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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 18 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    You guys, I have been thinking about this couple (DON'T JUDGE ME) and I kinda want them to make it.  They truly do dig each other, he is not on a mission to get to the US and she wants to go there.  Sure, she has made some HIGHLY questionable decisions in terms of birth control and parenting and her mom is nuttier than a three dollar bill, but Jihoon seems harmless and kinda hapless.  It doesn't mean I like her but I do like him and his parents, so I say why not?  

    I find them the least offensive of all the couples on this show so I kind of agree, why not?  Moving to Korea could be good for both Deaven and Drascilla.  Plus I do like Jihoon’s parents.

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

    I agree and now we have two children in this mess. There was not one decent guy in all of the US she couldn't have met? There are nice men out there! 

    Or even a decent South African man she could have met while she was there!  No, she’s now fixated on a future with a loser criminal addict.

    • Love 9
  3. 8 hours ago, RealReality said:

    I wasn't fully grossed out, but I wouldn't have my fiance clipping my crusty unpedicured toenails.  Let's save that treat for a couple years into marriage.  

    It did make me agree with other posters who think Jenny may have wanted to get a two-fer.  She can use her SS to live better than she could in America AND it comes with a live in caretaker she can have sex with.  

    Her clip here not there comments, having him heat her water, do the chores, etc.  It just seems like he is in the role of home health aide. 

    It's possible that Jenny is far smarter than she looks.

    If Sumit is stupid enough to go along with it then he deserves the drudgery of being Jenny’s home health aide.  He’s already given up his job anyway!  In the first episode I remember his friends telling him it would be like having a baby who needs you 24/7.  

    Certainly I can see caring for a family member who is unable to do things like this for themselves, but these two have spent very little time together in person up to now.  I guess I just really dislike Jenny and her trying to be a “youngster” along with all the crying behind those stupid huge glasses.  

    I just wonder how she’ll cope with Sumit going home and leaving her in the apartment on her own!  (If he actually does.)

    • Love 10
  4. 6 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

    I have heard such diametrically opposed info about South Africa I dont know what to think 

    I’ve had a number of South African friends over the years and have heard a lot of stories.   They are showing the worst here, but there is a higher rate of crime and my friends did take precautions when living there that would never in a million years occur to me!  Let’s just say that I would not mind visiting but wouldn’t move there!

    • Useful 2
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  5. On 7/19/2019 at 8:55 AM, Drogo said:

    May-December relationships are fine IMO so long as: 

    • the babyspouse isn't the same age or younger than any children the elderspouse has

    Do we have any idea how old Jenny’s daughters are?  Seems like at least one of them is older than Sumit.  I think it’s quite likely that Jenny is older than Sumit’s parents too!

  6. 3 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

    I’m an awful person, but I laughed my ass off at Jenny suffering a blow. It’s insane to me that she’s moving to India for security. That’s her long con.

    I know, right?!  There are believable reasons for moving to India, but “security” makes absolutely no sense to me.  “Adventure”, absolutely.  “Love”, well I could believe that of her too.  Then again she doesn’t behave like an adult let alone the granny she actually is.

    • Love 7
  7. 8 hours ago, happy hobo said:

    Ok, that itself shows her stupidity. His speech cadence alone says he is not from the UK. 

    I assumed it was just messaging back and forth and not actually speaking to each other, as you say it would be immediately obvious hearing him!

    • Love 2
  8. 19 hours ago, Hellga said:

    I wanted to go pick gooseberries this weekend (despite the godawful heatwave) but when I called the farm, they said someone came and picked their entire stock.  Next year they should have more as new plantings start to fruit, but boy am I disappointed.  Berries are absolutely my fruit of doom.  I guess storebought cherries and blueberries it is...

    I have blueberry bushes, three of which are now wrapped in netting to protect them.  Luckily for me though my husband will eat everything I pick so there won’t be much left to tempt me!

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I may go to hell for this, but I straight up LAUGHED at Jenny when she was crying after the meeting for two reasons:  1) She is such a Sad Sack Sally and cries at everything.  So I was like, again with the crying?  2) You have been in a relationship for SIX YEARS and are just now figuring out the laws for getting married as a US citizen to an Indian citizen in India?  

    Sumit gave the most polite beat down I have ever heard.  Must be from Minnesota.  (I am from MN -I get to say that.)  "Excuse me, I hate to bother you but please pipe down over my granny wife.  I know she sticks out like a blond sore thumb and frankly, she is about to cry but what else is new - but could you please stop. I am taking her out for a good cry followed by a good haircut now.  Good Bye."

    I’ll see you there!  I too laughed at Jenny and all her crying.  Maybe I’ll start calling her GrannyWife instead of AuntieJenny.  Can’t wait for Parents Sumit to join the fun, I just hope they don’t cave like Parents Jihoon (who I really like) did.

    • LOL 1
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  10. 7 hours ago, Twopper said:

    thanks for that bit of info.   Was there anything else in the expanded version?  I watched an expanded version of an earlier episode (not sure which one) and I couldn't figure out what was added.   Maybe I should watch when I am more awake, but some of the story lines aren't all that exciting

    Nothing else that I didn’t remember seeing before.  

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