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  1. This is exactly how I felt about Chris when he was on the panel headed by Rachael during the election. He sat there with that horrible pouty expression on his face so the world would know exactly how he felt about not being the most important person on TV that night. I agree with you that it's childish. I don't watch his show very often anymore as he hogs most of the airtime but the part that drives me mad is how he asks a guest a question and then answers it before giving his guest a chance. I expect Chris, along with Luke, Chuck and a few others, to start posting selfies any day now.
  2. I am so out of my league here but TV newscasters and radio talk show hosts over use 'as well.'
  3. I have watched all seasons and episodes of this show and have been reading but this is my first post. People here are so astute in their observations that I've changed some of my feelings about the show's characters. Please bear with me while I catch up with posting. Divya was my favorite from the beginning BUT after taking Jeremiah for a ride and never once realizing that she was taking advantage of his kindness and generosity I've had it with her. The baby is an unnecessary distraction. I don't know if there is any hope for Divya at this point as her sense of entitlement has pretty much soured me on her, period. And she is completely lacking in any semblance of social graces. The woman needs a barrel full of humility. A little realization about how to treat others with respect wouldn't hurt either. A little gift of appreciation for Jeremiah would be nice like a good book, theater tickets or something he would enjoy. After all he waited on her hand and foot including babysitting for her and she acts as though he was lucky to have her there. I doubt she will ever redeem herself as far as I’m concerned. Liked Hank until recently too. Others here have said it so much better. He can doctor all he wants but he shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose only what he wants to do while others pick up the slack for the less fun parts. Almost seems like Evan and Hank have switched roles in regard to responsibility and maturity. Or maybe I'm being to harsh. I once liked Hank's smile but now it just seems smarmy and way too much of it. More like leering. Romance does not show him in a good light. Charlotte has over stayed her welcome and needs to go, now. Wish a little of Paige's class would rub off on Even. Really like her and Evan too when he's acting like a fairly responsible adult. Enough already of the silly, interfering counselor. He's the needy one. Love Boris and Jeremiah and together they complement one another well. Henry Winkler’s Eddy Lawson comes across to me as trying to be an older Fonz, not a good thing. Tucker was one of the best characters on the show. Miss him and wish there was hope for his return. Cinco is fine. Really liked and miss the woman who Winkler was going to marry. But no more of Rafa and the baby. Auto Trader brought this show down to levels unseen previously. Anymore real life commercials inserted into the show as part of the story line and I'm out of here in a nan-no second. As if that isn't enough the Kardashians are going be imposed upon us? Imagine the irony, a woman who is famous for an act that can't even be mentioned on this show is going to guest star.
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