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Posts posted by njbchlover

  1. I just rewatched the bloodbath.

    Amber is crying about her side, her side, why aren't the twins being asked to leave? OMG COME ON you DON'T talk about someone's MOTHER. EVER. Period.

    As catholic as they profess to be and family people, Jim and amber never once talk amongst themselves that he crossed a really vulgar line. She's more chastising him because she is trying to make friends with these girls and he's ruining it.

    In the bedroom, Amber is really trying to convey how angry she is with him put playing to him like she's scared of delivering that message honestly, with kisses and sick foreplay. He, is trying to pander to her by his I did it for you, and you're my life you're my love BS. Sick co dependent bullshit.


    As you said, and Amber droned on and on about in one of her blogs, if they are such good Catholics as she professes, I certainly hope that Jim went to confession right after he got off the plane from Florida....isn't breaking a commandment a mortal sin? 

    And, since he has tweeted (or, in his case, "twitted") that he doesn't believe the Rino/Santa rumor, he bore false witness against his neighbor (Ninth commandment), in other words....he lied about someone else...such a douche!!  And, for the record, I have never really liked the word "douche" or "douchebag", but it soooo fits Jim Marchese!!!   Okay - now I better go to confession, too!!  Nah...I think I'm more truthful than he is!! 

    • Love 1
  2. Did anyone else see Danielle Staub on "Access Hollywood" today - publicly wishing Teresa "all the best"??  The host (Billy - ? I don't know - I never really watch the show, and just left it on because she was on it) repeatedly said that Danielle reached out to them to appear.  I'm sorry--not really--but, how opportunistic of Danielle is that?  I know that Theresa and Joe are guilty and everything associated with it, but I thought it was pretty low of Danielle to try to boost her own fame (or lack thereof) from this situation.

    And then, she even had to throw her kids into it, by saying that her oldest wanted to send Gia a public message, as well....


    • Love 2
  3. "In my view of life".....the world according Jim Douchechese.....

    If this isn't scripted, or preplanned, there can be no words to describe what a disgusting person Jim Marchese is. 

    And, yes, Amber, Theresa and Dina did know the rumor from Victoria Gotti, but none of them tried to tell TerESSa or Nicole, only Jim "who wants peace, but will wage war to get it" Marchese had the douchebaggery to repeat it!! 

    TerESSa was correct when she said that Jim has a Napoleon complex...isn't that how he felt about things, too?? 

    I have never disliked a Househusband as much as I dislike this man!!  He takes the award away from Slade, Simon, Jim Bellino, and even Vicki Gunvalson's Brooks!!!  What a disgusting human being!! 

    And, he just considers saying all those vile things as "having fun with them"???  Does this man have ANY friends in real life?  How could he? 

    • Love 5
  4. Okay - I know this show is stupid, but I can totally relate to Caroline and the trapeze!  I, too, am afraid of heights, and I know how she felt.  My sons "shamed" me into ziplining, and I was almost as bad as Caroline, whining and nervous.  Am I glad I did it?  Yes....but am I still afraid of heights?  You betcha!! 

  5. Okay...I'm back from an amazing vacation in Aruba, and am catching up here....

    But, I have a stupid question (there are plenty of them in my brain after catching up on EVERYTHING!!!) - but anyway, here's the question - if these people are all staying in the house, and NOT going out to dinner or anything, why do some of these women (ummm....Melissa???) carry their purses from their bedrooms to the dining room table?? 

    Wow, Jim is really an asshole, isn't he? Ambuh, you picked him, so you get to deal with him. No sympathy from me. 


    As much as I hate the Gorgas, I'd invite Joe Gorga to my party. He's like a dancing monkey who drinks.


    Dina is not invited to my party. You are on a beautiful boat and you sit on a chair under a blanket.Buzzkill 


    I agree with you about Jim - I now REALLY want to run into him somewhere around here, so I can just give him a "side eye"!!  What a douche!!!! 

    There are parts of Joe Gorga I really hate (the constant sex talk, especially), but he does seem like he'd be fun at a party.

    And, I think that Dina has body-conscious issues.  She has a great figure, but always seems a little uncomfortable about herself.  She was wearing a bikini and hanging out with the girls around the pool, but was all covered up in a muumuu when the guys where there.

    • Love 1

    LOL!  Don't forget the faucet that came off in the realtors hand and the vanity that fell apart when touched. That would have been great if they had edited in that clip, hahaha! A Joe Gorga house a work of art indeed!


    Well...the Mayan ruins and the pyramids are also works of art, but you're not allowed to touch them!! 

  7. Okay...watching again and I have to say, as much as the twins' voices grate on my nerves, they don't drive me too, too crazy or annoy me too much.  I do appreciate the fact that when you see them filming "every day" things (like going for a normal procedure such as a colonoscopy with their husband), at least they are not made up as if they are walking a red carpet.  Ter-ESS-a looked like a normal wife waiting for her husband - jeans, normal shirt, minimal makeup.  And, then we have Amber - going to the doctor with full on fake lashes, clown cheeks and much too much everything else.

