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Posts posted by Daltrey

  1. On 10/22/2021 at 4:54 PM, Zonk said:

    She also doesn't put two and two together when the anywhere key was found in their house

    Yeah, that was frustrating.... I got the impression that it was somehow tied to her fear still being missing. Doesn't really make sense but she seemed to be more cognisant of things once they were able to put it back inside her head.

  2. 1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

    culminating with the Trump presidency and the ultimate distraction of the Covid lockdowns.

    I'm extremely glad they DIDN'T do this. I'm so tired of the pandemic and Trump and modern day, real world politics in general being crammed into every piece of so called entertainment. It's supposed to be escapism, a brief respite from the realities of life and the human condition, not a reminder of the crap we have to deal with on a daily basis. Granted, in some cases it's appropriate and has been done well - the final season of Shameless comes to mind -  but at the end of the day, I just want to take my brain somewhere else and be entertained.

    • Love 3
  3. 5 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

    Yeah... that wasn't very good. 

    Things I liked:

    I like the mention of the Reptloids. In ufo "history", the Reptloids are the accepted enemy of the Greys and our aliens were clearly Greys. I also liked that this didn't in any way reference AHS: Asylum because I want those aliens to be free of this.

    Loved the guy playing Eisenhower. I think the actor knew it was a shitshow but still played the hell out of it. 

    Anal probing Nixon to resign was hilarious.

    Things I think were meh:

    I don't see why people like Cody Fern. I know he was playing the alien Mr. Data but really.

    Things that sucked:

    Really, Mamie wanted to live forever in a warehouse with absolutely no freedom? Really?

    While neither female modern actress playing the pregnant girls were "good", it wasn't helped that the alien chick and Leslie Grossman were just phoning it in.

    Why did the alien baby kill Troy? Why did the alien chick just dispose of the A Team? Why did they leave the bodies lying there for the pregos to find?

    If the Greys can live on Earth for sixty years doing their secret breeding... why can't they just live on Earth? Why do they need a hybrid race when they clearly find humanity inferior?

    Red Tide was better. Roanoke was still worse but...


    All of this.

    100% every bit of this.

    Roanoke was the absolute worst.

    • Love 1
  4. 7 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

    Or tie it back into the first half of the season; just when the aliens think they’re winning, the zombified masses from Part 1 over-run Area 51 and mess everything up.

    I love that idea! As a matter of fact... F it, as far as I'm concerned, that's cannon.🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👍

    • Love 4
  5. 8 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I thought the last five minutes would've shown us a little of the world either being taken over or post-taken over. I don't expect great things from AHS anymore--the only season since Hotel that I've truly liked was Apocalypse (barring 3 or 4 episodes), and I think that only happened because it was tied to my favorite season, Coven--but this was just weird.

    For me it was the last one, 1984. I dug the nostalgic Crystal Lake/Jason slasher vibe. And I actually quite liked the Red Tide half this season, it reminded me a bit of The original Pet Sematary.

    • Love 6
  6. 8 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    Plus, Sabrina is coming

    I couldn't get past the first three episodes of Sabrina but I like the actress and I'm interested to see what they do with the character. I have high hopes for some more pure insanity, lol!

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  7. 5 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

    What was that? I have a fairly low bar for entertainment (I mean, I still watch Riverdale)...but this was just bad. 

    I did enjoy Cody Fern, but even he couldn't save this.

    Riverdale is hilarious! I can't wait for it to start up again so I can wash the taste of this out. What a disappointment when it started so strong. This started the best in years I thought only to fizzle out like a wet fuze.

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  8. 16 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I know that this is going somewhere, but I wish this season was popping just a bit more. I am still having a blast with this show as always, I love the characters and its commitment to adapting he weirdest parts of DC comic lore, but I wish the team was together more and we had more of an idea of what is happening.

    I liked Larry's scene with his son, he really does need to stop beating himself up for what happened decades ago, and his son kind of sucks now. Like Larry said, its not like he wanted any of this, he's pretty much been a victim of circumstance and of people like the Bureau of Normalcy and Niles for decades now, its not like he just fucked off and left one day to run off to Miami. 

    Glad that Kay is getting out, although if she starts to really heal, what happens to Jane and the other alters? 

    All of this, 100%!




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  9. 19 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I read a fan theory, so I think I know where this plot is going. It makes it a little more interesting as I search for clues to prove the theory right.

    Doom Patrol was just greenlit for Season 4, so their ship is still watertight.

    That is some good news. I love the characters and actors, sometimes I think they sacrifice story or pacing in favor of highlighting the weirdness, though.

  10. Wow...no one talking about it, not a good sign. I can't believe I went from praising it two episodes ago to being utterly bored and disinterested. It feels like the only one with anything really going on is Jane/Kay. Cliff is distracting himself and doing sweet FA, Cyborg and Neg Man are rehashing old territory and Rita time traveling to only completely forget herself and make up ridiculous nonsense dances, sounds and phrases with the otherwise potentially mysterious Sisterhood of Dada comes off as filler for the blandest of pies. I get it's supposed to be something of a slow burn and I'm not averse to that as a rule but when I pause to check on something and am in no rush to get back, something is wrong. They need to step up their game if they want to keep this ship afloat.

  11. On 5/11/2021 at 6:37 PM, cambridgeguy said:

    They still haven't explained why he wants to head off - what exactly does he want to do but can't thanks to being stuck in Star Labs? 

