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Everything posted by st.louielouie

  1. Love that I can just fast forward through anything Brandi - don't know what she said and don't give a damn. I don't care who goes and who stays but I would prefer Kyle and Lisa V stay. The rest --- who cares. Andy was on a mission to crucify LisaV. Also, really ladies, you NEED to hear about LisaV being beat up to relate to her. That is some messed up shit. None of your damn business. I really don't know what a wanker is so I don't know how foul it is but I love the word. I guess I could look it up but what is the fun in that - maybe I will just start calling everyone a wanker. Loved Erika backtracking on "her" planes - honey, you stating on TV that you use them for pleasure and transporting friends can take them from a business write off to a pleasure item. Dumb ass...
  2. LisaR is over the age of 15 - if she is so gullible that she allows herself to be manipulated so easily- that is on her. I would have her ass cleaning my house for free if she was that easy to manipulate. She needs to grow the f up. Erika thinks she is edgy but I find her just boring and the fakest of the fakey-fakes. Love how LisaR and Eileen are trying to break up LisaV and Kyle's friendship - talk about manipulative..... That is it - that is all I have - still like Kathryn though.
  3. Well, if this was Brandi's big return - I am glad it was about a minute - 59 seconds too long for me but I did actually laugh when Brandi was on but it was how she looked in her TH - was that a wig - her hair had something going on and it wasn't good. They all look great in their caftans or mumus or whatever they were called and except for LisaR bringing up Yo once again, I enjoyed seeing the rooms and them all just hanging around chatting. I am one of those people that love Kyle and LisaV together. Still like Kathryn for no reason but I do and really over Erika - sometimes like start to like Erika and then she says something or does something that screams out phony/contrived and the dislike starts over. I am still so sad about LisaR turning into a harpie (to me) because I liked her on Days and Soap Talk but really don't like her on this show. Harry seems like there is something off. I also hate any scenes with her and her daughters - I don't want to dislike teens so I blame their mother. Eileen and Vince seems so normal to me - that is why I still like her but am bugged as to why that she has this grudge to LisaV. After all, she had the affair - just move on. LisaV and Max were just so cute together.
  4. Man was David already checked out or what - he didn't know how long it was since Yo threw a dinner party and didn't care. That ride in the limo together was painful to watch. He was clearly done and she was acting (to me) like she still needed validation from him. Ugh. I thought Kim was actually sober and so it wasn't unpleasant to me. I thought Kyle was funny (not haha) as she is clearly jealous of Brandi's friendship with Kim. I don't know why she is but she is. The dog scene was great and I usually like it when they show Kyle's family so that was good. Don't like Erika - still don't. Like Kathryn - no reason but I just do and liked the lunch with her sisters. Eileen I still like and don't mind that she doesn't like Lisa V - I think she is being petty about it but I also don't think everyone has to like Lisa V. Mohamed and Lisa V are clearly good friends and I liked the house and little ponies. I also like Ken just fine when they show him in little scenes. Lisa V. doesn't bug me. I don't think she is as bad as some people think and not as brilliant as other people think. I would hang out with her for a day - okay maybe lunch. I couldn't hang out with any of them for a day - too needy. Lisa R. - I just can't. She isn't as bad as Brandi but she is coming close - she is just so messy. She is crude and so insecure it drives me crazy. Really, her daughter had to bring a "friend" to minor outpatient surgery with her. Needy mom = needy daughters.
