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That's the whole problem with the revival. Darlene and Becky in the original were like the Odd Couple. They were divergent personalities who clashed. TV shows are premised on conflict. No conflict, no comedy. In the revival they are essentially the same character. Both wise ass trailer trash. It's like watching Two Broke Girls. Since there'd be no show if Darlene didn't move back to Lanford, make her the unsuccessful. Now turn the tables and make Becky successfull. Still have her single with no family because of the Mark baggage. Successful but not too successful. Like a dental hygenist. She still acts like the high school beauty queen but doesn't know there's no floor under like Will E Coyote. Becky could score off Darlene being washed out and Darlene could score off Becky for being a blonde bimbette. You could even keep the Emilio story. Miss Priss Becky queen gets knocked up by an illegal. Whitney Cummings, you have my phone number.
My point was if you read a paragraph long synopsis of the episode you could mistake it for a season 6 episode. "Aging single woman gets pregnant after one night stand. Family attempts to force her to accept support from father (30min. CC)" Jackie wasn't fragile? This was after the Fisher incident and that was used as a reason why she didn't want to let Fred in.
That last paragraph made me LOL! It's so silly how they go out of their way to avoid references to the original show. Either, they are trying to make this 'its own show' that's not dependent on the original, or the people who write it haven't seen the original. I have to think it's the latter. If they wanted it to be its own show they wouldn't be lifting a storyline right out of the original. I'm sorry but this Becky/Emilio story is an EXACT copy of Jackie/Fred. Single woman getting older who wants a child before she gets too old. Gets pregnant off a one night stand and pushes the father away because she wants to do it on her own. If you read the TvGuide synopsis, you'd think it was a repeat from season 6. If it is the latter, it's incredibly sad that they are so ignorant of the original they don't even realize they are plagiarising it! I think the series ends next week with Becky reconciling with Emilo and Darlene and the kids move back to Chicago with Ben. DJ's total number of lines throught the revival being under a dozen.
How awkward this episode is! Juliette Lewis says "let's talk about birthing experiences" and Jackie is ignored. I almost thought they were going to clear up whether Andy exists or not. Also with Becky and the bus boy... She refuses to allow him into her life and Jackie totally sticks up for him saying he only wants to help out and support them. Well anyone remember Fred??
You're right. Becky and Darlene were symbiotic characters. Like the Odd Couple. Their characters conflicted which created some nice storylines. The best thing to happen to Darlene was the depression. It opened up a whole new side to the character and something that hadn't been done on a sitcom before. Meanwhile Becky pretty much stayed the same beauty queen teacher's pet until the character left in season 5. At that point the writer's kept going to the Darlene depression/jaded outlook well for the "kid stories" which were usually the B plots. The reason they brought in Sarah Chalke and revived Becky's character was to fill the void Darlene created when Gilbert went to college. Problem was the Becky character had missed out on 2 years of development and by outward appearances she was still just the pretty blonde. All the Becky stories really just revolved around her conflicts with Mark which got tired pretty quick. And then of course the storylines became less about the family and more about Roseanne and Jackie at the restaurant and Roseanne and Nancy going to the Lesbian bar and Jackie and Fred etc.
Fishman isn't THAT bad of an actor that they only give him 1 line every other episode. He could handle more. Maybe he doesn't want more to do or the writers don't know what to do. This is really sad to say but I think they pigeonholed him as a "wounded warrior". The writer's think that's his one storyline and there's no comic angle to it. He had that one exchange with Dan last season and now they don't know what to do with him. Can he become Mr DJ goes to Washington to fix all the veteran's issues? Could he handle more dramatic scenes of him dealing with PTSD? Is that even the right tone for a show like this? No on all counts.
I liked it but does this mean the show is off until after Christmas now?
Wish it was Vicki Lawerence reprising her role as Phyllis Zimmer instead of Katey as a new ex high school crush. I had a scary thought... Maybe they never call back to the original show because then they'd have to pay the writers who created them?
Season 10 wasn't Roseanne-centric either though. Darlene was still the lead but in Roseanne's shadow. Now there's no shadow and Darlene is clearly the lead. The show being about Darlene because Sara is EP isn't a bad thing. It's just something you have to consider. The revival idea took off because she had Goodman on The Talk and they did a back door pilot with that Roseanne inspired sketch on the couch. Roseanne was persona non gratis in Hollywood even at that point. Goodman and Metcalf had successful careers acting in other people's production and Lecy and Fishman hadn't worked in "the business" for decades. Gilbert was the driving force and wanted to make it happen and she had the means to do it. In that situation, no person is going to just step aside and play second fiddle to someone else, even to Roseanne. The revival was always going to revolve around her character. Look at season 10. Roseanne is practically an extra. The only episode I can remember her being on screen for most of the show was the Muslim neighbours one. Sara didn't just take the reigns once Roseanne left, the original premise of the revival was her being the lead with Roseanne just being the figurehead. Again, it's not a bad thing, but it would be more accurately called "The Sara Gilbert Show" and not "The Conners".
She's exec producer of the show lol. Ever notice the "gilbert productions" title card in the end credits? The revival would have never happened without her clout in Hollywood from The Talk and appearances on Big Bang Theory.
The revival is really a Sara Gilbert vehicle that used Roseanne's name ID for free marketing. Most stories revolved around Darlene and her kids and Roseanne was just the B story. That's why it wasn't hard for her to be excised from the show. Never would have worked if they fired her like she almost was in season 2. She was a domineering presence back then. It worked on the show Valerie because she basically played a typical sitcom mom and Jason Bateman became a breakout star.
True. The reason it started is because I wanted to post my favourite quote from the episode and just threw out the part about the hair. Didn't think it would have any legs though. But, sometimes the best part of a discussion forum is when the conversation veers slightly.
Haha, "Parallels"? I wasn't a fan of That 70s Show but you are absolutely right about it having accurate hair. Topher Grace had ear muffs, Kutcher had a perfect 70s do too. Kelso and Fez as well. Another example of getting the hair right is Dazed and Confused. Maybe the hair isn't too wild yet since the show is set in the early 70s presumably because if they get an 8 year run they don't want to be in the 80s by season 3 lol. The clothes are also vaguely 70s but not quite right. Sort of like a production designer going through pages and pages of clothes on Amazon to find 70s looking clothes instead of the genuine article. But I guess the farther we get from the 70s the harder it is to find authentic items. The house looks very 70s though. Lots of period cars on the streets in outdoor shots too. Again, I do really enjoy the show. I'd personally love being a continuity person on a movie/tv show.
I hope to see the show in it's entirety at some point. I've become really bad at remembering to watch network tv at specific times in this on demand world. I remember an episode he had his girlfriend in his room and he was acting very dweby. My only point with the hair is it's something I'ved noticed in shows or movies set in the 70s. The women usually have accurate hair because it's probably just a wig. But the men never have time accurate hair because the show went in production too soon for them to grow it out or the actors just don't want to sport a 70s do in their contemporary lives.
We are having a polite discussion about it, what's wrong with that? Yes I totally agree. The third oldest son (I think) is particularly bothersome. He has that spiked bangs Caesar style haircut circa 1999. The second oldest red headed son also bothers me because he wears all these really fitted shirts and he looks like an Abercrombie and Fitch model on weekends. Yet his character seems like he's supposed to be kind of a dweeb. Just put him in a loose fitting button down with oversized collar and a funky pattern paired with bell bottoms. But these are just nitpicks. Obviously I like the show enough to come here and post about it.