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Posts posted by moonshine71

  1. On 10/4/2021 at 3:57 PM, roctavia said:

    I also wouldn't be surprised if Pruitt pushed him to take communion, like even if he said he shouldn't, that Pruitt would be all- nah, it's fine, we're all in this together and you should drink of his blood something or other.... despite not "earning" the privilege of taking communion.   though it is weird that they didn't show us that- or maybe the didn't show us on purpose so we could all be surprised when he came back to life and would have this conversation. 

    I assume in this world vampires as a lore don't exist...?? maybe that's why no one is like, dude, it's a vampire! 

    When Sarah is explaining what was happening to the blood that she took from her mother and Erin w/ them, she mentioned a disease that makes people extremely photosensitive and iron deficient, and that it is a the source of some myths/legends(I can't remember the exact wording sure use). I think that was a clear allusion to vampire lore and that it exists in the universe. I think the writers avoided using the word vampire purely for stylistic reasons, even though the concept exists in the universe and it doesn't make much sense that no one would just come out and say "jfc, the priest is turning everyone into vampires!"

  2. On 9/22/2021 at 5:05 PM, Anela said:

    I don’t mind the monkey, but it’s stupid to keep him in a carrier that he can escape from, when moving around a city like that. Or anywhere that isn’t his home.  
    I didn’t see Kimberly as mature, at all.  Spoiled, power-grabbing, malicious.  

    I'm just here to point it that carrying a monkey on a motorcycle by holding it in a cage with one arm behind your back would be sustainable for about 30 second.


    Don't get me started in how they try to pass off the motorcycle as some old beater that needs all kinds of work when it's actually like a brand new, $16,000 Triumph Scrambler. 

    • Love 3
  3. On 6/23/2021 at 4:07 PM, Wynterwolf said:

    And likely Sylvie as well, given the dialog. But I agree, I liked how it was handled. And maybe the fact that the director is bisexual had something to do with that. For once, Disney/Marvel didn't embarrass themselves. 


    Just for reference, Netflix's Ragnorok was just a bit ahead of Disney on this, portraying Loki as gender fluid/pan or bisexual.

  4. On 6/21/2021 at 10:23 AM, miasth said:


    I have been giving Jor-El a pass because he is AI but knowing this is his consciousness uh not sure I like this incarnation of him.


    He's a million times better than Smallville's Jor-El, who was a complete asshole, so I can't complain...

    • LOL 2
  5. 23 hours ago, Blue Plastic said:

    I also thought it was weird.  Janette became fascinated with breaking into his house in particular. He was being invited to events as if he was especially interesting and exciting and there was no one else in town to date or be potentially influential for your kid at school.  He hadn’t even started working there yet.  It’s like the town is supposed to be the size of Mayberry.

    There's a few weird premises that this show is built on. Even the fact that they had "play hide and seek in an empty house" on their to do list(and the list itself is weird to me). 

    1. They're about to be sophomores in high school and playing hide and seek is on their list?😒

    2. An empty house sounds like the most incredibly lame place i could imagine playing hide and seek. You're literally just opening doors and looking in empty rooms or closets with nothing to hide behind/under/inside. 

    • LOL 2
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  6. 29 minutes ago, BingeyKohan said:

    ITA! Thought that all along. Now a new pastor at a mega church I could see. It made me wonder if they intended it to be a church community at first then changed it to a school connection for some reason.

    Re the case wouldn’t Jeanette have to prove that Kate was not only demonstrably incorrect but made up the story with malicious intent? That’s such a high bar - her only standing (as far as establishing Kate motive) would be Kate’s resentment that Jeanette had taken over her friends and boyfriend. But then it would be in Jeanette’s best legal interests to keep that boyfriend through the trial to drive home her point. 

    The requirement of malicious intent only applies to public figures, which would certainly not describe Jeanette.

    • Love 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Cranberry said:

    I keep forgetting that this takes place in the 90s, haha. I didn't even have the Internet at home until 1997 or so. Yeah, now I really am wondering where he bought the stuff. You know people would be gossiping about the young new vice principal's love life and reporting to each other if they saw him buying stuff for a woman, especially personal hygiene items. Jeanette's dad was nosy enough about the two coffee cups.