  5. Interesting episode to me. I must say that when I say I "like" someone on these shows it is a superficial "like" because the truth is, I don't really care one way or the other. I don't watch them on other shows or follow them on instagram or twitter or even click on articles about them. I only watch each episode once and may miss nuances. I like Eileen but geez, let it go. Why should Lisa have to make an apology sound sincere when she didn't think she said anything wrong. I don't get it. Just because you were offended doesn't mean Lisa did anything offensive. You and your husband broke what a lot of people consider a moral code, that is your beginning with your husband, you can't change or hide the past just because you had a child. Get over yourself. Otherwise, I love how she gets frustrated when people don't discuss what she wants them to and I think she is really pretty in almost every scene she is in. I so appreciate Lisa V. just walking away when she felt attacked - it, to me, is so much better than hanging around screeching. Lisa is like, bitches, I have better things to do. It made me laugh. I don't care if she was right or not (in the argument), I would be out of there, I thought it was a "normal" behavior instead of the need of some of the ladies to discuss something to death. Lisa R. - ugh, I don't care what you do with your husband but I really don't want to know either - some things should remain private for a reason. You have 2 daughters and they really don't need to hear that their mom is strapping on a dildo for their dad's pleasure. It is too much info for them - at any age. I really don't like Yolanda and never have and so, by association, I haven't been a fan of Erika's, but I like her a lot better than Erika Jane and 100x better than Brandi. I think she brings the upheaval to the group, along with Kathryn, and it is more pleasant that before. Kathryn doesn't bug me but she told Erika that she wanted to get to know her and then went right to the women and betrayed everything she said. If I was Erika, I would be more upset that she spoke to them about me crying about my grandma than what I said about Lisa V. I thought Lisa V looked so pretty when she was spinning - it was the best look for me with her. She should pull her hair back more often and wear less make up - it really was the first time I thought, wow, she is way prettier than I thought. I thought Kyle was sort of stupid whispering at the table but it did start the "drama" Bravo and viewers seems to crave. I prefer a more "boring" show - where they show successful women supporting each other - I hate it that TV portrays women as sniping, backstabbing, petty human beings. Bravo seems to think that women can't get along and we are all harpies and it is frustrating to me - although I do watch so I am part of the problem...I am down to just BH now and it is starting to get old to me.
  6. I skipped the portions of Lisa R with her daughters as I just can't... but other than that I loved this episode! Kyle looked like a spring flower next to Adrienne - what the hell happened to her - she looks terrible. I still sort of miss Adrienne, I liked her just not her plastic surgeon. I understood where Kathryn was coming from and think Eileen is funny and I understand her uneasiness with tension. Kim was horrible and weird in that limo ride with Lisa R - I had forgotten where she was calling her a slut and stuff. Lisa V was on point and funny to me this episode. Yikes on the Erika and Tom relationship - he sort of treats her like crap and did seem like a crabby old guy. Oh and I am tired of the Kyle and Kim story - I REALLY would rather hear about the Kathy and Kyle story and what is really going on.
  7. For the love of Pete - I am so incredibly sick of being told what is a true friend and what is a fake friend by Yolanda. Ya know, Yo, I believe a true friend would tell you that you are cray cray. If anyone of my TRUE friends felt they needed to support my illness by "experiencing" what I go through, I might drop them as a friend. Sorry but I really don't think that being frozen shows any support at all. Support is -" I hope you feel better." or "Dang, you are getting too obsessed with this and need to find something else in your life to focus on." Ugh - I just don't get it. My life is too damn busy to drop everything I am doing to fly people home from surgeries, go to get procedures done and talk 24/7 about your problems. Yolanda - you are not a true friend - you are a demanding self absorbed drama queen. I am just so tired of her. Erika is truly what I thought - a more polished version of Brandi but I am okay with that and she can stay. Being a liar is always good reality tv and I don't miss that screechy voice one bit. I sort of skip over any parts of her when she is Erika Jane as I don't find it interesting at all - sort of like when Brandi had friends over to watch her ex's show. I do like it when she is just Erika and actually would like to see more interaction with her and her husband and the other couples. LisaV, Kyle and Eileen are just fine with me. I probably prefer Eileen but I will always remember how much I liked Kyle on Little House on the Prairie so I cut her a lot of slack. I may not remember it properly, but I didn't think Kyle "grilled" LisaV about the kids just was astonished when LisaV indicated they didn't have lymes. Some days I like LisaR and some days I don't. I can't take her talking heads and that fake exaggerated laugh of hers. I loved how Kathryn teased Eileen about her handbag and Eileen response. Everyone has what they spend their money on. Handbags are not my thing - when my son was in Asia, I asked him to pick up several "fakes" as I think they are funny and will carry them everywhere - the phonier fake looking bag the better but I will spend several thousands on a great tree or steps in my backyard without a second thought. Every one does it - we all just pick and choose what we want to spend our cash on.