    And, God, please - enough with the white eye-liner!!  Whoever told Amber (and Tamra from RHOC) that was a good look should be shot!! 

    I also appreciate that Dina doesn't believe this rumor about Rino and Santa.  IMO, though, this is all producer driven, and the fact that Theresa G. is telling Dina was also a producer-driven storyline set up. 

    I don't believe any of that...that family is just too traditional for it to have happened, in the first place, and, in the second place, for Rino to still be alive or walking or have something to stuff in those bird underwear, if it did....

    Oh, and also, I know Rino is caustic and crass, but there is something about him that makes me laugh! 

    • Love 3
  8. Amber with THE cancer doesn't know the sign of the cross. Maybe THE lentil season threw her off.


    I noticed that too...and Jim, as well - when he was showing his daughter how to make the sign of the cross, he went to his right shoulder and then his left - I always thought it was left shoulder, then right?? 

    I am soooo over Amber and THE cancer - obviously, the "inconclusive" test results are good, because the previews show them appearing in Florida.  I cannot believe that she constantly talks about this to her RL friends the way she does on the show - I mean, I have the greatest respect and empathy for anyone who has survived cancer, and know what kind of struggle everyone faces, but enough is enough.  I have several friends who are breast cancer survivors and they continue to amaze me every time I see them. 

    Amber does not inspire or lift people up, in my opinion.

    And - as someone mentioned upthread - what the hell was that monstrosity of a sweater/top she was wearing when in the kitchen with Jim?  That was the most hideous thing I've ever seen someone put on their body~~well, except for Rino's bird underwear, but at least he hopefully would not be wearing that in public.

    I really do not like this couple at all - I almost hope I run into them somewhere so I see for myself if Jim is as much of an a-hole in real life as he appears to be on TV!! 

    • Love 3
  9. Where were the boys for the ash Wednesday lentil service?


    I think the boys go to school there, so more than likely, they got their ashes during the school day.  Last week, Jim was wearing a shirt with "St. Mary's School" embroidered on it. 

    I actually think that the sight of Rino in his bird underwear has been burned in my mind forever...I need brain bleach!!  That now replaces Slade Smiley from RHOC in his tanning sock as the grossest thing I've ever seen on a RH show!! 

    • Love 6
  10. The porta cochere was always my husband's favorite. Not sure when it was added, but hubby's been pointing it out for at least a year. I'm not sure which is funnier, how out of proportion it is to the rest of house or that it doesn't seem to have an entrance to the house either. It looks like there's a retaining wall blocking the way.


    So, "porte cochere" is just a fancy carport??  I always thought it should be in the front of the house.  Wasn't that the way it was back in the day, so that people getting out of horse-driven carraiges could get to the front door without getting rained on? 

    Don't they have an attached garage with an entrance to the house?

    • Love 1
  11. Ok. Help me out here. When Kini's dress came out, I thought of the girl who won PR a few years back. Anyone remember her? All her dresses looked like inverted tulips and I remember not liking her. Who was that ?!?


    That is who I was thinking of as well, and couldn't remember her name...her runway show had dresses and skirts very similar in design, but in whites, teals and light blues. 

    I think she was on the same season as Kenley. 

    Are you thinking of Leanne Marshall?


    Yes...thank you!!    :-)

    • Love 1
  12. I didn't get Sandhya's look at all...I thought it was horribly made, looked sloppy and the styling was horrendous.

    I kept thinking of that cartoon character "Rainbow Brite" from the 80's....only Rainbow Brite's dress was cuter!  

    I also was not a fan of Amanda's look, and it pissed me off that the judges did not call her out on the fact that the dress started to fall apart on the run/rainway, especially given that they finally had two days for the challenge.  I though the materials were ugly, the design was ugly, the dress was ugly....okay - I'll admit it - I don't like Amanda.  :-)

    I feel bad for Fade, but I agree with everyone - I don't think his heart was in this challenge, and he seemed very lost this week.  This should have been Tim's save, because while I like Char as a person, I think Fade has more talent and original ideas.

    • Love 12
  13. Just because I am a dork I paused to read all Heather had written


    Dear Terry


    We got the lot. Those four words changed the course of our lives in many ways.

    Buying this parcel of land and creating this amazing home solidifies our lives in Orange County. We owe this project for the many opportunities we've had.

    Although we only lived in this home for three years it saw some major life changes for us personally and professionally.

    The most significant being the miracle addition to our family. We were so blessed already with our children Nicky, Max and Katarina. Yet how could we ever imagine it without being filled by the laughter of Collette?


    Our family was completed in this home. This home was also a key player in our journey back on TV.  The house became a character on its own in many ways.


