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Posts posted by Idahoforspn

  1. 17 minutes ago, CluelessDrifter said:

    I don't think Idahoforspn meant that he said Berens was clueless.  I think she meant that he said Berens had no idea how much that scene meant to Jensen in explaining Dean and also where Dean was at with Mary (possibly all year).  I haven't seen it, but I think he also mentioned that he hadn't known all season why Amara thought Dean needed Mary the most, and in that scene, it hit him that what Dean needed most was to forgive Mary.   

    Yes. You said it better than I did.

    1 minute ago, Bessie said:

    Ah. That makes more sense. So it sounds like he was actually complimenting Berens. 

    Jensen may have been complimenting him but I find it sad that Berens didn't understand the Dean/Mary dynamic enough to have intentionally written a scene that pulled the whole year together. So I guess I'm the one calling out Berens a little.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Bessie said:

    I know you're illustrating Ackles acting ability, but, for me, him calling out a writer as clueless is unprofessional and doesn't sound like something he would do. Maybe it was the booze lowering his normal inhibitions. 

    Of course he didn't call out a writer. Watch the panel. 

    • Love 4
  3. Did you see Jensen's solo panel part 2 where he said Berens didn't have a clue how defining the Mary scene was for Dean's character? Really scary that when these writers give us the amazing stuff, its by accident. We have known for a long time that Jensen often takes what he is given and turns it into Emmy worthy stuff. The other example that comes to mind is how he changed the delivery for the scene with God. 

    • Love 3
  4. 19 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Or maybe they're numbers were so great they figured they could sacrifice these few and it was no big deal?

    Personally I  go with what the show shows or tells me but to each his own. The show told me they didn't have the resources so until they retcon that one :)

  5. 10 minutes ago, Airmid said:

    Honestly, the show doesn't either. We've had two time skips (season 6 and season 8 premiered with one year later) but its usually forgotten. So at this point I just try not to worry about it and figure they laid low and healed somewhere.

    I so wish they had some kind of show bible. It's apparent they don't and just make up things on the fly and it drives me nuts when they violate their own canon in egregious ways. Like what they did to reapers. Death Takes a Holiday is an episode I have problems rewatching. Not because it's bad, the exact opposite. There was so much going on, what the reapers were, how hard they were to kill, that they were part of the seals and if one dies death slows down in the town until another comes. (Though that might also have been influenced by the spell work). They were a neutral force for the most part, which was nice to see in a world where there are always sides.

    It was an excellent episode for Pamela, and what she tells Sam at the end and he still doesn't listen.

    Now, any fool with the proper weapon can stick it in a reaper and kill them because they're some kind of angel. Now, there are rogue ones that drive taxis and pop into the other realms like it aint no thing. Too bad Sam didn't know about that at the end of season three as others have said - he could have popped on in to hell and dragged his brother out. Wasn't like an entire garrison of angels had to storm hell to pull Dean out, or anything. All he needed was to put a watch on the exit door and wander around a bit. They probably would have gotten back in time for dinner and pie.

    Seems like all hell is now is a quick stop over, grimy halls and a few cells. A condemned office building that had an eccentric interior decorator with a passion for 'lived in beyond repair' styles. Demons used to talk about how they didn't want to be there, that they were tortured still for failure and it twisted the humanity out of their souls. They talked about how hard it was to get out, like Ruby. They talked about how Alastair was an exception because he preferred being in hell compared to earth when most demons wanted to crawl their way out. It made him menacing, of how much he enjoyed the pain of others and perhaps even when it was put on him.

    Later on, Bobby just strolls on out after over a century and isn't worse for it. John supposedly didn't break after a century (I don't buy that). But Dean broke like a little girl after thirty years?

    Just...screw you show. Hell should be terrifying, it should be destruction of everything that makes a human, well, human. Less is more and I will always be bitter that they showed so much of hell and made it like a revolving door instead of the eternal damnation of the soul that they had going on years ago

    Me too!

    10 minutes ago, Airmid said:

    I like to think that there are amazing healing powers in dental floss stitches and whiskey antiseptic. If only the modern medical world followed these simple steps, scars would be a thing of the past... ;)


  6. 1 minute ago, DittyDotDot said:

    . However, I agree, if this is really the last of Crowley, then they really screwed the pooch here in letting Mark get some accolades, not only from fans, but TPTB.


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  7. 18 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    seems to me he would need to let Dean fester in that doubt for at least a few days at minimum before deciding to put him in that world. So some of Dean's wounds probably did start to heal on their own before he or another angel, healed him.

    I buy a few days or a week before somebody healed him but it would need to be more than a month or more for Dean to heal naturally and look like he did in the next episode. Deep severe bruising fades very very slowly. And the show usually gives us something if there is a time jump of that kind of length. Just my head Canon.

