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Posts posted by lgprimes

  1. The story on this show is dumb enough that I am distracted by random thoughts, such as:

     Did Kyle get dressed in the dark? That tie with that shirt? I’m no fashion police but ow, my eyes.

     Rey didn’t talk about work because he could solve crimes without help from the town gossip.

     Thank God Mariah and Tessa won the finals of the Happily Ever After tournament because Michael is going to be the next one sleeping at the GCAC. Does his marriage mean that little to him?

    I didn’t miss Allie and Noah at all and may need to nickname them Ambien and Nyquil, because they make me drowsy.

     I didn’t realize that Nikki’s strange employee was a CBS newscaster and thought it was some rando who must have won a walk-on for a charity auction. Sad that I didn’t even really mind the waste of time since the rest of the show wasn’t captivating either.

     Time to bring back some professional writers!

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  2. Ugh they really are stretching the limits of my ability to suspend disbelief.  Letting anybody who wants to go into Phyllis’ room and THEN looking for evidence…NOT putting a tail on Stark, a prime murder suspect, and then not noticing the murder victim when she is standing about 10 feet from a picture of her.  The kids on Barney would make better detectives.

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  3. Hope is cray-cray, sure, but she wasn’t wrong in calling out Brooke and her annoying “who me?” words while as she repeatedly exhibits her  sexy eye little kitten voice behavior. 

     Brooke offends me.

     As does this storyline with Hope, who is a character that DOESN’T usually offend me. 
    These writers refuse to write any realistic strong women characters who aren’t psychopathic.  

    Except Li, so far… hopefully they don’t screw her up.


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  4. On 3/29/2023 at 11:14 AM, kwnyc said:

    Trent's preference of Queen Clarisse, the grown-up boss bitch of Genovia reads to me as another hint he's going to be a match for Rebecca.

    Interesting… for me this makes me increasingly lean towards him and Colin… 

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  5. Just now catching Friday’sc episode. A few comments…

    1) either The guy who plays Jeremy is an awful actor or the actor is choosing to make Jeremy an awful actor.

    2) this entire storyline is somehow overly complicated and overly dull at the same time. i don’t care about any of these people, and none of this is in any way believable.

    3) what interests me most is finding out Eileen Davidson’s skin care routine. She isn’t young and that dress showed acres of what appeared to be silky smooth skin. Filters?

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  6. Mariah and Tessa

     Chloe and Kevin 

     Adam and Sally (although Nick and Sharon are both boring and deserve each other)

    Last one is REALLY tough! I love Ashley and Tucker’s witty repartee. But Ashley seems to enjoy her independence. She can toy with Tucker whenever she’s in the mood.


     Meanwhile our other two lovebirds have stuck together for longer than most daytime couples so I’m giving the last minute buzzer vote to

     Lauren and Michael


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  7. I’m with Tucker this is the lamest party ever. Although his date is the fiercest woman there by far, telling people to step off left and right.

    There was a LAUGHABLY small number of people in the room for the unveiling of the jazz club. They really couldn’t round up a few more extras to make it look crowded ?


     And I know it’s a touchy subject because the cast clearly loved Kristoff St John and want to honor him, but I am SO SICK of hearing about Saint Neil.

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  8. I agree with the poster above who states Ivy League schools lower their standards for celebrities- and athletes and for lots of other reasons! I would be shocked to find out Jazz has stellar SAT scores. Also, she was home schooled, which is one-on-one education so easier to get good grades.

     She gives great massages! And she seems to enjoy that! No need for a Harvard education, she should go to massage school! She would probably have a happy life doing that and could make side money getting paid for appearances at advocacy events.

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  9. Just to be a jerk (although this is my honest opinion) I’m stating right here that I like Roy’s chemistry with Phoebe’s teacher from last year better than when he is with Keeley. 
    I’m pretty sure you all will get the happy ending you want for your dream couple but for me, they ain’t it.

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