    I don't really see him buying stuff as that big an issue. I think people are elevating the level of celebrity a high school assistant principle has exponentially. Basically, high school students will recognize him. I doubt most of the parents of those students would, much less the rest of the town.  And that's ignoring that we don't know how big this town is. It doesn't really feel "rural small town" to me, more mid-size suburb that's probably not immediately adjacent to a major metro area, but probably not in the middle of nowhere. My son just graduated last year, I consider myself pretty involved father, I went to all the parent teacher meetings, award ceremonies, school programs, etc. I just went down the list of the administration staff on his school website, there is not a single one of them I would recognize if I just randomly came across them in public. That includes his principal, who I know I've seen speak at several functions and briefly met at least once, much less any of the assistant principals. There's a few teachers, coaches, or advisors that he had good relationships with that I might recognize. All Martin h as to do is stop at the nearest Costco or Sam's Club and buy tampons and other toiletries, people will just think it's some random young just shopping for his wife. Same with buying a dress. 


    To be honest, from the start, I've felt one of the strangest aspects of this show is how interested an affluent, and kind of snobby, group of people seemed in  a new assistant principle and the efforts they made to involve him with their social group. Everyone was just fawning all over him at the garden party, and then inviting on an overnight hunting trip w/ your gun club? The whole thing is weird to me. 

    • Love 8
  8. On 6/8/2021 at 10:13 PM, Lady Calypso said:


    Jonathan standing up to his grandfather was fantastic. They even added a little more humanity to Sam this episode. He isn't wrong about wanting weapons against Kryptonians just in case, but his mistake was not informing Superman, seeing as he's also his son-in-law. 


    Not sure I can agree w/ this about informing Superman about these weapons.

    In the unlikely but potential catastrophic event that Superman were to go bad, I imagine you would want him to have little or no information about the existence of these weapons.

    Then learning that Jonathon built himself a little stash of "solar powered" weapons that could hurt Kryptonians makes him a bit of a hypocrite.

    How in the hell did he get those weapons, anyway? After he was barely rescued from the murder van, and then subsequently lambasted by Lois for going into the murder van alone, he snuck back into the murder van to get the weapons? And John Henry didn't bother to check out his van before he left and notice that a bunch of his weapons are gone?

    • Love 1
  9. 23 hours ago, ZeeEnnui said:


    Did Martin purchase that snow globe at a haunted antiques store? Real cheerful. Okay so now we know how Kate got the necklace, and why the snow globe is important, but I guess I'm not seeing how Jeanette is going to use it to help her case. Kate was hiding upstairs, and Jeanette didn't see Kate. Also, this would bust Jeanette who had been in and out of Martin's house for months. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that she went back again, and that's when Kate thought Jeanette "saw" her. 

    Pretty sure Jeanette doesn't think the snow globe  can help her case, she wants to get it back from Mallory because she thinks it can tie her to Martin's house after that Christmas Eve call was made. Imo, it's a pretty big panicky mistake. All she is going to do is draw attention to the snow globe, which probably would have stayed under Mallory's bed until the end of time, she didn't seem to know It held any significance or that it came from Martin's.

    • Love 6
  10. On 6/2/2021 at 10:04 PM, BingeyKohan said:

    Surely one of the final two episodes is not going to be set on 3 different Christmas Eves, right? Because by 1995 Christmas Eve surely the drama of the legal case would have already played out. But now Christmas Eve of 1993 seems so important they will have to show something from it, which would mean ... flashback within a flashback. Or maybe they are going to surprise with a Season One Part II called Cruel Winter (kidding).

    I feel like your overestimating the speed of the court system and how quickly the wheels of justice turn.

  11. On 3/6/2021 at 4:05 AM, methodwriter85 said:

    Although Jonathan isn't tall enough to believably be a quarterback. 


    Seriously? It's high school, not the NFL. You'll find literally hundreds of top notch high school quarterbacks across the country every year that are 5'10" or less. The actor is 5'9" .