    4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    A few days, sure - but went from this to this.





    Thanks for the visual. That would have taken more than a couple weeks to do naturally.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    The voice on the laptop, presumably one of the "Old Men" told Hess they didn't have the resources (currently?) to open a portal for her. Since she is seemingly one of the big cheeses, you'd think they would've extracted her if they could. Maybe their numbers aren't so great, maybe all the braintrust capable of opening the portal were already there in the US. In any case, they seemed to have washed their hands of it - I don't anticipate hearing about them again any time soon.


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  9. 3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    This pattern of Sam not confronting his enemies, not holding a grudge and even forgiving them is peculiar. Sam was justified in confronting Dean in s9 and by the end of s9, Sam sort of forgave Dean, which is understandable because Dean is his brother. No, he's not required to forgive his brother but it is his brother and his brother has forgiven him. So I kind of take that out of the equation.

    But this stuff with Gadreel, who actually was the person that killed Kevin, with Sam calling him FRIEND was mystifying to me. Sam not confronting Lucifer in s11, and then being sent to save Lucifer, (remember it wasn't said that he was going to save Cas. GRRR and I don't think I'm being nitpicky on that point).  And now with Lady ActualDeadEyes is mystifying. It's not just occasional, it's a pattern. I don't think it really is the case, but I do ponder it from time to time, if the show is trying to show Sam as Christ-like with this  "Turn the other cheek" thing? I dunno, it's weird.

    All those things were inexplicable to me too. Sam calling Gadreel Dean's friend shocked me. There was no foundation for that statement. It should have been talked about as more like working with Crowley. You do it when you have to.

    • Love 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I saw it, I just figured my edit was response enough. Just because the villains think they're all powerful, doesn't mean they are.

    I just went with what the show told us so I guess it's one of those agree to disagree things.

    2 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:


    6 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Plus, the Stynes were never considered to be a long-term threat. I think the Brits are. Or, I think the MoL in general are going to be.

     IMO they are gone just like the Steins. Never to be seen again.

  11. 5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    But Cas put up a pretty badass fight against Uriel after that. I think his powers were blocked by a big heaping pile of *Plotonium. But I always took his "I can't" as an "I'm not allowed" over "I'm not able". Whether it was to drive something home to Dean through leaving him to suffer or not, I don't know.


    * I learned that word here, and I love it :)

    I also took it as he wasn't allowed to heal Dean without being given expressed permission each time and that Zach did it before putting him into It's a Wonderful Life

  12. 16 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    I have zero issues with Dean threatening Lady ActualDeadEyes. I'm sure there was some vengeance swirling in Dean and Sam's minds but she was a proven and continuing threat given her alacrity with murderous blood spells. AFAIK, it doesn't require a specific kind of knife to do the spell she did that allowed her to choke out Mary. It seems to me all it took was her blood and reciting the incantation to make the spell work, so whilst Dean was smart to keep her in handcuffs, that didn't really remove the threat. All she had to do was cut her hand on something and start talking.

    You won't get an argument from me on any of that. I did notice though that in this episode where they were killing humans, Jody killed Hess and Ketch killed torture lady. I think the Show didn't want us seeing either Sam or Dean killing a human woman even if they were horrible human beings. Then again, maybe I read to much into it :)


    AS an aside, it really bothered me that Sam never got in Lady ActualDeadEyes face about her torturing him.  They could have had a moment that ties her being a threat with killer blood spells with him not overlooking nor forgetting that she tortured him (and Dean)

    I mean come on, show!!  He could have at least said, "I didn't forget what you did to me, and my brother,  but because I am better than you , or at least trying to be,  I won't return the favor. And, unfortunately, right now, we all need to work together to get out of here.  But do not misunderstand me. If you cross us....if you make a move to do a blood spell, I will shoot you in the head...before you get the first word out. Got it? "  At least THREATEN HER in a material way, Sam!  Gah, I NEED the catharsis here, show!

    Kind of par  for the course though. Sam never confronted Luci/Cas in any way. Just let him use Sam's room for his little hissy fit. I really cringed at the whole teenager vibe coming of Lucifer/Cas that episode. Not funny to me.

    • Love 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

    That particular scene in the episode On the Head of a Pin was my introduction to the show Supernatural.  I was flipping channels trying to find something to watch when the search was halted and my finger hovered over the remote.  It was Jensen's expression that caught my attention.  He broke the first seal?  WTF was going on?  Didn't know who these guys were, but wow -  who was that actor?  That expression... what was happening?  

    I purchased the DVDs next day and for a week or two I lived & breathed Supernatural and I fell  in love with Dean Winchester.  I began watching live sometime during season 7.