  8. I have skimmed the list and think that it is way overblown and rather weird of these people that follow every thing to see if they can find a connection that Leann is copying Brandi. In one case of the bikini - they were different colors and that style was really popular at the time. I think people like to "see" things that aren't there. I stopped looking when people were claiming that because Leann had blond hair she was copying Brandi. Leann doesn't need to copy Brandi - she just doesn't. Eddie seems to have a certain type of woman he gets involved with and I think it is just that. Brandi is using her own children to exploit - letting them know that if they seem happy with their dad and his wife, their stepmom, she has to drink and cry herself to sleep - that, to me, sort of trumps anything Leann could do. It is so self-involved and cruel to her children. Stepmoms have been posing with their stepchildren for years. Brandi posted a picture of her son with Kim Richards and Eddie said nothing. No crying, no screaming he didn't want his children exposed to her and no accusing Brandi of hurting him. Brandi is a self-involved screechy crappy person. I think all the adults in this situation are rather crappy, but the same people posting all the supposed proof that Leann is single white femaling Brandi are posting that it really isn't Eddie responding - it is Leann and her people, that Eddie is just waiting to get back to his one true love, Brandi. It is rather funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.
  9. Interesting episode for me. I didn't find it boring but I was never into Brandi's braying. And I guess she wasn't all they could talk about because I don't remember her name even being mentioned today but it could have slipped by. I thought there was zero chemistry between Erika and her husband but maybe it was because they were on film and he doesn't do PDA. I don't hate her or love her but I find her interesting. She clearly knows that she has 2 different personas. Kyle's closet cracked me up with all the clothes falling and the dog walking all over everything. Too bad her sister has the need to stay in the news and that is all people want to talk about. I would love to see more of Kyle at home with her family but I will settle for that house in the Hamptons - nice! Lisa Rinna didn't bug me this episode - maybe she just shouldn't have her children on or give a lot of interviews with that crazy non-laughing laugh. I thought it was interesting to see her in a day and I do like how frank she is about the money aspect. Lisa V. is fluff to me. She and her husband just remind me of old 80's disco stars who haven't realized that the 80s are over. Ken Todd's shirts are so tight and she nearly falls over when she walks on those heels. I was fine with them although, I think Lisa V. will stir the pot a lot with next week''s episode. I thought Eileen and Vinnie were actually funny. My husband will do the same thing with clothes and I say the same type of things back. I felt it was harmless but am really curious about the whole affair thing and how it is going to be handled. I am sorry I had to see David Foster being an ass, once again, on my screen. Enough of them.
  10. Please Bravo, I do not want to see any waxing ever again - ugh! I was never a fan of Yolanda - especially how she was part of the torture of Joyce, but she took it into the mud with the whole "will" thing - ugh what a horrible mom. Other than that, I enjoyed the episode very much. I am okay with the new girl.
  11. If Yolanda wasn't in the show, it would have been an enjoyable show for me. She just drags everything down. The rest of it was nice enough to snark about it but not dark enough to drive me away. I am so glad there isn't all the fighting and name calling - so fake and stupid. There is enough petty crap that it keeps me entertained. Portia is cute but not enough personality to be a child actor but I am sure she will get some parts just on her name. Lisa Rinna's children are more than a little spoiled and are rather unpleasant. I would love to see more of Erica with her husband than as her dancer personality. I find him interesting. David;s comment to him about his wife answering for him too was so telling. David made a mistake with this wife - I bet he is already scouring for wife #5 and one that won't answer for him. Poor Ken, he so didn't want those horses. They were cute but who wants a petting zoo at your suburban home - a little to Michael Jacksonish for me. More Eileen and less Vincent - I loved him as a kid - loved him in Apple's Way but you don't call your spouse an idiot ever.
