sink and anything else she can to divert them - and they have had it for the most part.
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