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  1. Even if his seminar was terrible that no reason to just go off on him about it. He clearly knows that it was terrible, why kick him when he's down? That's just being evil. She's just repeating what he already knows. It seems like she just gets some sick pleasure from hurting someone. It doesn't matter why he was hurting, only that he was. I don't want to bring this up, but if it was reversed people would be calling for his head on a pile. Why does everyone on this forum seem to think that men can't have emotions? No wonder the suicide rate for men is so high when they get destroyed for feeling. It's all just sick and disgusting. This forum is starting to get repulsive.
  2. Avery seems to be legitimately heartless. She just does not listen. Ash is not great, but she's a whole different level of evil. It's really disgusting how she talks to him. If someone is clearly hurt, you listen don't continue to tell at them about some nonsense. No wonder he left. There's no talking with her. She takes offense to everything and makes so many baseless assumptions. I don't see why people keep saying she's faking being bi. A lot of people accuse people of that and it's not cool. It's gross. There's no one way a bi person has to act and maybe she's just nervous about telling her family. She doesn't know how they'll respond and she'll be doing it without her partner.
  3. I think part of why Ash's seminar was so terrible was because it was all generalizations. You can't personalize things to a group like that. And Avery is just looking for things to get mad about. I can't tell what she's even upset about. He didn't even talk about gender roles. He was saying vague nothing. And it was pretty clear those women were probably just taken off the street with the woman asking questions being a plant. I imagine the kind of people who would actually go to that sort of thing would be more willing to listen, even if it is nothing and not interrupt every five seconds. At less wait until the end for that. Of course it was a disaster.
  4. That was a hospital cafeteria? Why does their food look so much better than the food at my job?
  5. I'm terrible at guessing someone's weight, but I'll guess 670?
  6. I'm pretty sure there was some who worked at a theater as a costume designer or something.
  7. Hello! My eating habit tonight was some whole grain penne with vegetables, gouda and prosciutto and a roll.
  8. They had to have applied for the show. It's not like the producers just go up to people and force them to be on camera. Maybe someone thought that the show could help them have easier access to help. It's not like the producers can just magically know how everything will turn out ahead of time. Producers aren't these heartless monsters like people keep accusing them of for no reason, they're people doing a job. For all anyone knows, it could have been the networks decision if it seems so "immoral" to let adults decide to be on a tv show. The producers still have bosses.
  9. It makes sense that Stephanie might be nervous about sex while taking pictures and other things. Those two things are completely different. And whether or not she's had sex with a woman has absolutely nothing to do with her sexuality. I'm not sure why people keep calling them lesbians when they've both said that they're bi. That's not okay. Why does their relationship get questioned so much? It seems like people usually think one person is actually trying. I still have no idea how the way Erika dresses is seen as so bad or as proof that she's bi or something.
  10. Erika seems nice. I don't see anything wrong with how she dresses. How is she supposed to dress then? I hope it works out when she tells her parents. They seem nice together. There isn't a bunch of drama. Ed doesn't seem nice. She clearly doesn't like talking about her past. What does he want to even know? Varya still seems terrible. They don't get along and it's very obvious she's just trying to use him. Why would you stop working on your apartment after dating someone for a few months? Does she expect to get married in less than a year? They're terrible together. All she's doing is lying to him and trying to guilt him into staying. Her friends seem to weirdly enjoy all the drama. Avery and Ash probably won't work out. They seem terrible together too. Lisa and Usman are the worst together. Actors do romance scenes/movies with people they're not married to all the time. And musicians do love songs with other people all the time. It's part of their job. Some cheat, but they probably would anyway and it's not always with a costar anyway. Most of these people are very unlikable. Probably over half.
  11. I've heard that sort of thing is pretty common. Still maybe not a good idea to mention it on tv though. There's no way to make it come out well.
  12. Playing with someone's emotions is pure evil, just because it's not physical doesn't mean it's not immoral and despicable. Something not being a crime doesn't mean people should do it.
  13. I really don't like Varya. She seems to just care about moving to America and I don't think that about most people. Whether or not Geoffrey has some shady past, which seems like a ton of assumptions and hypocrisy honestly, playing with someone's emotions like that makes here pretty much as bad as him in my opinion. Most likely they're both different types of awful and won't work out. They're guilting/using each other at worst. I don't see getting someone black Rose's as that bad if that's what they would like. That's something places wouldn't generally carry so you'd likely need to special order it which is a lot more than just dropping by a store and picking up some red roses like everyone does. Ash still seems kinda gross. They both do. I don't like either of them. Why don't they both sleep in the room with two beds? Why waste the bigger room? David can ride a unicycle which honestly is the most impressive thing I've seen on this show. Too bad it's very unlikely it will work, but the unicycle and cats make it hard to dislike him. Lisa is very unlikable. His house didn't seem so bad. There was tile in the bathroom. It wouldn't be what many people in the US would be used to, but he said it's pretty typical for where he's from.
  14. Oh, that sounds awful. I'll skip looking at those. Maybe the other girl is interesting? I still like her hair. I'm not going to doubt someone's sexuality since people say things like that about mine and that's not okay. Those videos still sound terrible though.
  15. I don't get the whole calling Rosemarie a child thing. She's in her 20s and is clearly not a teenager. Even if she seems to look like a teenager, it's not like she'd date one. Even if she dated someone her age, what if they looked older than her? Would she still be a "child bride"? They're both adults. I don't know if they'll work out because it really seems like they might not. I don't know if I like Ash or not. He seems okay, but kind of not okay. Relationship coach is a real job. I've mostly heard of people coaching men, but there has to be an audience to coach women. It's probably like being a life coach. There aren't really qualifications, it's just if people like what you say. I kind of like the one with the YouTube channel. I haven't seen her channel or anything, but she seems fine. The other girl's hair is nice. It's too early to tell how it will go. I don't think they're both dating a girl for attention. Way less people do that kind if thing than people think. It tends to just be a way for people to say bi people aren't real or something equally awful. And it makes sense she'd value her mom's opinion. They seem close and maybe her mom was really into her life going a certain way so it would be hard to break it to her that it's not.
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