  12. I, too, like the Lisas together. Rinna is too "on" for me and I really can't stand the scenes with her daughters because it makes me dislike teens and I don't like that feeling, but she was okay when she was with Lisa Vanderpump. I thought her over the top reaction was rather pathetic when she and Eileen both wore similar animal prints. (although, I loved it when she pointed out that the media used the term "fled" about Kim).
  13. I actually think that this or even maybe Nicky didn't even know her mom suggested that Kyle not attend and maybe it wasn't even Kathy maybe it was Kim. There is just so much we don't know. Kyle said she wasn't going to the wedding because it was "suggested" that it would be better if she didn't attend. She never said who exactly said that to her. (But she claimed it was more because of the series she signed up to do not the Agency thing). She then said she received an email from Nicky and her sister, Kathy saying she was welcome and her husband urged her to go. For all we know, Nicky may have gotten wind of Kyle thinking she was not wanted and Nicky's email said no - that was never the case. (which would have backed up Nicky's tweet that she was shocked when it was talked about on tv). Kathy could have also not have known (but I think she did) and maybe Kim said - well, no one wants you there anyway, they all hate you. Who knows in that family.
  14. So far, I like this season - it reminds me of the first season and the first couple of seasons of the OC, which is why I got hooked on this series in the first place. I hated it when it turned into the Bad Girls Club and I couldn't watch more than one season of Atlanta or NJ for that reason. I really don't like women just really going for the jugular. I love the snide little comments. Lisa Rinna didn't bug me as much this episode but did fast forward through the parts with her daughters as I don't find anything pleasant when she is with them. I love Taylor - or rather, the ridiculousness that is Taylor. I think the only one I have ever seen with a bigger or just as big mouth as her is Julia Roberts. I way prefer Taylor over Brandi. I wouldn't mind seeing her and Lisa R. mix it up some. I think they would cause a little drama without it being too dark. I just couldn't stand it when Brandi tried to come in and destroy a family - it was too gross for me. Taylor now has some legit money but is still "poor" when compared to the rest of the ladies. I think she is just funny desperate not mean and vulgar desperate. Lisa Vanderpump bordered on just plain gross with her Ken speech. Pony toy was cute and I thought Eileen was the most beautiful looking and well dressed out of the ladies for the party.
  15. You know, I was like -hmmm, when Kim said that because Nicky has been married before. I thought Paris was but she just may have been engaged a few times. Anyway, it seems like the "Richards" sisters rewrite history to their liking....
  16. I don't agree with the part that Kyle just wanted to go to a Rothschild's wedding. Kyle is very close to her nieces and nephews and she has shown how much the cousins all love each other. Even the cousins, themselves, are always posting pictures of them together. It is a hard and fine line to walk when you are having a major falling out with the parents but you don't want to destroy the relationship between the children. I feel for Kyle she was damned if she did and damned if she didn't. I was so excited when I heard Lisa Rinna was coming on the show as I loved her. Found out I only loved her in interviews - she is just so on all the time and I find myself fast forwarding through her scenes with her and her children. So I only know how crappy she was to her parents from other posters. I am ready for her to be off the show. I only liked Yolanda being on the show because she was married to the great David Foster. Sad to find out neither he nor she is very great at all and now she is getting divorced, I will parrot her: Just who in the world is Yolanda Foster. She can ride off into the sunset with Lisa Rinna.
  17. I liked this episode! This is the type of show I wanted - they make their own drama and it was enough. Did Mauricio state he wasn't invited - I am wondering if he wasn't going because his girls (who weren't invited and one was an adult so I am not buying the no children) were going to be in a different country left in a hotel. I think he is a good father and involved with his girls and I could see him saying - hey, you go it is your family but I will hang out with the girls. Also, if they include a member of the family in the wedding party the entire family should be invited - etiquette wise. You never say - hey, I want your 6 year old but she can't have her parents there. I don't know how I feel about Taylor being back but I prefer her over Kim. I just wish Joyce was back - I think we would see some real parties - not just her over the top crazy dresses. I loved how she felt about her husband and boys. Whose husband just shows up for one minute while you are having your teeth pulled??? That was just bizarre - either don't show up or stay otherwise you kind of look like a jackass - which he did. I think Kyle was hitting on something discussing the depression thing. I loved the car porn - fantastic!