    Tate Martell was the Gatorade National Player of the Year a few years ago, he was a 5'10" quarterback.

    • Love 4
  12. 19 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    It's certainly possible someone might recognize the name of someone but not their face. Even with relatively famous people. Skateboarder Tony Hawk famously tweets about times when people see him, often with skateboards in his possession, and see his ID that says "Anthony Hawk" and don't quite put together that he is THE Tony Hawk. 

    And of course, Lois is infamous for not putting together Clark is Superman, despite seeing each of them numerous times close up.

    While I agree her reaction is most likely just her putting the pieces together that not!Marcus was the Stranger, it's possible that something about the name John Henry Irons triggered a specific memory. In addition to being a journalist and thus perhaps knowing trivia that could include that name, she is also the daughter of General Sam, so it's possible she had some knowledge of their John Henry Irons.

    Red K as destroyer of inhibitions was just one variant, mainly from Smallville. 

    I don't think the super-hearing was the issue. Prior to getting under the red light, Jordan seemed to have had no problems with his hearing at that point. He was able to focus and lead Jonathan to where the fight was. 

    Yes, you can certainly recognize a name and not a face, but I was thinking along the lines that if Lois recognized this person's name and was familiar enough w/ him to know that he was a threat to Superman, she certainly would have at least seen a picture of him before.


    I don't really follow Supergirl, but fwiw, I believe that they have introduced red-k on that show and it has dis-inhibiting  effect in the cw-verse. Maybe, post-crisis, all bets are off, but I would think it would make more sense to keep playing by the rules they have already established.

  13. On Mallory.

    Sorry, but count me in the camp that just doesn't care for her.

    I like Harley, she seems sweet and I don't want to totally shit on her acting, but her trying to play "edgy" is just...😒

    1. Joy is an asshole, but if some teen were to come in my home and dismissively talk to me and shut me down when I was trying to discuss a lawsuit that will affect my whole family w/ my child, that kid is going straight the fuck out the door and not coming back. And I just don't buy Harley in that "tough girl" turn.

    2  A 16/17 yr old assistant manager can just shut down that place of business "for maintenance" ...😒. Please. I guess the actual manager or owner won't even bother to ask what that maintenance actually was or if there is a bill to be paid, they're just going accept the loss of hundreds of dollars(maybe more, Kate said the place is always packed) without question...

    3. I don't even like '93 Mallory, I thought Jeanette was on the nail when she was describing her as pushy.

    • Love 14
  14. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:



    I assumed that as well, especially since that was the first ep to have the RAINN ad at the end. 

    I assumed that at first too, but didn't she wake up to find her room had been heavily stocked with food, toiletries, etc.? I felt like it was a misdirect, too make us assume he was assaulting her, and then find out that he used the time to stock her up, so he wouldn't have to come down and risk another escape attempt for a while. I guess he could have done both, but I get the feeling he's trying to break her down until she submits "willingly".

    • Useful 2
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  15. On 5/26/2021 at 10:41 AM, TattleTeeny said:

    But it may not be admissible, considering the way it was obtained?

    I don't know that It really needs to be admissible.

    1-It gives Jeanette's lawyers a line of questioning to go after. 

    2-It can easily be leaked to the press.

    3-I have a lot of sympathy for Kate, but I don't consider this victim shaming. It in no way excuses what Martin did to her. We don't know what exactly her story was about how she ended up there, but it appears that this would deviate from whatever that story was. At the very least it paints her recollections of her abduction as unreliable. If Jeanette IS being wrongly accused, she has every right to point to that.

    • Love 15
  16. Very good episode. I like this show a lot more than I anticipated I would.

    A lot of interesting developments, but maybe the best for me - with Jon injured and  Jordan sidelined with everything he is dealing with, I think we may have seen the last of the poorly written football stories for a while.😂

    Biggest surprise- John Henry Irons. I did not see that coming.

    Second biggest surprise- John Henry doesn't know that Clark is Superman. I had really gotten the vibe that he did. I think in a previous episode there was a scene with him watching Lois w/ Clatk from afar and displaying a sense of pain. I assumed it was from seeing his dead wife(or someone w/ her face) w/ his enemy, I guess it was just from seeing her happy w/ another man or seeing her at all.

