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Posts posted by phlebas

  1. 36 minutes ago, jade.black said:

    There's a real creepy cult mentality this season that's putting me off (along with the million other cringey things these castmembers are doing to put me off). The group cheering in the background every time someone gets a romantic kiss. The group hostility in driving off newcomers. The group celebration when any couple makes up. The group coercion to choose the preferred suitor. The group crying when their most beloved is rejected. I'm expecting some weird Midsommar group orgasm any episode now. Are the bodies of the departed stacked in a barn somewhere? Will the elders (Michael and Danielle) jump off a cliff next? Wild.

    We should have seen this posse' mentality coming after last year when Joe and the Disgruntled Females chased Chris & Alana, then Brendan & Pieper off the beach.  Maybe that's why they cast Shanae in the first place.

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  2. After last week, I thought I understood Eliza's point, but she expressed it poorly.

    But I was wrong. The only explanations I can come up with for My Sister in Christ Eliza are sinister.

    (BTW -- Production, ironically, did the Lord's work in showing that montage of Kate dropping her catchphrase. There wasn't much good out of Kate this week, but she's at least not going to get credit for being a strong Christian to those who care about that.)

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  3. 9 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Did we meet her parents on Peter’s season?

    As I recall, Peter showed up, they talked outside, inevitably fought, and Peter left without going in. We got a clip of Victoria's family inside waiting for them.  I remember them going "no one wants Nana kisses!"

    Her family must be exhausted by Victoria whenever she leaves the house.

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  4. 4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    Wasn’t Gabby supposed to be there as well?  Since she and Erich have now broken up, last thing tptb would want to show is two people for whom the “process” didn’t work sooooooo spectacularly.  

    I  hadn't heard Gabby was coming.  Maybe prep for DWTS was interfering?  Or she said no?

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  5. Seems like they haven't plugged Rachel's visit to Paradise much lately. Maybe they cut it because she spent the whole time talking about how the process works and how happy she was with Tino, so they cut her?

    Or maybe they needed time to explore how Ashley I pees in the ocean.

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  6. 9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I'm not putting my faith in those judges of character.

    I probably tend to be more optimistic about individual human nature :)

    I'll trust the collective more than I'll trust Production to give us an accurate portrayal of what's going on with these people.

    Except for Hayden. Screw that guy.

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  7. It's taken me like three days but I think I'm  at peace with the Eliza/Rodney weirdness. (I guess by various transitive properties that's also true of Kate and Logan, but I don't really care if they walk into the ocean and never come out TBH.)

    I think Eliza and Rodney got together with different ideas about how to be a supportive and loving partner.  Rodney wanted her to be free to do what she wanted, so if she chose him, it meant something. Eliza is looking for someone who will overtly show his affection -- she wants to feel WANTED, and for whatever reason, that manifests to her as "fighting for her." 

    Rodney's approach resonates more with me, but I can see Eliza's perspective. And I don't really think one is more valid than the other. The problem is they don't know each other very well, so they haven't quite mapped out how to read each other's behavior. If they had met just out in the real world and dated normally, this issue and a thousand others would likely have never arisen because they would figure each other out. That's sort of what dating IS.

    Eliza does sort of lose me in their conversation after her date with Justin, when she insists Rodney doesn't really care about her because he didn't seem sad enough when she left. She's not hearing him when he's trying to explain his perspective. Her need for someone to make a scene is alarming, and makes me worried about the role models she's had for what relationships are supposed to be.

    But overall, I think they'e mostly just talking past each other. This isn't an environment that allows two people to really understand each other.

    Kate had a similar experience when she was upset with Logan. "He must not give a crap about me." Into the sea with you two crazy kids!

    I think Rodney and Eliza could work it out, if they are both interested in trying. I guess we'll see.

    The REAL broken relationship here is Genevieve and Aaron. In a lot of ways, these two hotheads are similar, but in this case that makes them incompatible. They both have needs the other can't meet. In this fight we saw Tuesday night, I don't think Genevieve really did anything wrong (for once -- but you can still count on her for an over-the-top reaction to anything). She came off a little whiny, but nothing that would justify Aaron's reaction/anger/petulance. Aaron has an inner narrative where he's the hero and the perfect boyfriend, and he lashes out when that gets challenged by even the slightest criticism.

    Victoria didn't do Genevieve any favors by trying to get her to stay.  Her best option now is to wait to see if Eliza dumps Rodney, then maybe make a move there. I don't know if Rodney would welcome it, but I think being with someone calm, measured, and generally cheerful might do Gen a world of good.

    (There HAS to be something redeeming about Genevieve. All the girls in BiP seem to like her, and most of the guys too. But we're not going to see calm chats with a person who will lose her shit about spiders like she does. Production has cast her in a specific role.)

    Also: GTFO Hayden, you moron. Shanae really does have nice teeth. And stop cracking on the twins, Jacob -- you're only one year older. (You too, Logan -- you're two years older and Kate is seven years older than you.)

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  8. 1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

    Aaron wanted to hang out with Johnny, which I get, since Alex came in and it was awkward. I'm not sure why Genevieve got so upset, but she did, and Aaron decided to be a dick about it, instead of inviting her with them or going somewhere else. Aaron was coming off kind of roidy or high. He just wanted to be hanging with Johnny.

    James isn't there, so Aaron is lost.  JAMES would let him go play football with the dudebros and not want to talk about feelings.

    Genevieve has done a lot of things wrong and from what we've seen, needs to calm down in general, but I'm Team Gen in this little squabble with James' BFF. She is overly needy, but he just comes off as dismissive and cruel.

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  9. I'm a little reluctant to completely dump on Eliza or Kate. Like with Rachel last season, we are being shown curated, out-of-context moments in an environment designed to make everyone nuts (plus the producers are tripping over themselves to drive the narrative this season).

    That may be somewhat true for Genevieve too, but she is so over the top in all her reactions, she seems to be deliberately giving production what they want.

    In general, if you leave the Bachelor or Bachelorette with a positive edit, stay away from BiP. If you were a villain, go for it. You might still be a villain, like Pizza Pete, but you might get a Shanae-style redemption.

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