  18. I actually really enjoyed the first episode. I don't miss the missing two at all. I like Kyle - I just do, she seems like she just wants people to like her but screws it up from time to time. I am fascinated by her relationship with her sisters so I enjoyed Mauricio telling her Kim needed tough love. She is so pretentious but then does something really dorky and I like that. I loved the way Ken threw shade at both Brandi and Yolanda - they treated him and his wife like shit last year and I am glad he said what he said. I love that Lisa V. so holds on to that grudge with Brandi because most people are like that. Brandi was mentioned twice (3 if you count Ken telling Lisa to pretend it was Brandi which made me lol) so not that much and I am good with that. It would have been weird if they never mentioned her at all. I like Eileen - I look forward to seeing her more. The previews indicate a huge fight between her and her husband - just hope that is editing as I sort of like them together. Lisa R - who I have always liked was just too "on" for me and hope she tones it down. I think her daughters are rather homely - so much so that when she was saying that it is tough for people like her girls in this town - I thought she was going to follow with because they aren't pretty....not that they didn't have enough money. I don't care if Yolanda is sick or not, or that she is going through a divorce - we all have stuff and I think she is just a nasty person and oh well like happens buttercup - suck it up and move on. She should be thankful that she has all this money to go flouncing around the world looking for a cure. Lisa V and Ken - don't love them - don't hate them - they make me laugh.
  19. I think Monty doesn't have any money left - he seems to have lived his life gambling and partying and free-loading off of friends and family. He stays wherever there is a free bed and as long as people put up with him. I have a feeling he is charismatic and can live off people for years without thinking he is a "burden" - kind of like that Kato guy of O.J.'s. He lived in his guest house rent free for years. Hollywood seems to draw those kind of people. I've noticed it in a lot of famous people "stories" - I can't imagine going from friend to friend just sleeping on their couches - not having a place to call home but there are loads of people out there that it doesn't seem to matter. I am not talking about people who have had hardships and are forced to but people that it is their way of life. Modern day vagabond.
  20. From what I heard is that Monty caught her dating the other Davis brother while she was still married to him but she ended up marrying Gregg. I don't think it was as big of a heartbreak as everyone thinks though - I heard that Monty always slept around with everyone too.....
  21. Kim, to me, sounded like she was under the influence of something in that interview. Once again, she doesn't take any responsibility for her actions. She was okay with getting arrested so she could get away from the stresses - like rehab is the new spa. Unbelievable!
  22. I will take Taylor back - she never bothered me that much. I thought she was needy and desperate but not awful. I have seen Camille is filming some with Kyle and Lisa and am happy about that. I think Lisa Rinna and Taylor might bring the drama - enough and not as dark and mean as Kim and Brandi. And I thought I was done with the housewives series.....
  23. Hey I might have heard of it - I grew up in Michigan!!! ;)
  24. I don't think Kyle was even in town during the party and I don't believe "Brandi" herself was invited she came along as a guest of Kim. I was being sarcastic - Kim certainly has issues with Kyle but I don't think she is "hated" maybe resented. I also think it is a great thing for the Richards/Hiltons to ice Brandi out. I believe that Brandi has a deep hatred of all things Kyle and was throwing that out there to please her fans and delude herself. And because she put that out there on twitter so definitively, Brandi now looks like the fool she is....
  25. So the hated sister, Kyle and family were included in the family weddings....hmm, not a peep out of Brandi who was crowing all over town that SHE was invited to Kathy's Christmas party but not Kyle and was closer to the family than most people think....did I miss a picture of Brandi at the weddings?!?!?!?
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