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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 1 hour ago, SnoGirl said:

    Can we please name the steel balls? This is getting ridiculous. Why couldnt it have been daggers? Or cubes?

    Let's see, one ball can be named Ben and the other named Wa.

    I noticed the blue lady had a scar on her face, but I guess Cassius let that one slide.

    • Love 3
  2. I think Anders was checking to see if there might be any medical problems since Cristal and Blake were trying to have a baby. The medical records were transfered to the Carrington family doctor who told Anders that Cristal was still using birth control so she were not likely to become pregnant.

  3. 1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

    For beating his son and trying to kill him? They had to find out after Jack shot him. But it's probably more complicated than that, and linked to his racist connections.

    I was thinking that he didn't get much time for beating his son, especially not enough to still be in prison (over 20 years?). Also that would not explain how he became so deeply respected by the Aryan Fraternity (enough to call off the hit on his son, even after at least 5 Aryan Fraternity members had been killed). I am guessing he met the Aryan Fraternity while he was in prison and later after being released, rose up through the ranks to become a top member.

  4. A murder drinking with the deputy and wandering the town like he owns the place. Where is that guy's sister and family that wanted to kill him a few episodes ago? I don't understand what is happening and I don't think I am going to get a reasonable explanation by the end of the season.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Raja said:

     Did they say that all the children undergo terragenesis? 

    Yes all children upon turning 18.

    Shouldn't that mean that everybody who is an adult should be an Inhuman. Don't all non-Inhumans die from terragenesis? Unless the Earth was only destroyed a few years ago, regular people would still be around, but will soon be extinct.

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  6. 3 hours ago, paigow said:

    Hannah has to kill her boyfriend now...

    I was hoping Hannah would have hit him over the head with the champagne bottle as she was walking back to the bed. Next episode is Damian tied to the bed and Hannah in a black leather dominatrix outfit and a whip saying "We have vays of making you tolk".

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Some would depend on the forensics. And I would like to have him prove his innocence through that. Seems like there's no blood spatter on Barry, and another possible issue is what happened to Devoe's wheelchair.

    It would be hilarious to see Barry tear apart the police in court for the slipshod way they processed the crime scene and analyzed the forensics. 

    • Love 8
  8. 15 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

    Barry has proof of an intruder alert on his phone.  The house was dark, couldn't Barry have thought he was an intruder?

    That can work against Barry, how long after getting the intruder alert was he at the apartment to turn it off. That would suggest he was right there. They could claim that his GPS on his phone is corrupted if it shows him at both the Christmas party and a second later at his apartment. Checking his GPS for that day would show him teleporting all over the city and would also be unreliable.

    • Love 2
  9. If I was Barry I would want my lawyers to determine:

    Where was DeVoe's wheelchair.

    Why was Mrs. DeVoe kissing that sexy black man in public. (The police should be watching the wife anyway, maybe they will catch them together acting suspicious. Maybe Ralph's (super powers or superpowers, not sure which is the correct spelling) combined with his private dicking skills can incriminate.)

    What does the DeVoe's financial records look like.

    What does the DeVoe's medical history look like. (DeVoe couldn't be going to regular doctors considering all the medical modifications that he has. How could they hide all of those modifications if the do an autopsy, the top of his head pops off like a can of Pringles.)

    I would add the super luck lady to my team of attorneys. Luck beats skill and planning.

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