    One down side, now I have to accept the fact that John Henry just stood face to face w/ Clark and an hour later stood face to face w/ Superman and didn't recognize him. He just seems too clever for that.

    • Love 1
  17. 19 hours ago, ukgirl71 said:


    If Jon’s powers aren’t slowly kicking in from what we saw in this episode, I’ll eat notMjolnir.  I was so glad they gave Jon the “active” role in saving their dad - he deserved a moment to shine.  Alex did a really good job showing Jordan’s extreme frustration and discomfort with his new super hearing.  I’m not sure who brought it up, but I agree that emotions, particularly in relation to family do seem to be the trigger for the powers.


    I don't know if Jon will get powers, but the suggestions that him using the hammer is evidence of it doesn't work for me. He was being bathed in red solar radiation, which takes away Kryptonians powers and makes them "human", it's the reason John Henry was able to kick Clark's ass so easily. 

    That said, Jordan was still incapacitated by his superhearing when it should have been at least dampened to some degree, but I'm chalking that up to a bit of sloppy writing.

    • Love 1
  18. 17 hours ago, metaphor said:

    Yes to all of this. 

    I did find it interesting that the Red K affected Jordan (who is manifesting powers) but seemingly not Jon. That's the aspect that makes me wonder if Jon's powers are already starting to manifest, or if we're still waiting for them to kick in. I must admit, it was helpful to have had Jon unaffected so that he could help protect his dad and brother. It made me think in that moment that that was the upside to Jon's not having powers yet. 



    That wasn't red-k, it was red solar radiation, as from a red sun, to weaken Clark. Obviously not enough to make him completely human, since he was still durable enough to survive hits that would kill a normal man instantly, but enough to give John Henry a chance.

    Red-k doesn't harm or even weaken Clark, it makes him lose his inhibitions and go kinda bad. Probably the last thing you would want around if you were fighting him, he might just go ahead and kill you when normally he would hold back.


    Jordan was still incapacitated because of his super-hearing. Although that creates a bit of a plot hole, since the red solar radiation should have dampened his abilities, too.

  19. On 5/26/2021 at 3:01 AM, dwmarch said:

    The way Lois reacted made it clear that they know him and they're somewhat afraid of him or what he could potentially do.


    I've seen this response about Lois "recognizing" John Henry Irons several times in this thread, or that she/they "had history" w/ him, and I couldn't disagree more. 

    Why would she recognize his name but not his face in even the slightest bit? 


    Her reaction was in recognition of the fact that the John Henry Irons of their earth had been dead for 6 years, and that this John Henry was likely from another earth, which would make him a prime suspect for being "the stranger".

    • Love 3
  20. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I generally agree with you, but...

    I know Chicago has had Chicago Vocational Career Academy and many of the suburbs here have high schools just named after them, so it's not as off-putting that there might be a "Metropolis High School" as the main public school there.

    Many years and pounds ago, I ran high school cross country at my private school here in Chicago. We annually did a road trip for a meet in Michigan for some reason that included an overnight stay. So the dynamics were of course different -- the meet was in the morning versus the evening, different sport, private vs. public, but it at least seems possible to me that Smallville High has boosters that make a big deal about showing the big city slickers what for and subsidizing the trip. 

    Which I guess brings up a point the show glossed over: I wonder how the Crows attempted to square what happened with the supposed chaperones for the trip. "So we were heading to the liquor store, like we do, when suddenly these Metropolis kids started sassing Jordan, and Jordan decided to throw a punch at one of them, but somehow Jonathan got in the way and Jordan broke his arm." Doesn't seem like the that would go over well.   

    Obviously underaged drinking is a thing, but Clark and Lois should have a talk with the kids about it. I'm guessing at least one of them have been drinking or trying to get drinks in at least half the episodes by now. The bonfire in the pilot, a house party they went to, Jonathan got trashed during the town festival thingamajig, and now this episode.

    Good points.


