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Everything posted by TicketToHellPaid

  1. Ya, besides Steven I have noticed a change in his treatment. Personally had I known Steven the play with my shit Monster existed I would have gladly chopped off those nasty legs myself and his vocal cords and his hands. He is u redeemable, that simple. Exactly, that was my thought with my post, def treatment has changed. ?
  2. I wonder why Dr Now has changed his game in some ways. He used to hospitalize people more the first two months and he also would remove lymphodemas that were extremely in the way. Looking at Steven's legs is beyond hard but I recall him cutting Christina's off first and a few other people's. Maybe he thought black and green mold covered pepperoni would come gushing out.
  3. Oh sorry, I must've missed it. He pisses me off so much I can't think straight.
  4. I was thinking, you know what's funny. The big fat monster didn't know that the last drugs Dr Now gave him are barely better than Advil. He gave him an IV push of Torodal. No where near a narcotic but fat ass didn't know that and immediately stops crying. And wtf with the hair pulling? He is so manipulative, I would hate to have to take care of him. His name is Steven John Jr, in real life he uses John. Scary I know this.
  5. Not if you go to the pound. I work there. Rescues are bored woman interviewing potential adopters and cost a ton and they inspect your house and question you. Pound dog's are just as good and I know this because rescues get their dogs from the Pounds. sadly, kittens are a dime a dozen and always needing homes.
  6. I hope Justin's store makes a million dollars and that he marries some hot chick and loses weight and fat fuck Steven, who I despise, can suck it. sit and play with your shit monster. think I will go buy something from Justin even though I have no clue on models. imagine the smell of walking into this
  7. I just saw Gilbert amd Lupe are next week and they're having sex cuz she mentions possibly being pregnant. Can't wait.
  8. Well Justin confirmed that the good people's tax money is funding this monster. thank you my father is retired but still works the same job he has been doing for over 36 years. steven has medical that covers most of his drugs and hospital visits, his disability check covers his rent but we pay his pills and when his food stamps run out we help with the shopping even though we are also broke.
  9. So we watched 4 hours of a monster terrorizing everyone and a weird brother playing games. why was this aired? It has nothing to do with weight loss, nothing. And the abrupt ending, no conclusion at all, Justin was included in the title yet all he did was hide out back home playing with things, he had no participation in weight loss. They should've cut their losses and never aired these episodes. Steven needs to be dumped on the street somewhere, the enabling is disgusting. And that poor cat, why didn't Princess take it.
  10. Justin is a straight weirdo. Steven is a monster, needs to go. Why anyone would cater to his 15 asses is beyond me. Dr Now really screwed up allowing these pigs to be on tv. I have lost any of the respect I had for him. He should have sent Steven to a homeless shelter, where he would be kicked out or killed out, everyone tip toeing around this gross monster, what a spoiled shit brat. ugh, I hope he reads here. And if this waste of space tries to show up in hell where I am going, I will personally kick his sorry pepperoni laden ass out. No way he will ruin my hell afterlife party.
  11. Steven threw himself off the cart. He's an addict and a monster. Dr Now should just cut those leg monstrosities off. Problem solved as far as excuses.
  12. Is his version of a shower spraying cologne on his crotch area? Poop and pee covered in cologne are just that. Poor princess did his laundry too, imagine how nasty that would have been.
  13. Some people are born rotten, this guy is one. No fixing the unfixable.
  14. Omg, that is worse than 1 cup 2 girls why did I look? Dr Now should push a big overdose into his IV, wonder if a hospital has enough to kill a pig his size. too funny, article I saw https://turtleboysports.com/fall-rivers-700lbs-king-cheesehog-rolls-himself-off-the-back-of-a-golf-cart-fakes-injury-so-he-can-score-more-state-funded-pain-pills/
  15. Former pill popper here, big time. it isn't illegal to doctor shop. What happens though is Dr.'s that you have seen start getting reports of you are hitting ER's. Pharmacists start refusing to fill for you. Doctors start refusing to see you. ER's ban you. Doctors key in on "drug seeking behavior and eventually you do something stupid like calling in prescription pretending to be a dr's office, then you get arrested. my addiction was a long time ago, before all this pain pill popping started and I was an anti anxiety pill addict so it was beyond easy to ask a doctor for those meds. Now all the addiction with pills would make it harder I would think but back then it was no problem.
  16. Woot, I hate this man. Actually a bulldozer would be needed.
  17. Well we have seen Steven in action with non family members and he is an asshole, cruel, mean.... so imagine if you were his brother. Justin has been dealing with Steven his whole life. Ugh, I would've killed him in his sleep if I had to live with him.
  18. Falling off the golf cart..baahaahaaa, wish they ran him over.
  19. Steven is the most dispacable pile of fat that I have ever seen and. spoiled fat asshole. I haven't finished this episode yet but I hope it ends in a morgue.
  20. It's interesting how all the people on this show are attention whores. All of them. They are basically addicts and imagine if it was heroin or meth that they demanded. oops, I just remembered Intervention. always an enabler held hotstage with addicts. and loving being an enabler
  21. You're welcome?? sorry, this manipulative psychopathic creep just brings out the worst in me. Believe me, I could have posted much worse photos, Steven plastered himself all over the Internet. and mods, I am not taking things from his Facebook, he has let himself be shown all over the net. I'd bet my house he is lurking. Was there ever a scene without his iPad? He is his own #1 fan. And only fan.
  22. Oh I earned them the minute this series debuted. This episode unfortunately showed Dr. Now as a full fledged reality show 'ho. He wasn't being a doctor imo. Just a tv actor. Smh
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