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Posts posted by lgprimes

  1. Caught up on a few days’ worth of episodes. Most entertaining moments weren’t from any storyline, but from waiting to see if Heather or Sharon’s eyebrows would  move AT ALL during their oh-so-emotional hospital scenes.

    Verdict: no movement detected.

    Chloe’s face looked refreshed today? Took me a minute to recognize her.

     Lily, Lily, Lily… Like taking candy from a baby. My fervent prayer is that this whole thing is a trick she and Billy have concocted



    • LOL 11
  2. 3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    But I don't get Sally's anger. She seemed to be more upset Adam hadn't already confessed to cheating on her than the likelihood Adam really did cheat on her.

    I’m with Sally on this one. Adam and Chelsea having spur of the moment comfort sex wouldn’t bother me half as much as the month-long lying to my face afterwards.

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  3. Oh jeez what is this monstrosity of an evening gown Phyllis is wearing to breakfast?  

    and NOW! a completely fabricated “adoption” of Harrison in Italy!! Clearly this site is being read and they realized none of us were buying Summer having any legal rights to this kid. It makes me angry that they think they can just drop in a sentence to retrofit an impossible version of the story and we are all expected to just sit back and say “oh okay”

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  4. It feels writers are really working overtime to create nonsense drama with Abbott-chancellor-whatever it’s called this week. Lily and Billy were doing just fine and out of NOWHERE she wants him gone because Victor is shaking his shriveled-up manhood around. I’m willing to suspend disbelief for a soap opera, but please let it make some sort of sense.

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  5. On 7/3/2022 at 7:21 PM, Vivigirl10 said:


    Soooo....this is basically Sabrina??


    lol! When Cam said that they were going to watch Sabrina at the drive-in (yeah, right) I silently mourned the death of subtlety

  6. On 7/3/2022 at 7:21 PM, Vivigirl10 said:

    Jeremiah as a love interest was out of left field and not believable.  He's going to be living his best gay life in New York in a few years. 

    For the entire first episode, if not longer, I thought that Jeremiah and Steven were a couple, or would be one by the end of the summer.

  7. Aren’t Tucker and Jack supposed to be smart businessmen? I was hoping they would both realize “oh, if it’s not Jack it must be Victornewman, and why would he want a cosmetics company?” Then the two of them could gang up on the Grampire. 

    It would have been great. But no, instead I hear Tucker is leaving.

    No bueno!

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  8. Why the heck is JG so OBSESSED with mental health storylines? It’s been going on for years now - Chelsea’s depression, Connor’s OCD, Ashley’s DID, now immediately into Sharon and her bipolar med problems? It’s non-stop. As a real-life healthcare provider, I would like to request a break from this on my soap opera for a couple of weeks (at Ieast) once Sharon’s sure-to-be-annoying story runs it course?

     It’s not like he even did a great job with any of them (Chelsea’s was well done but I haven’t been impressed with the more recent ones)

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  9. 34 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Victor is up to his old tricks but I can’t give 💩

    This. I am 100% over that character. It’s been 40+ years. Can we please move on from him? 
    This stupid feud practically feels like early dementia. Which would be good news because it would mean maybe they could ship him off to a home someplace 

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  10. Traci made ZERO sense in the episode. She should have been in an absolute panic when she didn’t know where Ashley was, and instantly asked for Tucker to help find her.

     Instead she sits down and drinks coffee for twenty minutes, refusing to let him know there’s a problem? WTF?

    I admit I had to rewind the show at the end to check out clothing because at first I was convinced Martin survived, but in fact they were wearing different shirts and it’s hard to imagine there would have been time to switch after the fall.

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  11. 18 hours ago, Js Nana said:

    Today's show was a continuation of Friday's show, and tomorrow's show will be a continuation of today's show - one day taking as long as a week to play out is how it works

    I understand that, sure. But she first brought up this non-existent meeting back in Genoa City! So they’ve had time for an international flight, change of clothes, and apparently five bar visits..

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  12. Oh ffs! If somebody you cared about was LITERALLY driving themselves crazy thinking they were hallucinating seeing you in a place where you know you weren’t, wouldn’t the first words out of your mouth be “I know what must have happened! I have a brother that looks exactly like me”? Allen is being petty cruel dragging this out.

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  13. I b*tch about this show frequently, so in the spirit fairness I am going to say that I am actually interested in and enjoying this Ashley/Allen storyline. I do think they are going down the evil twin route, and Tucker being in Paris makes it convenient for him to be the hero. Leaving good Allen available for Traci!

     Nice to see some of my favorite veterans getting some air time.

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  14. A Snapper mention!!! Now THAT warms my heart. A true throwback. Although at first I thought she was saying Snapper was acting as her doctor- he should be well past retirement age by now!

    I miss the Foster family! 
    The Brooks too, of course. Was great when they bright back Leslie to play piano for Victoria’s wedding. I love when history is actually honored!

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