    Suburbs sure. But even in my suburb outside of Columbus, Ohio we have 3 high schools, so there's Hilliard Darby, Hilliard Davidson, and Hilliard Bradley(often just referred to by their second names) and most of the surrounding suburbs are the same. Columbus has multiple high schools, including Columbus West, North, etc, and other non-directional names. Most other cities will use a direction, a historic figure, or a description like the example you described(Chicago Vocational Career Academy)when naming a school, i.e. Columbus Alternative School, Cincinnati Taft, Dayton Stebbins.


    Metropolis is literally supposed to be... a metropolis. The city school district would have multiple high schools. They could have at least called it Metropolis Central. It just seems so lazy. 

    Maybe Metropolis Luthor...😂s


    Also, I didn't mean to imply an overnight trip never happens in high school sports. We did them for wrestling tournaments that lasted 2 or 3 days. And would certainly make sense for the x-country trip you described. But for a 3 hr trip, a post game overnight is pretty unlikely.  I know the distance hasn't been specified, but if was significantly greater than that, an overnight trip BEFORE the game would be in order(no coach wants there kids to get off a 6 hour bus trip and then immediately try and play game, plus the notion that Sarah was going to go that day suggests it couldn't be THAT far). Pre-game overnights are a lot more common. Hell, i played football at a small college, and that's how we did it, even for night games. Overnight before the game, the whole thing was super structured w/ films, walk throughs, meals, and lights out. Then back on the bus and straight home after the game. Even for 8-10 hour trips. They weren't messing around w/ us in a hotel after a game w/ nothing to do but get into mischief, and we were adults. This had a bunch of kids w/ virtually no supervision(the twins are 14?) just left to do whatever they want. No chaperones I guess.


    And just going out to buy booze.😕

    I don't want to hear about how bad Jordan wants to play our how sad Jon is that he is out for the season, because that is literally something that would get all the kids involved kicked off the team for the rest of the season, and they didn't give a shit about that. Yeah, high school kids drink, but having the audacity to pull something like that on a team trip? Any coach that would let something like that go would lose control of his team. Hell, it would likely be out of his hands, because any competent school or district would have clear rules for that kind of thing.

    • Love 2
  21. On 5/19/2021 at 9:49 PM, JenE4 said:

    When Jeanette walks into “mall jail” and sees Jamie, she quickly pulls Kate’s  scrunchy out of her hair. This is pretty much the only time we’ve seen her feel guilty or embarrassed by her actions. I mean, she’s even still traipsing around with the stolen shirt on her waist (until throwing them back at Tenille’s mom 2 years later, with the tag still on one of the shirts). She has a slight flash of remorse across her face in ‘94 when Cindy was asking whether she’s ever been in Martin’s house, but she stuck to her story—as obvious as it was to Mom that she was lying.

    Speaking of liars, what an odd storyline with Tenille’s mom throwing herself at Martin and then going on TV to lie that he was the aggressor, then involving herself in the court case. I mean, I guess that’s not as bad as lying about your child’s paternity, but just all around a strange character to introduce. It’s not that believable to think that a pedophile interested in kidnapping a 16 year old would nearly have also “kidnapped” someone in their late 40s! But we have no shortage in this town of middle-aged moms obsessed with their glory days of high school and still hoping to be the hottest girl on the block. But I suppose the point was to show there’s another life Jeanette is willing to destroy to save her own; blackmail comes too easy to her.

    One moment Jeanette is talking with Jamie, and the next she’s suddenly throwing away all of her clothes, and saying her old clothes aren’t her anymore. I guess the scrunchie mojo rubbed off. She’s also blaming Mallory for making them do bad things, but she was thrilled to get caught at the mall, excited to tell Jamie how she does bad things, and on her own went right back to break into Martin’s house.

