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Everything posted by rockibirdi

  1. I don't believe anything that comes out of Tyler's mouth. When he said that he thought the viewers hated him my thought was that his comment is total bullshit. If he is such the super fan that he claims to be, he would know that viewers like perceived big moves and machinations. He worked the audience in his DRs, tried to look charming, in the hopes of getting the money for AFP. I see Tyler as very fake and this season has kind of turned me off BB with the boosting of Tyler as one of the main goals of the production.
  2. I really enjoy watching Keo-I like him. Their foxtrot was a solid first dance.
  3. I don’t think Len likes Keo and maybe that is why he gave Evanna the 5. MerBearHou- I saw your post after I posted- I’m with you on Keo! Len’s dislike of Keo makes it hard for me to watch the show.
  4. I don’t care who wins anymore- maybe Kaycee, but none of them are very likable or someone I can get behind. Sorry- but I’m not buying the Angela/Tyler romance. Is Tyler botoxed up? Angela? It’s especially weird when Tyler is talking in the DR. His forehead never moves.
  5. First, I can’t stand Tyler. I think Sam is on to something when she is receiving internal messages communicating that something is not right with Tyler. He is very “off”, in my opinion. I don’t find him charming, or delightful, or real. Besides all that I don’t think he is handsome or good looking in any way. Lol- just had to get that off my chest! As others have written, I hate to see one side dominating, especially a side that has such unappealing characters. It’s no fun for me! Hopefully people wake up and see what is going on. Which brings me to- Some of the contestants should open their eyes and watch their fellow houseguests, see who is aligned with who, see how people react to events in the house. I’ve said it before- keen observation is a key component to doing well in the game.
  6. Excellent post! I would rather see a decent person who plays well win rather than someone like Tyler who is “rotten to his core”. Hopefully Hay can come up with a clever plan to overcome the hacker- or maybe the hacker will be an ally of Hay. You never know- it could happen! I like Bay a bit- she seems to have friends in the house and that says something positive about her. People make mistakes- she has a lot of growing up to do. That’s on her. She is going to have a pretty terrible life if she doesn’t change.
  7. Dead eyed Tyler is saved- why can’t some see who he is aligned with? I guess it must be difficult to figure it out while in the house. I wonder if people are so busy socializing that they don’t take the time to observe their fellow house guests. Even though Bayleigh is annoying, I felt bad for her when Angela put her on the block. Angela has been wrong about both Bayleigh and Rachel. She’s a real piece of work.
  8. I can’t stand Tyler- he is the fakiest fake there ever was. I feel like he is not only playing his fellow houseguests, but the audience as well. I will laugh and laugh if he is voted off- but I won’t hold my breath about that happening any time soon. All the sad faces when Hay put him on the block did make me laugh. What a bunch of dumpas. Good for Haley though. Remember when she mentioned Tyler when Bay was quizzing her about which two guys did something against Bayleigh- I can’t recall what it was exactly- and Bay said no, not Tyler, and said somebody else’s name. Lol- I should look this up.
  9. Tyler is scary. He isn’t sending out any shady signals- people trust him when they shouldn’t. Scotty may have screwed up big time by confiding in Tyler. Scotty maybe isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. I liked Sam earlier, but her innocent little girl personality is starting to get on my nerves.
  10. Kaitlyn has made it possible for the "cool kid" side to steamroll over her former alliance, and maybe her, too.
  11. I like Swaggy. I think he is a young man who is somewhat naive about the ways of the world and about himself. He reminds me of other young men that I know. He'll hopefully learn something positive about himself from this. I can't stand Tyler- I hate people who take over another person's game because that other person is weak and easily manipulated. Kaitlyn is a very messed up young woman. I feel sorry for her, but I am also irritated that she couldn't see what Tyler was doing. She craved his attention and validation so much that he was able to use that need to make her go against her alliance and her own best interests.
  12. I normally enjoy DWTS, even with all of its faults. This season, however, has left me a little cold. Some of the dances were really good last night, but it is difficult to see past the tired, cynical, incompetent patter of the hosts (more so Erin than Tom), the showboating subjective judges, the fakeness of both the stars and the pros. Does anyone else notice a difference this season? I know many people on this forum are enjoying the show, and I don't want to be all negative about it, but something seems more off than usual.
  13. OMG- The fight between Kevin and Josh- I could not stand being in the BB house with these people. What a bunch of unlikable characters.
  14. I am watching the show from last night and I wish Jason would have stood up for himself. Jason: You are HOH, you won POV- you can do what ever you want. It's a game! I detest Matt and Raven. What a couple of whiners. Paul is something else- always working everyone. Smart, I guess!
  15. Awesome- at least something interesting has happened in the house. Loved the expressions on everyone's faces before, during, and after the veto meeting. I never thought I would say this, but, "Good job, Jason!!!!" Alex was being so illogical in her argument on why Jason should take down Raven. I hope Jason sees this. Does Alex still have a secret pact with just Paul?
  16. Every time I see this comp I want to try it myself! I don't understand why people are falling so much- I know I would be a 62 year old rock star on this! ;)
  17. I haven't watched the live feeds, but from just seeing the show it seems like no one is even thinking about using Paul as a pawn. I am kind of shocked that the topic hasn't come up. Why wouldn't Jason or Matt say something- broach the subject in a casual way? One of them could go through all those available to be pawns and see what the reasoning is to use or not use each guest. This would give Jason and Matt info if nothing else. Really, Paul would probably be an ideal pawn because most at this time don't want to vote him out. (Not that they shouldn't get him out! I don't get what is wrong with these people. How can they be so blind?) It is embarrassing watching Christmas talk about "big moves" in her gleeful, ain't I smart way. Her manner tells me that she thinks that we think she is an amazing player. She is imagining the audience is with her, when, IMO, she is coming across as a big dope and definitely not a great player.
  18. Yes- excellent comment. Jess and Cody did appear to have a real connection, and maybe they'll develop a relationship that's positive for both of them. It would be nice if something good came out of this mess.
  19. Cody is right- these people are lunatics! When Cody looks like a prince, the comparables must be pretty crappy. I am bummed that Mark didn't win HOH. He would have shook things up, changed course from the Paul-driven agenda. Maybe next week! Jason is a useless HOH. Look at Paul pull his strings! Lol-it is kind of amusing. Jason has a lot to say at the nomination ceremony, but this is what Paul wants, right? So disappointing! Happy Mark won POV! He did look desperate and confused when the buzzer didn't go off. Haha! All is well that ends well. It was good that Elena took the 5,000. She would have been quickly out of the house one way or another, and at least she got something extra out of the show. Boo-hoo Alex!!! lololololol! Elena sounded somewhat reasonable during her exit interview. She is right that the house isn't the best place to foster a relationship. I wonder about Cody and Jess's chances after the Big Brother hoopla is over. Ok, hopefully something exciting and unexpected happens next.
  20. I like Dominique. She is a bit goofy, but entertaining and sincere. I voted as much as I could for her to get the temptation. I missed the first 15 minutes of the show (I'll catch up tomorrow), but from what I did see I think that I put my votes in the right place, for what they are worth. I don't know if was God-inspired, but she seemed to be right on the money about Paul. I think it might be her human thinking skills! ;) Paul is manipulating Alex and Jason with the skills of a maximum security inmate! I need someone in the house who can see through Paul and hopefully get him out of there. I don't hate Paul; I just want a more even playing field for the house guests.
  21. I think Simone is adorable. I see her having fun and doing her best to learn the dances. She connects with me! Besides that, although I enjoy watching him, I think it is Dave's time to leave the ballroom.
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