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Posts posted by AnimeMania

  1. 4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    (Also, the lady playing the mom was in one of my favorite "Criminal Minds" episodes a number of years back. Nice to see her pop up again.)

    She had a major role in the TV Series "Covert Affairs".


    3 hours ago, possibilities said:

    Claire claiming to not have any problems after killing a patient to me makes her look way worse than if she was more upset. I thought she was going to flunk her review for not caring enough.

    Claire was looking at the questions that the counselor was going to ask her, so she had already prepared her responses.

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, talktalk said:

    I thought Panto is gay and has a boy friend? Why is he being so lovey dovey with Bart?

    I though it might have something to do with the spell that Suzie uses on the crowd, I am not sure how far the area effected was. Pure plot contrivance that Suzie drops her wand and it takes an hour and a half for her to find it again or "is it all connected". 

  3. Too bad Regina couldn't have saved her drink and given everybody a little sip of her mind unaltering cocktail. I guess that would have ruined the drama.

    How did Henry pull that lug wrench out of his tiny TRON lunch/tool box?

    • Love 5
  4. Strange question: Near the end of the show there is a building that looks like it is from Attilan, but when you look up in the sky you can see the moon. Could this mean:

    1) the building was not from Attilan   

    2) the building was from  Attilan but was no longer on the moon (maybe Maximus was saved)

    3) the Special Effects people made a mistake

    Louise's father finally got his dream: He got to put his rocket, in Medusa's back pocket, ON THE MOON!!!!!

  5. When Bebe slapped Kai (very funny scene) she was in complete control of him. A woman's rage (Ally) stopped Bebe's plan from succeeding or did it kick start Bebe's plan into high gear?

    Why did they break in and kill Chaz in the abortion clinic then leave the body outside the abortion clinic?

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Mysteris said:

    So Dreamer's abuse of her trust causes Blink to leave the Underground, and she's not summarily drummed out in disgrace? Why?

    Blink has only been there about a week and half of that time she was unconscious and the other half she spent brooding in a corner. Dreamer has probably been there for years and probably used her talents to remove painful memories from half the mutants there.

    There is no reason to believe that Blink would have stayed even if Dreamer left. Blink blamed John just as much as she blamed Dreamer, so I am sure nobody would have summarily drummed John out in disgrace.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Absurda said:

    How long do we think it will take for Dreamer to realize that John's just not as into her as she is into him? Who wants to bet that she'll mess with his head to try and make him love her?

    I think John is into her, at least enough to give it a go. I just think that this isn't the time or the place for getting romantically entangled from John's military perspective. There is also the possibility that she could be slightly manipulating his emotions for her. They did kiss in this episode right before the phone rang reminding John he should be focusing on the people doing the mission. John might also have a few feelings for Blink as well.

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  8. 2 hours ago, rubyred said:

    PS Did I see this right? Did Caitlin take someone else's wedding ring and give it to Reed? Help yourself, lady!

    It wasn't a wedding ring, but a girl's ring with a big cheap yellow stone on it she found in the storage room. She turned the stone part around so that it faced the palm of his hand, so it would look like only a metal band when viewed from the top.

  9. 1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    Based on the way the camera focused on Sylvester indentifying with the new neighbor, I presume they are destined to be OTP.

    All of that super stressful human-rat contact and nobody got bit? Unlikely.

    I thought she was just going to be another genius that they might consider joining the team. I am sure she will help out on a case or two.

    • Love 2
  10. 2 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    I seriously couldn't stop laughing over Karak and Auron bonding, since he only just snapped her FREAKING NECK a few hours ago.  Sure, she was revived, but that is a huge thing for her to just be al "Eh, no biggie!" about.

    The next time Karnak snapped Auron's FREAKING NECK it might be her last. I can see why see why she was playing it cool.

    More interesting is Karnak disobeying Black Bolt's order not to revive Gorgon. Maybe he can use the excuse that "you are not my king".

    Medusa seems to have one set of rules for high level inhumans and another set for low level inhumans and humans.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

    I feel bad for the proprietor too. No amount of hope or sass is going make what they did ethical. I hope the owner finds out and fires them (pun unintended). Actually I have no idea where Tiana works. Does she work there too? 

    Yes, Tiana works there as well. Since the owner scheduled Jacinda to work there by herself, the place would have burned down anyway. It's the owners fault for hiring employees too dumb to use a fire extinguisher.

    Roni got to see all of Henry and Ivy's flirting and her mother bear instincts kicked in. Wouldn't Roni have spent years watching Henry, Jacinda and Lucy together as a happy family. Those feeling would be hard to ignore.

    • Love 3
  12. 9 hours ago, willco said:

    I'm surprised that there has been no supernatural events- at all- if I'm not mistaken ( other than in Kai's imagination ).

    I am guessing that the first scene of the first episode featuring Twisty the Clown murdering people was a reenactment of what Ozzy was reading in his Twisty the Clown comic book.

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  13. 10 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Claire is pretty brilliant and has what it takes to be an excellent doctor, but even someone like her can make one due to a stressful situation and being concerned about a major task (drilling the hole), that she just didn't even check on the little things (the incubation tube.)  I'm sure it will stick with her, but hopefully Glassman's advice will help and she'll move on from this.

    What Dr. Glassman said seemed more like he was protecting the hospital from a lawsuit, than trying to comfort Claire. He then let her know that she will never forget what happened. 

    • Love 2
  14. On 10/27/2017 at 1:40 AM, RedheadZombie said:

    I don't quite get what the glowing crystal was in Father Dan's bricked off room.  I thought it might be a source of evil, but he fell on it and began chanting Christian prayer.

    Father Dan was looking at a picture of something similar in a book and said the following:

    Blessed be those who seek the truths, for God will reward them with fruits of heaven.

    • Love 2
  15. I thought the crime portion was stupid. A man makes a poison secret recipe, the company doesn't want to change it because it is cheap and sells well. If the guy threatens the company, either change the recipe or I will tell everybody that the pudding is dangerous. The company would change the recipe without telling anybody since the recipe a secret and they have plenty of money to use proper ingredients. If anybody ever brings a lawsuit against them, testing the product will show there is no poison.

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  16. 6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

    Thank you very much for getting the whole piece (I wonder how many takes it took to get through that)!  But I think the son of Jeppum and brother of Litzibitz is Panto, who had left to find Dirk Gently.

    It didn't take any rewinds or writing, I just found a website that provides subtitles for TV shows then copy & pasted. I thought the speech was so silly when he spoke it, I wanted to include the silly names bits.

    I noticed the father and daughter had pink hair, so the person they were talking about should have pink hair as well. That seems to line up with Panto. My bad.

    Is Wakti Wapnasi, forest witch of the Santi Santiga the person who freed Dirk or was it one of the test subjects from Blackwing?

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