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Dashing Off

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Everything posted by Dashing Off

  1. Well, what did we learn today, folks? "No carbs" means "all the carbs", do not seek medical help if your legs look like moldy swiss cheese, and that the spirit of James K is somehow still alive and well, unfortunately. RIP Randy. You deserved better, you poor man.
  2. Hell no! I hope he charges her extra for it! #Justice4Randy
  3. Please tell me we're going to get our first amputation on this series. It couldn't happen to a nicer person.
  4. James, when and if you ever get out of this lady, can you please drag her fat hateful ass back down to hell with you? Signed, the rest of the human race.
  5. I know, it's awful. I'd send flowers to his grave, but I don't know if he even has one. Poor guy. At least he's in a better place now.
  6. I might be wrong, but I think I found Randy's obituary. Says he was 62. Well, he did look old, and I guess he actually was.
  7. At this point, I'm pretty sure this bitch is possessed by James K. Ontop of everything else, she's also a verbally abusive scumbag like he was. I think all we need to do to prove it is splash holy water on her and see if she shrieks "MAH LEG...!!"
  8. "This is why we don't mess with white people!" What in the absolute fu-
  9. Imagine being such a bad person that you yell at an old man on oxygen who's been working himself to death for you. On national television, too, nonetheless.
  10. Wait, a minute. Unbelievably horrific legs, partner is as dumb as box of rocks, pees in the bed, lifts tiny-ass weights as a way to "exercise"... ...oh my god. Are we sure the spirit of James K hasn't risen from the depths of hell to possession this lady? Because I swear to god, if she makes Randy sleep on the floor, or order her Chinese, I'm calling the church!
  11. It is! Just ordered myself some Lemonades (dumb name for a cookie, I know), and Thin Mints today!
  12. The Diet: No carbs. Lisa: Literally all the carbs. K.
  13. Why, at the homeless shelters, prisons, and grocery stores, of course! ...hey, I didn't say they'd be good. I'd just said they'd put up with you.
  14. You know, I just wanna say that if these people can get dates, anyone can. Let this be a big boost to your self-confidence. You might be fat, dumpy, and have the personality of a wet paper towel, but if this show has proven anything, someone out there is willing to put up with you.
  15. Me: *joins this site a few years ago to specifically talk about James K's horrific legs* Me: *returns years later on a whim only to be greeted with Lisa's equally horrific looking legs* Me:
  16. You're not wrong, but I'm still gonna defend her by saying anyone would've lost it living with James, and I don't blame them.
  17. Can't say I feel too bad considering how much of a shitbag he was. At least Lisa, and Bayley are now free. RIP The Amy's Baking Company of My 600lb Life.
  18. Saw a headline about this somewhere and I immediately thought it had been James K's doormat wife who had died. Then I found out that it had been this Lisa who had kicked the bucket and I was instantly less sad.
  19. Oh, I knew it! I knew she was trying to kill him and I knew that APS was gonna get called. Hey, Lisa. Maybe next time you tried to kill some by overfeeding them, you shouldn't go on national television and making it blatantly obvious.
  20. Tbh, I don't think Lisa has Munchhausen or is in it for the money or is just that incompetent. I think she's just fucking snapped. I mean, think about it. This lady has been with abusive partners her entire life (she probably was abused as a child too, but that's just me guessing) and she's been a slave to an oversized baby for years. She's had to live in and with filth, for years. I have no doubts that when James was mobile, he slapped her around or at the very least, severely emotionally abused her. You guys remember the tone of voice he used when he demanded her to order him Chinese food. Not even to mention that he fucking made her sleep on the floor. She clearly wanted to help James but when it became apparent he didn't want to, she had a breakdown and just lost it. So yeah. I think she's fed up (no pun intended) with being kicked around her whole life, and has decided to get rid of the one man who's been causing all her problems for well over 15 years. I think she hates and is trying to kill via his obesity. I don't think she's evil, and I don't think she's a sociopath. I think she's just a battered wife who's just done. And you know what? I don't blame her. I'm not condoning her actions, but I can see why she's doing this. A person can only take so much before they go nuts and I think Lisa is at that point. Again, I'm not saying what she's doing is a good thing (it's most certainly not), but if this is what she's trying to do I can understand why.
  21. Please tell me I'm not the only one who misread "I am LDS" for "I am on LSD".
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