    Interestingly I don't think we ever felt like it was our 'final home' More like a stop along the way.

    Beyond all of the bells and whistles, the movie theatre, heated towel drawers and a closet for the TV, this house represent the best of us.


    An amazing collaboration of style and spirit. A beautiful backdrop for our amazing lives. We are blessed.


    Look through these pages and see what we accomplished together. Remember the journey and be proud.


    Can't wait to do it again.


    Love Hedy.


    Now I am off to puke


    If you're done puking, please let me in the bathroom....I think I just threw up in my mouth, reading that ridiculously self-aggrandizing drivel!!  If this is a love letter, I am glad that they found each other...they are truly a freakin' match made in Heaven, because I can't imagine anyone who deserves each other more than Terry and "Hedy"....and I can't imagine that there is anyone else in the world who would put up with either of them! 

    • Love 8
  14. Agreed. She was bitching and complaining 'til the end. I thought maybe she would have learned a lesson and acknowledged that her joke went too far. Or even if the guest didn't mind, she shouldn't risk the tip and blow it for everyone else. Something like that . Nope. Still whining that her crew values money over her. Fail.

    I think we now know WHY Kate has a "bitchy resting face"....ummmm - maybe because she's a bitch??   Her bitchy resting face makes you wonder if that old adage that everyone's mother said about "Don't make that face - yours may freeze that way" is actually true!! 

    I kind of liked her until this episode - she lied to her boss about something that could have jeopardized the entire crew's tip, and then, complained when they called her out on it.  Just because the lead passenger called her out on "looking bitchy" (which was wrong of him, admittedly), she retaliated, got caught and then denied and lied.  If she were working at any land establishment/hotel/resort and did something to retaliate against a guest/client, however innocuous, she would more than likely have been fired on the spot.

    I don't think this is a good job for Kate - she seems envious of all the guests, all the time.

    Although, I thought that this charter group was pretty demanding - especially handing over a bunch of dirty laundry/hand washables twelve hours before they docked, with the expectation of having everything cleaned, ironed and ready to pack. 

    And, I really do also have to wonder if those tips they receive are actually from the guests, or from the production company?? 

    • Love 5
  15. TMZ is reporting that Theresa and Joe have listed their house for sale at $3.9 million. 




    Somehow, I don't think they will get full asking price!


    ETA:  Looks like their house down the shore has also been listed for sale:



  16. Wasn't that the littlest one, Audriana? IIRC, Tre was doing the family's laundry, Audriana found Tre's cash and Tre told her to put it in her bosom. Either way, I don't consider it theft if Tre was right there and told her to keep the money and put it in her bosom. It was supposed to be a lighthearted, funny scene not an example of one of the kids "stealing", lol.


    I didn't think that was a big deal, either...we actually used to do this as kids--spare change in the couch was always found money (especially after my aunts and uncles had visited...).  And, putting the money in her bosom may have been something either Milania or Audriana had seen her grandmothers do - my grandmothers did that, and my mother still does it on occasion.    :-)

    • Love 1
  17. njbchlover:  Kelly Bensimon.  You. Quoted. Kelly. Bensimon.  Dear God, this is the End of Days ...


    OMG!!!!  .I QUOTED Kelly Bensimon!!!!  YIKES!!!! 

    (I think I need to go eat some organic, natural gummy bears and drink some organic, natural beer while jogging down the middle of the street in New York!!)

    • Love 7
  18. God help me for sorta defending Tamra, but here goes -- Andy brings Brooks out, asks Vicki the status of their relationship, and Vicki says that they're dating but she's single, and then, with Brooks sitting right next to her, she says that she's open to seeing other people, and if they "surpass his character," then they're "in the running." These are exact quotes! So....how is that so different from Tamra saying that she thinks there's "someone better" for Vicki?


    Well...it's because Vicki said it and not Tamra...only Vicki is allowed to comment on her relationship status, apparently.  But, in fairness, I think that Vicki knows deep in her heart that Brooks is not "Mr. Right" - he is just "Mr. Right Now" (to quote someone from the RHNY - I can't remember who), and she isn't ready to admit that to anyone, even Tamra.

    Brooks is a sleaze and it was made abundantly clear when they were discussing Vicki's new home, living arrangements and "rent" he would have to pay.  If I understood what he was saying, he was expecting to pay rent, and then, when/if Vicki decided to sell the house, he would get a share of the sale profits??  Gee - is that something new in a rental agreement?? 


    Edited to Add - Sorry to Essexjan for essentially saying the same thing as she did upthread!!!  :-)

    • Love 4
  19. Danielle is somewhere having cocktails with Angelea from the ANTM "All-Star" season.

    Shannon Storms would be a great name for a meteorologist.



    She could be our local weekend weather woman.  We do have Dallas Raines on KABC7.


    In the NY area, there used to be Storm Field (and that was his real name - his father was also a meteorologist)!!  :-)

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