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Everything posted by TicketToHellPaid

  1. And they discuss Pauline, full circle eta, omg, Pauline jumps in and disses the show..finally some dirt http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113940
  2. Strangely I was coming to post this link here before I read these posts. Since we all seem fascinated by the 600 pounders, I found this very active forum for biggies and it appears to have an edge towards the above discussed. Now I am going to scour it for any gossip on the show. ya, I got lots to do but this is so much more fun oops, forgot the link and FTR, I am on just one post in the forum and it's a feeder forum. Love my new word feeder. http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/index.php
  3. What the hell???? Feeder porn? Is that people turned on by fat people? I need to know more. Pauline does have some sex quotes, I posted one in best quotes, but I didn't know she was a porn girl. should I google feeder porn? Scared to see What pops up. ok so just fat fetishist? Or actual porn? Zsalyn was apparently the goddess of this world, she seemed so sad and conservative in her episode.
  4. I've been searching since I asked upthread and this is the closest to any answer I can find on payment for appearing on the show. Keep in mind that this is posted on an anti weight loss surgery site. http://www.peopleofsize.com/wellness/health/suethsayings Do they get relocation money? Idk
  5. Housing in CA is sky high unless you live out in the Mojove desert, where they did, and even for there, their house seemed bad. It's all bad but I guarantee their rent there wasn't much and or a family member owned the shack they lived in. It's hard to get section 8 in CA, wait list up the you know what and still it isn't free. Damn you guys, now I need to try Noosa yogurt and Halo ice cream..as I'm sitting here stuffing all my extra Easter candy down my throat.
  6. Judging by their CA house, amd it's location, the rent was not much. At all. CA disability is $888 a month normally. Gilbert can get paid up to a certain amount of hours as a caretaker in CA. They may have qualified for food stamps as well and I can guarantee she is on MediCal, free health insurance. Since their move to TX? Idk but they probably pretend to live in CA still. Also, being Mexican, I guarantee family members help out $ as well. That's normal in Mexican families. I've never seen that the show lays $4000, where did you see that? I always wonder about that.
  7. I think Little Gilberto's need to bring up a possible pregnancy was to make it clue..his little Gilberto is getting action. Her neck skin could easily be removed. It's clearly hanging skin..nothing important in it except Little G's balls. You're welcome, lol
  8. One more wow, he looks about 12 and she looks HUGE I lied, another
  9. Quoting my own photo here, look how teeny tiny those short skinny fingers are. Bahaha, Gilbert has a little Gilberto.
  10. I went through both of their current facebooks. They are together imo.
  11. Did somebody say there is a set of testicles hanging from Chalupe's neck? Wish they were Gilbert's, would be if he was my husband.
  12. Is this V finger thing a gang sign? He does it in all his pictures.
  13. They must have promised Gilbert to put at least 10 quotes in the show about what a sex machine he is. It was disgusting. He has gone downhill as well and he was already near the bottom. Fat and drunk through the whole episode. Chalupe did herself a big disservice by letting so much sex stuff come up. I personally would rather see her break a toilet or hide a taco. I don't watch the show to hear about their sex lives. I hope Dr Now cuts off Chalupe's turkey gizzard neck next..ugh..
  14. Neithe You need to rewatch some episodes cuz Penny Pig said that one too. you don't have her episode memorized? I do, I could probably mute my tv and speak the whole thing, ya..not bragging but it's a classic.
  15. Well it is impossible to top Penny so here is my love letter to her..yes Penny, you have the best quotes. This is my bed, my bathroom, my kitchen, my eating area..my whole life..you have to come into my area to be with me(something like that, pics tell all) Oops I forgot.. The Dr, the MD, the Expert- if your oxygen saturation is better than mine why do you need oxygen? Penny the Pig- I don't know the exact medical reason but I'm starting to get really uncomfortable without my oxygen and... The Dr, the MD, the Expert- dirty mischievous look inserted, Yes Pig, we turn it back on
  16. Piñata stuffed with tacos and nachos..mmmm
  17. I was more uncomfortable waiting for the Humpty Dumpty had a big fall moment I assumed would happen, I pictured her falling from the toilet and tacos and nachos and chalupas spilling out of her. :) but yes yo you too, lol
  18. Chuck to Nissa.. "you want me to get th medication now?" screw her pain, boys gotta eat I hide a taco in my purse to eat later..Gilbert don't know
  19. Looks like a perfect storm of dysfunction is coming- Dr Now, Assanti's from hell episode
  20. Who knows about the ambulance but one thing that never ceases to amaze me if what attention whores these fatties on this show are. and the huge amount of people willing to provide the attention. I swear, I would've thrown a double cheese pepperoni deep dish in Steven's fugly face, grabbed his iPad and said "go f*ck your fat self" if I was Princess. And smashed the iPad and have no fear of the police.
  21. Thank you! I think real too and if not it will always be in my mind.
  22. High 5, great find. and who cares if the scene was staged, we still got to see him roll down the hill screaming like a baby. If staged then thank you TLC, well worth it.
  23. I hate him. I made an awesome slo mo falling off the golf cart gif but it wouldn't load. I suggest to all to slo mo toaster strudels gif, well worth a 100 replays.
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