    Both Jeanette and Cindy are lonely and have no one to talk to. They both want to confide in Derek, but he’s not interested in hearing it. Greg is checked out, too. Unfortunately they, Jeanette and Cindy, don’t seem to trust each other. Yet, somehow Angela is there to listen to each of them. The old bartender is a good listener trope? So, Cindy had big dreams of being a flight attendant. Now I guess that’s why her high school fixation was such a big storyline because she’s literally just done NOTHING in 20 years but sitting around waiting for her kids to blossom...didn’t even “show them how to blossom” whatever the hell that means, lol. So Cindy just decided to give up on being a wife and mom to “fly the friendly skies” and yet somehow told Angela that she didn’t leave the marriage?? Unless she was just going to her sister’s for a few days, and maybe somehow Greg is going to turn it around on Cindy for “ruining” their family by making him see the truth about Jeanette?

    More strangely to me about Tanya, wtf kind of story is that too tell to Harris about your false paternity claims and child support? 

    "Hmm, this guy doesn't seem very into me. Maybe if i tell him something that makes me look like a complete nut job and a horrible person that will get him interested! I've known him for a couple of hours, I should go ahead and share a deep, dark secret w/ him..." 

    I know, that's giving her to much credit, since they are portraying her as completely(and ridiculously) oblivious to the fact that he clearly wants nothing to do w/ her.

    On Cindy-

    Why the assumption she chose to give up being a wife and a mom? 

    I got the impression her going to her sisters was out of frustration, to cool down and think. 

    A flight attendant can be a wife and mother. I know several that are. It's no different than  any other parent that travels a lot. And it's not like her kids are infants, one is already leaving for college.

    • Love 11
  22. On 5/18/2021 at 11:08 PM, bettername2come said:

    I think you're forgetting the obvious...26 letters in the alphabet...DC obsession with the number 52...There's two worlds of each letter!


    On 5/19/2021 at 8:36 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I think S&L employs the same geography as the show Smallville, namely that Metropolis is a big town in Kansas about three hours away from Smallville, rather than a New York proxy on the East Coast. In which case, it would make sense that they would be on the same football schedule.

    One thing that occurs to me: the twins are canonically freshmen and the move to Smallville seemingly happened early during their freshman year. So there probably wasn't much time for all the taunting and other problems to have taken place while they were at Metropolis. Sure, some of the kids may have gone to the same junior high as the twins and been douches then. But the notion of a longstanding torment doesn't make sense if they were in Metropolis High for like a month.


    1. Plausible, maybe, but not especially likely. Most high schools will play about 7 league games(pretty local) and 3 non-league ones which will usually also be relatively local. A 3 hour trip is unusual. A team like Metropolis, who Lois referred to as one of the top programs in the nation, is more than likely going to fill those non-league spots(especially a game that requires that kind of travel from one of them) w/ another powerhouse program. Also, wtf kind of name is Metropolis High? That's like having Chicago High, New York High, or L.A. High. At least give it a direction.


    Even more unusual would be spending the night in a hotel. One, for budget reasons. Two, for the exact reason we see, so they don't have to worry about kids getting into any kind of trouble. A post-game 3 hour bus trip is absolutely the norm for that type of situation. 


    2. They couldn't even have been in school for a month. Football season hadn't started yet. Most states the football season starts concurrently with or even the week before the school year. Nothing about the whole bullying thing made sense. Apparently, the powerhouse program of Metropolis has like a dozen 14 yr old freshmen in their starting lineup.

    • Love 1
  23. On 5/1/2021 at 2:29 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    I get that the showdown had to be father vs son but, I swear Atom Eve's powers should have really been a match for Omni Man. She can change things on an Atomic Level, I would think she could fuck up his DNA enough to weaken him or something (yes, probably not real science but, certainly comic book science 😀)

    I'm not enthused with Mark/Amber getting back together. Their relationship never seemed solid to begin with, hell I'm pretty sure Mark was more into Eve at the start. 

    I kinda of figured the reason Omniman killed the Guardians was because his planet were a bunch of tyrants. 

    Good series, look forward to next season

    One thing to keep in mind w/ Eve, in addition to the limits of her power(as stated in my post above),  she is still VERY human and vulnerable. She can make shields and whatever to protect herself(and those have been shown to be breachable), but if she were to ever receive an unprotected blow from a Viltrumite, she would almost certainly be killed instantly. Facing one head on would be unwise for her.

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