    Not be on the show anymore because it sucks so much now - he's very meta in his reasoning.😁

    • Love 1
  12. Holy F... maybe this has been answered already, but I couldn't read anymore to find out. Spa store Eric was robbing the sports memorabilia store to get money for Dean's bail. He comes into the store and says "give me the'52 Mantle rookie.", meaning Mickey Mantle's rookie card from 1952. Instead, the store owner grabs the bat off the wall. At the end of the episode, Eric is crying in the alley having clearly been unsuccessful in his robbery attempt and attacked by the store owner in self defense.

    As for the last girl who couldn't pay and seemed unaware of her sick mother's business arrangements, I would say it's safe to assume that the FBI gave Beth the money to cover the debt in order to keep the investigation going,; being a government agency, they have the resources and authority. Rio is suspicious of Beth but he's not sure,; After checking she's not wearing a wire, he warns her to watch her back, either because he knows they're being watched and doesn't want her getting them caught bit more likely as a means of scaring her into not cooperating with the Feds. Beth goes back to the girl and gives her the gun, similarly warning her to watch her back because she doesn't want the death of another innocent, unsuspecting person on her hands, such as what happened with the Asian artist they had roped into helping them.

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  13. I saw Sissy and Vanya coming from a mile away. Their chemistry is palpable and it seemed very natural, but not a surprise at all. 

    There were no subtitles for whatever Five said to Hargreaves at the end, I wonder what it was. I assume it was intentional and we'll find out later.

    • Love 8
  14. I don't care how stupid or ridiculous it was or got, I loved this show and loved it more than I even realized judging by my teary bleary eyes at the end. I'm leaning towards Jane died but part of me thinks or wants to think that the dinner was real and she was just thinking about how close she came to dying and how lucky she was. I know they really couldn't have done much more with it but I still wasn't ready for it to end and I would so 💯 be up for a Patterson/Rich spinoff. Great finale all in all, ambiguous ending s rarely leave me this satisfied.... Oh, and the church fight scene, that was totally a dude stunt double, lol.

    • Love 2
  15. "I'm bored to tears with the Sanctum stuff -- can't keep track of all the different sects, and frankly don't care."

    100% this! My post was going to start with "am I the only one who gives zero F's about all the nonsense on Sanctum and the multiple groups who may as well be one for as much as how clear all their agendas are?" 

    ...wow, that was a terrible sentence....I could write for this show, lol! Seriously, they never should have brought shedhedda or whatever the F back. Whatever group wanted to burn Russell and the primes should have been allowed and then burn the rest of the planet and be done with it. The Bardo storyline is far more interesting and the season just isn't long enough for this back and forth BS. Now you're telling me there's a backdoor pilot for a possible spinoff? Why?! Just streamline this mess, wrap it up in a way that satisfies but leaves it open for another potential season. I know the show had it's fate sealed already going into this season so that's not actually possible, but it still would've been better than this hodgepodge filled trash compactor result.

    • Love 1
  16. On 6/7/2020 at 5:24 AM, MissLucas said:

    Eh, I wanted original Zari back. Kardi-Zari is amusing but that's not enough. And I'm also not a fan of Behrad. This show keeps snatching away my favorites: Rip, Snart, Ray and Nora and now Zari. (The only ones I was glad to see leaving were the chicken people.) 

    Apart from S1 this was my least favorite season. Not enough Beebo and losing three characters I like almost broke my enthusiasm.

    I pretty much agree with all of this....and Rip was ruined by the time they were done with him anyway, as I recall. The only thing better about this season was less Mona and Gary. I hope they don't keep Astra around either; I don't know if it was the writing or the acting but that whole characters arc was too drawn out and annoying. It seemed like the same thing over and over, blame John whine about her mother, rinse and repeat then suddenly all was forgiven and peachy keen. I don't see reformed Astra bringing anything to the table. Also, if they knew for over a year that Maisie was leaving, why did they have to force Brandon out? He's been very upfront that it wasn't his choice and from what I've seen, he wasn't particularly happy about it.... I'm pretty sure I know why they did, but saying so will probably get me in hot water....

    • Love 2
  17. I find some of the reactions and responses to this episode far more frustrating and annoying than the episode itself. I quite enjoyed it, to be honest, and found that most everything played out in a fairly logical manner.....considering it is "The 100" we're talking about.😉 It's late and I'm too tired to go into more detail, maybe tomorrow I'll share some thoughts. 

    • Love 3
  18. On 6/13/2019 at 1:45 AM, AudienceofOne said:

    Oh and yeah the whole Dark Commander thing is an annoying retcon

    Succinct, but it's as good an answer as any, lol. Thanks for reassuring I'm not COMPLETELY losing my mind. 😂 Now I can proceed to the next one with a modicum of peace. 

  19. Octavia's situation is strange and a bit ridiculous but it is scifi/fantasy so I'm prepared to wait it out and see what it leads to before I completely dismiss it. My biggest questions concern Maddie and the dark commander. It feels like it came out of nowhere. Am I wrong or is there previously established lore? I don't ever remember a dark commander reference or storyline and I don't remember there ever being talk of a male nightblood leader, even. Even Roan was just some kind of tribal royalty, was he not? Where did this concern about removing the flame chip from Maddie so she won't go mad come from? This whole plot development doesn't seem to have any predetermined roots and feels like it was just wedge in. Am I forgetting things? As of now I think it's easily the least interesting storyline and, ironically I suppose, the one that bothers me the most, lol! 

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  20. On 6/7/2019 at 5:28 AM, Isazouzi said:

    No one is at Tatiana Meslany's level. No one. OK, maybe Jodie Comer on Killing Eve is not far behind.

    You raise a very valid point! 😊 I guess I just figured it didn't need to be said, lol. I haven't seen Killing Eve yet, not a big fan of Sandra Oh, but I did put it on my list once I heard about it. Now you've got my interest piqued. 

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