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Posts posted by Caoimhe

  1. 41 minutes ago, Matty said:

    Am I the only woman in America who refuses to purchase, own, wear a cold shoulder shirt? Looking at you Laura, Tiffany, Angela (on another 90 Days show), and there are probably others that I can't remember. The women with the hammy arms seem to like them a lot. Not a good look. 

    I bought a cold shoulder dress from a clearance rack last year.  I cut off the sleeves and made new facings to have a sleeveless dress before I would even consider wearing it.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    It's not much worse than their actual house...

    Having said that... someone a long time ago on one of these boards suggested that some of Paul's behaviors seemed to be similar to coping skills taught to people with anger management or impulse control issues and I thought his retreat to the dog house was actually a smart move on his part.

    I thought so too, the running away and the mantra of CALM CALM CALM might well be something he was taught to do instead of torching buildings, slashing tyres, terroristically threatening people, etc.  Really amusing to watch though!

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  3. 1 minute ago, Spooky said:

    SA can be quite dangerous; loads of home invasions and drugs. There's quite a polrity between poverty and wealth; one end of a street can be government housing and the other large, opulent houses. 

    A friend of mine once told me they had metal gates at the top of the stairs in their house  that they locked when they went to bed.  

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  4. 39 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    My vice is some Malbec!!!  (I don't smoke, lol!)

    Scotch is my choice, though I’d be just as happy with a nice glass (or two) of red wine!

    I’m not sure I would make it through an episode without SOMETHING!! 😁

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  5. 34 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I wonder if summits parents want him home to look after their needs and bring home his paycheck!  A lot of elderly parents are like that!

    Jenny would just be another mouth to feed and must not bring much to the family of they had her before and don't want her back!

    Perhaps the daughter in law might be expected to help care for the “elderly” parents?  Hard to do when you’re probably older than they are and already need help washing your hair and cutting your toenails!

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  6. 1 hour ago, Mothra said:

    I've been thinking a lot about Jenny and her helplessness.  I wasn't kidding when I posted earlier about the freedom an older woman can experience if she but embraces her age---she doesn't have to worry one bit about what other people think of her.  And an important lesson I've learned is that *everyone* loves to be asked to help you--"how do I get from here to there?"  "Is there a cafe in this neighborhood?"  "Where can I buy some Kotex?" (well not the last one but it is fun to ask it).

    And think of what an impression she would make on Sumit's parents if she used her time alone to Google ancient Indian lore; there is a rich literature in Sanskrit, and she could read translations of the classic texts.    If she demonstrated to his parents--and to Sumit--that she was interested enough and committed enough to Indian culture, I bet she'd have them eating out of her hand before too long.

    But Jenny is trying to be her emotional age (early teens) rather than embracing her physical age!  After all she moved to India for “security” (????) rather than any desire to embrace a new culture and grow as a person.  Someone mentioned that MamaSumit may want grandchildren and that’s not happening.  But I agree that behaving like an interested and interesting adult would do more to make a positive impression than the whiny baby act.

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  7. On 7/28/2019 at 6:27 AM, Londoner said:

    Hi everyone 

    First post here, love the show .. soooo frustrating that we are drip fed episodes in the UK ... I have to use TLC uk which is way behind, Amazon Prime or iTunes again so behind.

    But I have had to use google to work out what some of the foods are ... like grits, biscuits and gravy(that confused me because our biscuits over here are your cookies).

    Hi Londoner!  I would trade all the TLC shows and the rest to get the real BBC once again.  What they call “BBC America” is an absolute travesty.  I just wish I could send my license fee off and get online access to ALL of the BBC channels.  I do recall the days of using my US iTunes account (funded by online downloaded credit purchases) to try to stay up to date with American television.  I am fully bilingual, LOL!!

    Husband worked in London for a time (I stayed at home in Dublin but visited him often), I did move over for the time he worked in Bristol though. Now we’re living in the US one of my favourite shops is called The British Aisles for the foods that there’s just no replacement for.  None would be Dr. Now approved though!

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  8. 40 minutes ago, Bunnyette said:

    The producers are saving the Pole chase for the finale!  If Tiffany is so glad her Dad is coming, why doesn’t she hire a car and go meet her Dad? Why send a stranger?

    Because Ronald is his new son!  (According to Tiffany at any rate.)

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  9. Yes Jenny, Sumit certainly CAN go home to his parents and leave you in the apartment.  I am still bemused by someone who plans to relocate without making the slightest effort to research customs and living standards, not to mention making some effort to at lest begin learning the local language.  Jenny is behaving like an elderly(ish) infant.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

    Jenny this is the perfect time to get to know your neighborhood.  One day walk a mile to the left of your apartment,  next day walk a mile to the right. Venture out. Say hello to a stranger. Try a cafe. Whatever you do just quit your old lady caterwauling about being left alone.

    Exactly.  I’m sure she can get a translator app for her phone to be able to communicate, and come on if you’re moving somewhere don’t you at least try to learn the language?!

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