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Dashing Off

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Everything posted by Dashing Off

  1. As a person who watches the Food Network quite a bit, watching these people cook always grosses me out.
  2. "I've been trying to eat only one fast food meal a day. " -facepalm-
  3. ...why does Sean, the heaviest man in My 600lb Life History (again, so far) looks skinnier than James K?
  4. Hoo boy. Well, hopefully we won't be seeing any of that in this episode!
  5. Heaviest man (so far) in My 600lb Life History. Everyone ready?
  6. Fuck off, Gilbert. You cheated, you demanded sex with her right after she had surgery and popped her stitches open, and you're a drunk. Lupe had every right to dump your sorry, greasy ass.
  7. Has Gilbert seriously never heard of jacking-off? I mean, you'd think he would've considering he is JACK-OFF!
  8. Are you fucking kidding me? Gilbert insisted they had sex when the got home? Right after her surgery? WHAT A FUCKING SHITBAG. Lupe, tell Dr. Now! WTF is wrong with this guy?!
  9. She doesn't wanna drink, Gilbert, back off! Also, Lupe will it kill you to eat with a fork?!
  10. It looks like Ashley's husband needs to lose weight too.
  11. I thought Gilbert was gonna say "pause on all the sex we've been having." Instead of all "pause on all the procedures.". Thank god he didn't.
  12. I swear to god, when she said "not be dependent on anyone again" my bf thought she said "not eat yogurt ever again." XD
  13. I think the whole "balloon face" thing still being an issue, is just a result of all the loose skin they got now.
  14. Gil, stop talking about your sex life improving like its the only thing that matters.
  15. I swear to god, I thought he was going to try to order pizza.
  16. Me: 1156 more miles...nope! I can't do it either! *leaves room*
  17. Me: They're only at New York. BF: Nope. Fuck this. Goodbye. *leaves room*
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