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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. If it works with a jacket/sweater you own, go with it. If not, I think the new buzz term is 'shop your closet'. lol
  2. No kidding? That stinks. Yes, my neighbor has one, like the bottom picture. Glad to know what it's called!
  3. Didn't read your article, but I knew about the impatiens blight. I'm thinking it was pretty much declared over by either last year or maybe 2015.
  4. I do remember Stone Mountain! I've been a buyer of both Tignanello & Fossil bags in the past, but not for a few years. At some point in the foreseeable future, our descendants won't know what real quality goods are, unless they become extremely wealthy.
  5. And considering the mega bucks they saved by going import, they wouldn't have needed to raise the price at all! They started in Ft. Wayne, IN, not far from here, and it feels a bit traitorous that they went the China route.
  6. For the win! Exactly what I paid, plants were about 3', and extremely pot bound, leaves turning yellow. Hoping it's not a fungus, and that they will be much happier in their new pots, with some TLC. Probably shouldn't have paid the price, considering the condition, but I really like them. He sounds like a gem! You are very lucky.
  7. See, that's the rub isn't it? We're supposed to assume that they do all this research, have focus groups and all of that, to determine that the consumer of their products won't accept a price increase. But decreasing the size/content of your product, while selling at the same price is a price increase! Companies insult our intelligence all the time with tactics like this. Raise the price to what you believe you have to have, and allow me to make the decision about whether or not I'm willing to pay it. Fooling around with the packaging only serves to piss me off, and makes me not want to use your product under any circumstances. ~end of rant~
  8. Anyone seen a graham cracker lately? Unbelievable how small they are now, lol.
  9. I live in Indiana. I can assure you that we will be one of, if not the last state to get on board where marijuana is concerned.
  10. I like to do my herbs in mixed pots, and usually add a colorful flower specimen or two to add to the collection on my patio. Flower pricing has gone berserk. I'm spending a fortune because I am unable (space/sunlight) and unwilling to go the seed route. I don't have a lot of perennials in my yard because it is a very small yard, and I find most of them get too large for what I like. I now mostly container garden. I bought 3 well-established mandavillas, 3 10" hanging petunias, a small 4" yellow something and 2 well-established mixed hangers and have spent probably $250, not counting the soil to re-pot, which I do on all of them. That may be low for those of you in high population areas, but I know that I'm done! I used to buy smaller flat-sized flowers and pot my own, but I don't really have a good place to do it, and I'm sick of the stooping and the mess. Just another by-product of getting older I guess.
  11. After talk of the infamous Pnina Tornai see-thru corset wedding dresses over on Shopping Channel, I thought I would post some others of hers, that I think are very pretty.
  12. I don't buy plants before Mother's Day, sometimes not until Memorial Day. This year, hubs and I went to a couple of places on Saturday before MD, and the product was clearly old, pot bound, and had very little variety. We lost a couple of independent greenhouses during/after the recession, and unless I'm willing to drive more than 25 miles (I'm not), we are down to 2 small locally owned (one which only accepts cash, so it's a 'no' from me), and the other is where I bought. The other choices are Lowe's (also very picked over and plants looked bad), or Wal Mart. Dunno what happened this year, but it'll be interesting to see how these annuals work out.
  13. Holy smokes! This is a great tip that I've not heard before. Welcome, and come back~
  14. Ugh. I feel for you. I too have worked a couple of jobs in my recent experience that I felt I just wasn't catching on to, but I knew that I would, and I did, just a little slower than TPTB would have preferred. As our society has headed screaming into an instant gratification mindset, everything and now, that is what the youngers are used to and unfortunately, demand. Not sure I have sage advice, but I would just try to convince your supervisor that you are catching on, you will redouble your efforts (that is if you want the job, you may not?), and try to give your best sales pitch of yourself. Finally, I'm a firm believer that what is to be will be. Not everything is meant to be. With employment being what it is right now, there is another job out there for you, if this one isn't the right one. Try to remain positive, even if you have to 'fake it 'till you make it' (gawd). Hang in there kid!
  15. If Normani & Val don't win Dancing w/The Stars, the show should be cancelled. She, to me, is far and away the best. I sure love my David Ross though~
  16. The Thorn Birds was everything! (and a little scandalous!)
  17. Oh hell yes! Also James Brolin in Marcus Welby MD. Still not a bad looking guy.
  18. Oh my gosh, she's adorable! Thank you for rescuing her.
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