    I have a similar story. Channel surfing and stopping at a Dean Winchester magic moment. I started Netflix that day. Went thru all 8 seasons in a few weeks ( didn't get a lot of other stuff done I should have) and have been watching live since premier of 9. I currently own BluRay, DVD, and digital of all the previous seasons. I will probably buy the BluRay  for 12  just for Regarding Dean and the amazing scenes like the one in Mary's head. SPN is the first and only show I even own on DVD. I have never been into a show enough to buy the DVDs before SPN.


    So that scene is nestled close to my ❤️ .  Since then Supernatural has grown lighter, campier, skimpier - and the thrill is gradually seeping from me unfortunately.

    Yeah, I agree. But the real Dean still manages to peek thru sometimes.

    • Love 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    I thought they had been chased out of their own country and had been forced to the colonies to hide and regroup after Mary Shelly wrote her book and exposed all their secrets? They still used their knowledge of the supernatural to effect world chaos, but it didn't seem like they were this large international organization to me.

    Posted above but I'll put it here too.


    SAM: We wanted the book because that's where your power comes from. See, our family business is putting guys like you out of business.

    ELDON: Oh. It's impressive. Let me tell you about my family business. You're in way over your heads. The family is vast . . . spread over the world. And that power that you mentioned doesn't come from the book. It comes from intelligence and will. The book facilitates. Stock market dive, recession, 9/11 . . . any of them ring a bell? Arab spring. Didn't even break a sweat.

    SAM: Okay. Why?

    ELDON: Well, you got to be in it to win it, boys. You see, chaos breeds fear. Fear breeds panic, and panic breeds desperation, and there's always profit to be made from desperation. You make a big enough mess, has to get cleaned up. And we've been in the fix-it business for 1,000 years, and business has never been better. (Sam’s phone starts vibrating. Cas is calling) Now, for the last 80 years, we haven't had the book. With the book, we're unstoppable.

  15. 18 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Right, they has a history that was long passed. They dabbled in politics and such, but they were no longer major world figures, IMO. I thought that's why they wanted The Book of the Damned, to use it to restore them as world figures? Regardless, Dean wiped them all out in one day. Apparently there are no more Steins; Or not enough of them to organize again. The BMoL who were at that base were a very small number--even less than in number than the Steins we saw. There has to be far more of them back in Britain for them to be able to organize on that level.

    Personally, I feel like the reason they killed everyone off in the finale was to take away all Sam and Dean's resources to force them to have to unite and organize the remaining American hunters in an all-out war against the Brits. 

    SAM: We wanted the book because that's where your power comes from. See, our family business is putting guys like you out of business.

    ELDON: Oh. It's impressive. Let me tell you about my family business. You're in way over your heads. The family is vast . . . spread over the world. And that power that you mentioned doesn't come from the book. It comes from intelligence and will. The book facilitates. Stock market dive, recession, 9/11 . . . any of them ring a bell? Arab spring. Didn't even break a sweat.

    SAM: Okay. Why?

    ELDON: Well, you got to be in it to win it, boys. You see, chaos breeds fear. Fear breeds panic, and panic breeds desperation, and there's always profit to be made from desperation. You make a big enough mess, has to get cleaned up. And we've been in the fix-it business for 1,000 years, and business has never been better. (Sam’s phone starts vibrating. Cas is calling) Now, for the last 80 years, we haven't had the book. With the book, we're unstoppable.

  16. 2 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Right, they has a history that was long passed. They dabbled in politics and such, but they were no longer major world figures, IMO. I thought that's why they wanted The Book of the Damned, to use it to restore them as world figures? Regardless, Dean wiped them all out in one day. Apparently there are no more Steins; Or not enough of them to organize again. The BMoL who were at that base were a very small number--even less than in number than the Steins we saw. There has to be far more of them back in Britain for them to be able to organize on that level.

    Personally, I feel like the reason they killed everyone off in the finale was to take away all Sam and Dean's resources to force them to have to unite and organize the remaining American hunters in an all-out war against the Brits. 

    I thought Stein talked about how they were still powerful around the world but would be even more powerful with the book. I remember at the time of the broadcast thinking so now the writers are just going to ignore the powerful international part if this historied organization because S&D took care of the American branch and Dean doesn't like to fly?

  17. 4 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Well, I think that was silly, myself, but I don't think the Steins were anywhere near the organization the BMoL are. The Steins were just one family based out of one small town in the South. The BMoL have the resources to cover a whole country--a small country, but a country, none-the-less.

    Part of Steins big speech was the American Steins were part of a large powerful international family. They didn't even originate in America if I remember correctly.

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