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Ellie Godfrey

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Everything posted by Ellie Godfrey

  1. She'll be wheeled down the aisle on a reinforced gurney by 14 EMTs serving as groomsmen.
  2. I have no doubt Herbert was sent out there to pull that shit out of the garbage.
  3. Dayum!! I'm gonna quit the gym and start packing on the pounds so maybe I can get a boyfriend.
  4. I really dislike that Cody polygamous guy. He's an entitled dick.
  5. Some really buy into the religious dogma that it's required to get into heaven.
  6. She's going to pull an Assanti as soon as she's out of there.
  7. Anyone get a headcount of how many EMTs it took to move her?
  8. Why is it always 1 guy and multiple women?? I want to see 1 woman with 3 husbands.
  9. Show Requirements Stupid Jack Handey Deep Thoughts obviously written for (not by) the subject obsesee Roll out of bed in a bizarre fashion flashing the camera man Enlist help of children to help with cleaning of intimate areas Shower scene Sneaking food Hiding food Enabling family & friends (especially parents who cannot/will not say “no” and kids who are deprived a childhood ) Before Meeting Dr Now I'm willing to do anything it takes I have to do this This is my last chance Dr Now is my only hope If I don't do this, I'm going to die Nothing else has worked On the Road I'm nervous about this trip. I'm leaving everything I know We need to stop for food (hollered every 15 mins; if the driver doesn’t immediately pull into a fast food drive-thru, a tantrum must be thrown) On Dr. Now’s Diet I didn't expect it to be so hard I can't do this The stress will be too much and I will give in to temptation Dr Now just doesn't understand No one understands This is too hard/too much It's not fair Food is the only thing that calms me down/makes me happy I have to enjoy what I'm eating I don't think I should eat so few calories The hospital portions are too small The controlled diet is excessive I can do it my way It's not going to happen overnight I think I'm making good progress I’ve got to figure this out A little cheating won’t hurt Family & Friends I need them to believe in me I have to get my life back I don’t get any support (Translation: I’m not to be held accountable; my problems are someone else’s fault.) Paraphernalia Wheelchair a/o walker Cinderblocks under bed Sheets as apparel Pets Winch Poop Tongs Bedbound Bath & Beyond Wheelchairs Walkers Poop Tongs - Janine's ass wiping tongs with the engraved logo Lupe's eyeshadow + her taco purse Pauline's pants Pauline’s SEXercise DVDs Penny's wonton cooker LB’s right shoes, size 20EEE LB’s Mom’s Iced Beer (by the case) LB's Mom's hair shirt Nicole's book of special recipes which includes her world famous meatloaf (50% beef, 50% chex party mix) A book of life hacks, which includes hits such as how to find a man that will empty your bedpan and hose you down on the back porch in 30 days Free audio book of all the best quotes "Dr. Now is my last hope, I'm making great progress, I didn't realize how hard this would be" etc. etc. Around Halloween they could sell a Dr. Now costume, wig and glasses included.
  10. holy shit. I lived in that area for a couple of years and could not for the life of me figure out what he was saying. I struggled with a lot of the dialogue but that one had me totally lost. I'm so grateful for the translation.
  11. They need to send her to a therapist in a 3-story walk-up.
  12. She's making defeatist noises: I didn't expect it to be so hard. I'm afraid the stress will be too much and I will give in to temptation, She's justifying failure in advance.
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