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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. My favorite part was when SOK threw Cassidy through the wall. Did they explain why SOK is no longer effected by Jesse's "voice"? I am guessing that Grail removed that part of Jesse's soul and now they have it.

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  2. The Season was shorten from 10 to 8 episodes when (Ryan Phillippe) Bob Lee Swagger broke his leg in real life. We will see how this has effected the Season Finale (September 5, 2017).

  3. 6 hours ago, tessaray said:

    Why is Zoe mad at Grace again?

    I don't know if Zoe is mad, but she is definitely suspicious. Zoe was looking for something in Grace's purse and it definitely wasn't $20.00. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

    This is a slight nitpick, seeing as he turned out fine basically, but the sonic wasn't set off until after Aneela punctured Johnny's lung, why exactly? 

    I don't understand how Lucy can tell Johnny that Dutch and D'av had sex,  but wouldn't say anything about Alvis' murder, two Dutchs running around, DSK escaping, enemy soldiers climbing through the ducts, and Johnny suffering a life threatening injury.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Llywela said:

    When Dariuz was getting hammered by the Board over the missing billion dollars, which were claimed to have appeared and disappeared so mysteriously

    I wonder if that missing money is from the EM Drive or is it from the secret rocket in the secret base stocked full of priceless art/cultural items. Perhaps Darius can offset some of his loses with the value of the Uranium he stole from the government.

    Darius should have told the board of directors that Tanz technology was used to guide the asteroid towards Russia and removing him from his position suggests that Tanz Industries was directly involved in Project Atlas.

    I am not really sure if they told the public that a deadly asteroid is headed their way. That information might cause RE/SYST to help Darius try to gain control of the hacked EM Drive .

  6. 10 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

    a call from her nanny that she (somehow) knew wasn't an emergency, in the middle of a first interrogation with her suspect. Even if it was an attempt to appeal to Cora's maternal side

    Maybe the call was the motivation that made "lady cop" think that Cora would confess to both murders, she was really leading her and appealing to seeing her son while he was still youngish. 


    16 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

    I just can't get past a religious fanatic mother allowing any type of internet access to her teenage daughters.

    If Phoebe has access to the internet, why was she so excited about the magazine. If there ever was a time when a parent needs to check their child's browser history, this is it.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    Isaaac's escape from the Mexican prison has got to be the lamest in cinematic history.

    At least he didn't have to kill 50 people to do it. The number of bodies that everybody is dropping is ridiculous. All to recover a picture that was recovered and destoryed a few episodes ago. Now the bad guy is worried about not having his money, after he left millions of dollars (he could have taken) when he blew up that bank. So much death for so little reason.

  8. I thought that witch caused a landslide that trapped her sister, her husband and Bobo underground. Yet in the next scene her sister and Bobo are free. Did I just imagine that is what happened? Is her husband running around as well?

  9. 1 hour ago, Princess Lucky said:

    I was hoping they let the Hullen prisoner escape on purpose, and Pip was going to truly mess with her memories by implanting something else, which would have been the real plan. I guess I refused to accept they failed?

    I am not so sure that they failed, I think they managed to slip a few fake memories in there. The escape seemed a little contrived since they knew exactly when the sedative would wear off. 

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  10. 7 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Still think John or someone is going to find some way for Dutch to not die if she kills Aneela.

    I wonder if Aneela still has to die, since they seem to be implying that the Hullen are actually controlled by "The Lady" and not Aneela.

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  11. 26 minutes ago, jenrising said:

    But if she didn't leave the keys in, then there's got to be another way for the killer to access those keys.

    It looks like they are going down the road of sci-fi with Mr. Mercedes' remote that can control anything you point it at. Maybe he can just point it at cars and it unlocks doors, starts ignitions, controls street lights, controls railroad crossing gates. 


    The software doing things like permanently deleting emails and videos might be explained by Barry working on Bill Hodges laptop which looks pretty beat up. Jerome or Lou might be smart enough to spot a Barry modification.

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  12. 4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    What are the odds that POTUS is suffering from something like radiation poisoning?

    If the POTUS turns the same color as the She-Hulk, we will know the Russians were involved!


    2 hours ago, dangwoodchucks said:

    And they continue not to hide Jennifer Finnigan's pregnancy.

    She looked really pregnant when she was being attacked and the next scene she falls straight onto her belly. That made me laugh.

    So does Grace's daughter now have mad hacking skills?

    I wonder if this asteroid has a guidance system like the other one did?

    Where is Jillian living now that she wants to flirt around with other guys?

    • Love 2
  13. I like the look of Mr. Mercedes basement lair lots of different types of computer parts although there should have been more desktop computers and fewer laptops. That is what you would expect from someone who works retail at an electronics store.

    There is no way Mr. Mercedes could have built that remote control in his basement, it was too compact and professional looking.

    Maybe they will tell us why Mr. Mercedes killed all those people, so I can stop sympathizing with him.

  14. What's happening is not very interesting, ways to make it more interesting is to pretend the guy in the hood is Cora's husband or Cora's husband's father.

    I am sure that the detective's ex-wife realizes that the only reason he went for a talk in the woods was to find that dead body. She should be thoroughly pissed.

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  15. 15 hours ago, rhys said:

    Question for some eagle-eyed viewer:

    There was a "rack" of sorts way behind Gina in the church meeting room. The rack had some quite colorful items on it (mittens??). Anyway, I'm a knitter & I'd love to see that rack up close to see if it would hold my crap that I knit. Maybe I could figure out who makes it (IKEA?, pier 1?).

    Might be something similar to this yarn tree.

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  16. I almost feel that the person they are showing to be the "Mercedes Killer" isn't the real "Mercedes Killer". The "low-tech", non-specific, randomness of the killings doesn't really fit well with tech savvy Barry. I wonder if Barry figured out who the Mercedes Killer was and is trying to lead the Detective to the real killer. But if that was true, it would mean that the real "Mercedes Killer" was that lady who said her car was stolen.

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  17. On 8/20/2017 at 2:10 PM, candall said:

    Oh, and here's something funny.  I started watching Mr. Mercedes last night and you could swap out scruffy unhappy Det. Bill Pullman with scruffy unhappy Det. Brendan Gleeson and never miss a beat.

    I want them to start a Mr. Mercedes forum entry, but I don't know how to get them to do it.

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  18. 30 minutes ago, skotnikov said:

    I guess because it's not the whole story. The German novel it's based upon is a bit more complex than just that. 

    I was kind of joking, I would have preferred a plot where Cora had to constantly listen to the a-hole's practice that song in their garage while she was next door trying to get high and they were harshing her buzz. Then have some incident where the band members attack/(possibly rape) her when she went over to tell them to keep the music down. I am not feeling the kidnapping/brainwashing storyline unless it was done by an ultra-conservative Christian group trying to remove her sins.

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