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I don't think it's unreasonable for any of us to speculate on what will happen in the future or what they may possibly be feeling. This is a forum. And since many people in similar situations HAVE felt that way, I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate that they, too, may feel that way at some point.
I think the other Jennings kids are going to have a lot of hidden resentment that will eventually come out. Not that this is the same thing, but I've read that siblings of terminally or chronically ill kids often have issues because they are always on the sidelines and miss out on a lot of their parents attention, not because their parents don't want to give them attention but simply because the parents whole energy and focus must be on the ill child, it's just a natural thing that can happen when you have one very ill child and your other children are healthy. The child with the huge need is obviously going to need a lot more from you. I think this will be sort of like what happens to the Jennings kids. I mean, one of Jazz's brothers ALREADY stated on the show that his mom missed out on a lot of his activities because she was always off doing interviews and shows and things like that for Jazz. Now, in the case of the terminally ill children, the siblings can have issues from being on the sidelines, but they realize that their sibling is very sick and they cope because they know it wasn't anyone's choice for things to be this way and they want their sibling to be okay. In Jazz's case, I don't think her siblings will give her the same benefit that healthy siblings give terminally ill siblings. If Jazz was the parent's focus because she had to have surgeries and hormone injections and got bullied at school, ok, her siblings would rally around her more. But that's not the case. Her siblings are on the sidelines because Jazz has her own show and her mother has to travel around with her for publicity purposes. And I think THAT is the thing that will lead to resentment. Basically, that their mom is totally checked out when it comes to her other kids because she's making their sibling into a spokesperson and media darling.
I assumed dating in the dark was a real thing and meant to be a lesson for teens to see that someone's personality is more important than their appearance, etc. But it was immediately clear it was a set-up when there were FOUR people there. Jazz and her friend plus two other random girls. The really funny thing was Jazz was talking to her friend after and the friend said something about a boy with a scratchy voice and Jazz goes "I had him too!" uh yeah you had him too, every girl met every boy, there were only 4 people there to meet! LOL
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
One more thing. I feel sorry for Jenny's sister because she is always going to go through pageants (and go through life) with this idea that she is supposed to be everything that Jenny was. And that's not healthy. -
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
Yeah that was so sad. I kind of didn't understand why her mom entered her in that pageant at all because her mom seemed so against that particular pageant and that particular director, saying it was a cult, etc. but then I figured even though she had a bad attitude, she still did it anyway because Jenny wanted to. I wish she could have had a better attitude for Jenny's sake. I never knew Jenny by the way just in case you're wondering. Never met her or her mom. I'm glad though that her mom put her in pageants. If you find out your child's life is going to be cut short, I'm sure as a parent you want to make sure she experiences every single thing she wants to do. Because of all the things you know that Jenny was going to miss out on already- like college, career, etc- you don't want to add anyhting else she'd miss. And the pageants gave her something to focus on and hope for. And for a girl who was never going to go to the prom, be a bride, have a wedding, etc, pageants gave her something she could do to dress up fancy and have a special moment. -
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
I miss pro-am :( lol. It kind of just faded. Some pageants held onto it a bit longer than others, but I can't think of any pageants that still do it...It makes me feel so old..girls don't really do pro-am anymore. It isn't so much that I miss pro am exactly, it's just...the old way of doing things...pro am took precision to get good scores and you had to really work on it and you'd lose a ton of points if you weren't detailing properly. Nowadays though, instead, it's like you just go up there and make faces and shake- All girls do the same stupid movements and kind of just bounce around shaking and stuff. Nothing looks polished anymore and I miss it. Back in the 90s you could tell pro am was something that had to be practiced a lot, what theyre doing onstage now looks like it could just be winged if it needed to be. And everything is OOC..outfit of choice...in the old days you had separate events for every outfit- western wear, swim wear, sports wear, casual wear (yes, they had BOTH sports wear and casual wear at the same pageant lol), and tons of others directors would think of extras like patriotic wear, tropical wear, day care wear (actually, sunburst still does day care wear but that's it), and anyway there were different events for every outfit. However, this led to complaints of too many things needed and eventually directors just combined it all into "outfit of choice". I don't like that, but it is what it is. Another change is beauty, like if you go back and watch the old documentaries you will see it, ages 3 and under would wave and blow kisses, but once you were 4 you needed to walk smoothly and elegantly and if you waved or did anything cutesy then just plan on losing. But now even older girls are making faces and stuff during beauty. I don't like that change either. I HATE CHANGE lol. I do/did know Nikki. I did not have a whole lot of interaction with her, I only met her at maybe like 5 or 6 pageants, so not a whole lot, but I was around her enough to know that I am not a fan of Nikki. lol. She is not like a bad person or anything...but I don't like her...I just felt like there was a lot of immaturity that could end up in dramatics and I didn't want to be a part of that. Pageants are enough drama the networks really do not need to stage anything because they could just let the cameras roll lol. I should say my pageant years were like 1991 or 1992 until almost 2010. I am not in the pageant world anymore, except for still being friends with girls I did pageants with and going to watch their kids at pageants. (My husband doesn't want our daughter to do pageants as a child which makes me sad but I understand his concerns. He says if she is in high school and wants to enter a pageant then that's one thing but he doesn't want us putting her into pageants as a pre-schooler.) -
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
Thank you :) If you want to know anything just ask. There are a lot of misconceptions about pageants out there. -
That's what I was talking about, the video where he is playing with his poop. When you say the shit video, is that what you're talking about too- like, omg there isn't ANOTHER video about poop, right?
Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion
Mommyof2 replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Toddlers & Tiaras
That isn't true...I was Miss Cincinnati for the Miss United States pageant and don't remember what year...can't remember but I am guessing it was sometime between 2007 and 2010 but I can't remember :p Also, Miss United States is run a bit differently than Miss USA or Miss America. Some of the titles are appointed, not every city or even every state has a live pageant and will find a girl to "appoint" as their representative. If Cambrie was appointed Miss Utah for the Miss United States pageant, she may not remember the year because she may not have even been crowned onstage. And there are requirements for how many appearances you do, but they are much less than Miss USA or Miss America...and actually, Miss America is becoming the same way, our state winner has to book her own appearances in events, and there are no longer really requirements for how much she does...some states for the Miss America pageant just appoint local titles and so they have local queens but those local queens never actually were crowned as local queen onstage. -
I can't....I.....he....omg. and he ended the video by saying something like "i need you to come clean me" or something. If he can grab at the poop and play with it then he can grab some baby wipes and clean it up. If I walked in on that I would walk right out. I would not clean him up, he is clearly capable of reaching down and cleaning himself up down there...... he just has a sick fetish of making people clean his privates....I have never seen a more disgusting and pathetic person. So I watched another video of him and I had to stop it. Sometimes you see something you feel like is a train wreck and you can't look away, but this wasn't like that, I actually have to look away because I began to feel like I was going to vomit. Not exaggerating. His father needs to just take his phone, tablet, laptop whatever AWAY. Not only is he spending time doing this when he could be exercising, but he is doing is specifically to get attention from people and feeding off the negative attention, it is sick and it needs to be stopped. As an adult he can do what he wants, but he is practically immobile and in his father's care- I'd take away the phone asap. One more thing. He always seems so greasy and dirty. You know he didn't wash his hands very well after that video...and frankly there is not enough soap in the world to clean his hands after playing with his poop...it disgusts me that you know he was eating more food after that without actually being clean....seriously it is like he is not human.....
Wait, for real? I only saw the pie video. He didn't really play with poop, did he?!
That incident with the pizza made me want his dad to just say, "you're not underage anymore, from now on you're on your own, find an apartment and be out of my house within three weeks". But his dad is probably terrified to stand up to him.....and this is the only patient on the show where I would be scared, too.
I wonder if people get to a size where they can't find shoes that fit properly...the foot becomes sort of a round shape.
It is interesting that so many people felt that abuse may have happened to the younger brother. I had the same feeling. His behavior reminded me so much of my stepson's behavior a few years ago when my stepson was a teenager and had been coerced into some inappropriate things by a young woman who was (formerly) my best friend (and felt he couldn't tell me, BECAUSE it was my best friend!). The similarities were striking- the way Justin hung back and avoided him much as possible but while still being present and having to interact with him. The scene where Justin has to say goodbye to Steven especially hit me hard. :( Besides that, I have to say that when I watch this show, I'm watching it to be happy at the end when the person finally begins enjoying their life and getting to do normal things. But Steven..I actually felt...well, I thought of the book The Gift of Fear when I thought of him........he is the only show participant where if I knew him I felt safer with him being immobile....I'm being completely honest in saying that if I knew him, I would actually be afraid when he could get up and be mobile.