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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 3 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

    Dirk got called a hoopy frood y’all. I don’t think it had the same meaning as in Hitchhiker- but still...

    In other news, I’m glad they got the Bergsberg and Blackwing stories (kinda) moving again this week, and it’s a relief to see Todd and Amanda finally slap out their issues.  And, Rowdy Three to the rescue, with Dirk and Beast!

    The only complaints I have are that Dirk’s speech at the end made the opening flashback to the Cardenas deaths feel unnecessary. Having him talk us through the whole deal felt sufficient, and I would’ve rather had that time used for something else. Also, I couldn’t figure out what point Ken was trying to make about the squeeze doll - the video was really hard to make out.

    It felt good to watch Todd slap Amanda because I felt she deserved it. One episode I want to stay in Wendimoor and the next episode I want to leave Wendimoor.

    The scissor death scene looked fake, or maybe I am just hoping that it is harder to drive a pair of scissors into a person's skull and kill them.

    Ken said the eye color of the doll changed when Friedkin squeezed it. We were watching them watch a tiny eye of tiny doll on a tiny screen from a video tape. I didn't see any difference and I don't think you were supposed to either. I think it was just there to show how much better Ken is at the job than Friedkin. I laughed when Friedkin took off his jacket and Ken put it on.

  2. 23 minutes ago, paigow said:

    The Magic Schoolbus is a clue.....How did it reach escape velocity? How did only 1 survive intact?

    I thought it was there to prove that that destroyed two-fifths of a planet-like object was actually the Earth. There are probably tons of recognizable everyday objects out there in the debris field.


    Shouldn't Yo-Yo's power allow her to move fast enough to get an up-close clean shot at the roach that was chasing the team. I was disappointed that she missed so many times, but it was still the best scene of the episode.

    • Love 5
  3. 19 hours ago, paigow said:

    Do all the online gamers work at the various embassies around D.C.??? The federal deficit is out of control because Lyor and the "24 hour live stream" girl are exceeding the Verizon bandwidth limits.....

    That is why the government eliminated Net Neutrality.

  4. 7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Besides, if the box works then don't the sacrifice victims get sent to the future? That means there would be no body left for anyone to find and obviously Amy's cold dead blue body was there.

    When working properly, the body in the box will disappear. Mr. Crusty was in a similar box at the Church of Gibborim.


    3 hours ago, sjohnson said:

    Alex was almost certainly kidnapped by the gang rival trying to move in on the Pride's key building project I think. 

    That is the same impression I got watching the episode 5 trailer, Alex's father did threaten the gang leader's family, two can play that game.


    7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Stacey and Dale are terrible people. They are okay with knowing that a velociraptor is on the loose in Los Angeles? That thing could kill innocent people and Dale's only concern is that they might not get credit for it? Meanwhile Stacey's solution is to disappear?

    I don't understand why they had so much trouble finding the dino, since it had a tracker. Were they not able to turn it on?

  5. On 11/22/2017 at 6:33 AM, paulvdb said:

    Gert's parents have a dinosaur in their basement. Why? Are they planning to start their own Jurassic Park? Or is there some other reason?

    Gert's parents are scientists and dinosaurs are just large birds with teeth. I am sure they mixed the DNA from all the other birds in the lab to make themselves a dinosaur.


    On 11/24/2017 at 2:56 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Tina really picked the wrong time to spice things up with Robert. Its nice that she wants to reconnect with her husband after basically ignoring him after their daughter died, but was pulling out the hardcore sexy stuff less than 24 hours after murdering a teenager really the best plan ever?

    Tina was probably realizing that what her husband was saying to her was right. Since that was the last young girl PRIDE had to kill, Tina was probably more relaxed and willing to salvage what was left of the marriage. Unfortunately Tina was a little too late.

    • Love 1
  6. 43 minutes ago, johntfs said:

    The interesting thing for me is: Are we sure that the DeVoes are really villains? 

    I was coming here to post the same thing. The DeVoes have probably advanced science several decades, it would be funny if they were planning to donate there knowledge to S.T.A.R. Labs to help fight crime and predict future crises. If not, they want to put DeVoe's brain in Barry's body.

    Barry should have placed DeVoe's cup in a plastic bag. It would have been funny if Cisco vibed the cup and saw something from Barry's life.

    • Love 3
  7. 7 hours ago, Chas411 said:

    Why were they sharing a bedroom in the first place?

    The bedroom was huge and an alien might need constant supervision and instruction on how to appear human, so that didn't seem that odd to me.

  8. 5 hours ago, athelyna said:

    would be really happy if Marcos' awful ex gets killed offscreen and they never speak of the cartel again.

    Even better if the mutants find out the cartel is selling Kick (the mutant drug) and they burn the place to the ground.

    • Love 8
  9. 2 hours ago, johntfs said:
    4 hours ago, CaptainTightpants said:

    And sadly it sounds like next week marks the return of Lieutenant Unlikable and Boring. So the odds are not great that next week's episode will be a sizzler either. 

    Next week's episode won't be a sizzler because it's a repeat of the 3rd season premiere (according to TV Guide, anyway).  Presumably we'll get a new Lucifer the week of December 4.

    I thought I saw Maze in the trailer, this should be her, post baby. Can't wait to see her mommy body.

  10. 1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

    (On the note of Glassman, okay, so that end conversation between him and Jessica sounds like the beginnings of a very intriguing story. Hoping we'll get to learn more about this girl they're referring to as soon as possible.)

    For some reason I thought it was Glassman's daughter who died late high school or early college.

    • Love 12
  11. On 11/15/2017 at 9:17 PM, jay741982 said:

    Also I love that Toni is no rebound girl and stated she prefers women. Writers bring on Cheroni!

    Cheroni? Excuse me! I think you mean Tonyl (pronounced toenail)!!!!!!!!!!

    After Betty and Jughead sleep together they can change their name from Bughead to Bedhead.

    • Love 5
  12. 3 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    Just imagine if a woman had found a man imprisoned in the tower, they had slept together, and the next morning the man had revealed he was in disguise and there was a magic baby there to take his place as the prisoner of the tower. Do we only honestly think that would have passed?

    So you are saying that WHook can not find his true love with his current appearance, because he magically altered himself from old and fat. That would be rape, even if he never changed back.

  13. 2 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

    I had a bit of a laugh at the temporary bartender (Roni really doesn’t have any other bartenders? She has to borrow one from another business?) at the end of this episode.

    Roni should have other employees, because she is always walking around the town with other characters when her bar is supposed to be open.  Would you leave Cinderella in charge, since she just burned down her last place of employment.

    2 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

    Was he shown in the episode where Henry and Jacinda were caterers? 

    He was the caterer for the ballet recital.

    • Love 4
  14. I am kinda surprised that the girls drove, considering that the car can fly.


    They should have Chitty Chitty Banged it.

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