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  1. I don't get this "scary" vibe from Natalie at all. She is convinced of her own superiority and totally mistaken in her belief that others like her, but she hasn't threatened anyone. Which is good because if she did, she would be even more ridiculous. She is utterly powerless.
  2. Does anyone know when this season was filmed? There were a couple of deadly cyclones in Fiji in April 2018 and I wondered if we just saw one of them. I really wanted to like Natalie just because we are in the same demographic. She's making it so hard.
  3. Why are they screwing around with all of the twists and advantages? Don't they realize that they only cheapen Survivor, bringing it down to Big Brother level? I hated that final twist with the intensity of a thousand suns. Although I'm no Chrissy fan, that "advantage" was a punch in the gut that stole her win. At this point I'm beginning to believe the Survivor I once loved is gone forever.
  4. Dominique reminds me of the aliens in an old Star Trek TNG episode whose language was entirely metaphorical. The universal translator could not make any sense of it. Having grown up around people with similar religious beliefs and customs, I kind of get what she's trying to convey. Unfortunately, she hasn't formed close relationships with enough of the houseguests (other than Mark), so no one is troubling themselves to try to understand her. I find her unlikeable, but not any more so than most of the other houseguests. I don't understand why Alex is so emphatic about wanting Dominique out. I can't see how this benefits her.
  5. I don't think that BB is classified as a game show so CBS may not be obligated to make sure BB is fair. We have seen unfair "twists" season after season, and the motto of the show is "expect the unexpected." The thing that bugs me is that I'm still watching in spite of these twists, not because of them, and CBS doesn't get that. But if Paul wins this season, I will be reevaluating whether to continue watching.
  6. Because I find most Survivor challenges tedious, I usually do something else while they are on and just listen to the commentary. So when Debbie was ranting about being good at the challenge and being dictated to by Brad, I thought I had just misunderstood what happened. You all have confirmed that I'm not the one that is confused, Debbie is. She was so over the top that I am now concerned that she's not the hilariously delusional eccentric that I thought she was. She seemed truly unwell and that's not funny. I wish they had shown us the instances where Mikaela irritated Aubry. I was left with the impression that Aubry was simply accepting JT's irritation as her own. I hope that's not the case because I want to like her. I just hate it when people pile on when someone is getting criticized. While I admire people who maintain their cool and refuse to return insults, I don't really hold it against people who can't keep up that level of maturity. Mikaela was very much provoked by JT so I was laughing at her retaliation rather than blaming her for it. Sandra's sugar eating trick may come back to haunt her. If I were Mikaela, I wouldn't forget.
  7. Yes. I know Bambi was a deer. I was just taking poetic license. This episode didn't change my view of Sandra, but I now believe that she will be going home sooner rather than later. In a way that's too bad because it would have tickled me to see her defy all her critics. I would be rooting for Michaela if I thought she had a snowball's chance in hell. Although she's pretty loyal, she is too physically talented and not malleable enough to make a good long term ally, not to mention her inability to disassemble. I'm pretty sure she's going to be another early boot.
  8. I knew the baby goat and its mama were in no danger throughout the whole scene. No way would they have allowed them to kill Bambi or his mother. Sandra really is serving as this season's villain. Although people who eat commercially produced meat have little room to feel morally superior to those who eat meat that they hunt, a mama and baby are not usually considered legitimate targets by hunters. Sandra may not have known that before, but she should have been able to figure it out without her whole tribe having to tell her. Read the room, woman! I agree that this scene, like the "queen" speech last week, was included to set the stage for her ouster. I'm going to miss her when she's gone. I hope this season is the last we see of Tai. He may actually be smart and practical in real life, but on Survivor, he's a ditzy invertebrate. Allowing himself to be so transparently manipulated confirms that he should not win, even if he makes it to the end. It's interesting that so far, two of the three people eliminated have been physically strong males. Perhaps the players are finally coming around to my way of thinking: If having physically strong people means you win challenges, then why did you lose the last one? Many factors need to be considered when voting for a boot, not just challenge prowess.
  9. I admit that I enjoy watching the castaways learn the skills needed to provide themselves with fire, food and shelter, but I hate watching them actually suffer. The seasons where it constantly rains and everyone freezes are difficult to watch. Everyone hated that young black woman (was that Naonka?) for quitting, but IIRC, she was truly suffering from the cold due to her anemia. I think they are trying to balance things between Club Med and the Bataan death march. They don't want the contestants to come to actual harm. Therefore I'm glad they start them out with some food and make sure they have water.
  10. Why is it that people agreed that Michaela was "scary" just because she showed her displeasure about being used as a faux target? She didn't storm around and threaten anyone. She merely failed to be "cool" about being used. This makes her a less savvy player and does put her at a disadvantage. This does not make her "scary." It bugs me that women, especially black women are not allowed to show emotion without being judged. Sandra is even more forthright and abrasive this season. I think she believes she can't win a third time, so she might as well go all out. This will hasten her elimination, but I will be entertained by her while she's there. Tony seemed to be even more "over the top" than he was on his previous season. But hypocritically, I was irritated by him, rather than entertained. He seemed unhinged and hyperactive. I hope when Tony saw this episode, he realized he antagonized Sandra for nothing. She wasn't really being receptive to Troyzan's leading questions.
  11. They're giving us this instead of The Amazing Race? What a travesty. This show is hard to watch because it makes me fume. They seem to have edited it so that you can't get a feel for the sequence of events and the "hunters" have godlike omniscience.
  12. At the end of tonight's show they confirmed that a houseguest will be returning on Thursday. Are the current houseguests aware of this? I hate it when a twist turns a reasonably smart strategy into a very dangerous one. I know that's the BB slogan, expect the unexpected, but it's annoying.
  13. I've been rooting for Cydney from the beginning so I'm very glad that she did not go along with Tai's plan to oust Michelle. If she had, she definitely would have been next. And the bonus -- no more Kyle Jason. This has been a surprisingly enjoyable season. It's been very suspenseful. And I'm glad the health problems seem to have been dealt with.
  14. This was a pretty satisfying episode except that I really wanted the despicable Kyle to get tossed out. Strategically, Julia might have been a better boot, but I've been hoping for Kyle's ouster for a long time. I do not doubt Cydney and Michelle made the right decision to stick with their alliance. Tai is as shaky an alliance member as was alleged during tribal, but Julia had the potential to take Michelle with her to the dark side. For now, it looks like Michelle is on her way to a win. I've been rooting for Cydney, but I'd be satisfied with a Michelle or Aubry win as well. All three have impressed me. Tai took himself out of the running for me when he doused the fire.
  15. The doctor/father said he had dropped the mask shards and was trying to retrieve them. The clue directed them to the drums, but since they couldn't hear the drums from the digging area, I can understand that some people thought they might be outside. I watch very little YouTube and have not heard of any of these people, so for me, it's just a normal mix of racers. So far, I'm looking forward to this season. Glad to have my Amazing Race back.
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