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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Lived in California for three years and never heard that. Even had irrigation in our yard. Never saw a limit on water usage but the water bills call be extremely high.
  2. Definitely the owner's were pimping that house for rental purposes.
  3. Surprised that the mother from Pittsburgh who is in clinical research wouldn't realize that the extra weight that she is carrying isn't healthy along with the fact that two of her three sons are showing that same trait.
  4. Thought that beet wellington looked terrible. Wouldn't eat it on a bet.
  5. Watching a rehash of Allison in LA episode. Wish she would stop using the term "sick" when describing how she is going to decorate a room. You're not that young anymore Allison. Use grownup terms.
  6. The mother and daughter house hunters were really nice, as were their realtors. Good to see normal people on this show.
  7. Bride no. 1 and her family were something else. Producer must dig really deep to come up with these kind of people.
  8. Rather have the bedroom on the second floor, preferably next to a tree than having someone come through the bedroom window on the first floor. Totally agree.
  9. Please tell that realtor in Raleigh, NC that not everyone loves ranch style homes. Don't like them, never have.
  10. He is a licensed realtor in both Texas and Florida.
  11. She is playing her Rebecca Pearson from This is Us role down pat.
  12. 2222 west Ohio, another Alison screwup. But she always puts the blame on everyone else. Doesn't she know how to read architectural renderings?
  13. The one secret judge thought that ratatouille was a high end french dish must not know much about french cooking. More of a peasant type dish but good none the less.
  14. I had turned the show off before they go to this part and went back today to rewatch after the comments here. Jeff really needs to be reigned in. He thinks he is so funny. Did enjoy watching him though when he was broadcasting from his own kitchen. Maybe his wife kept him in line.
  15. Just catching up on an earlier show from this season, please lose those overdone eyebrows Alison.
  16. Just finished watching this whole episode and no way was house #1 a craftsman. That had to be a joke to even say it.
  17. Would like to know what type of high end property she manages, especially with that nose ring. She did remind me of Kelly Ripa.
  18. Bathroom modesty went out the door the day I got married.
  19. Another misused word in the Princess episode. "Historical" neighborhood. No, it actually called a "historic" neighborhood. This has shown up on a lot of HH episodes.
  20. Why was she and her mother even living in public housing since she was looking to spend $750k plus for a place. And don't even get me started on those stupid name choices. Just read that the area she and mother live in (Brownsville) area of Brooklyn has one of the highest crime and poverty rates in the state of New York. If she has such a great job and thinks herself a social influencer; why wouldn't she have moved her Mother and herself out of that area before now. Sounds a little phony to me.
  21. Thought I was the only one that heard that "t" being used in bedroom, but I have to admit my Baltimore accent does pronounce "mirra" instead of mirror and the way we pronounce oil.
  22. The other bad word choice is "youens".
  23. I get really bothered when the realtor uses the word foot instead of feet when mentioning size of house.
  24. The one on the Nashville segment is legit.
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