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Everything posted by alcasinoroyale

  1. This is a good article of all the news and info we know about S8 so far. Saying Farewell to Westeros
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/aq8vry/edmure_confirmed_for_season_8/ I had found the premiere's ID on the HBO schedule a few months back, but they just updated details today adding cast members besides the series regulars that were already listed.
  3. I wonder if Melisandre somewhat fills this role. While she misinterpreted her visions, it eventually led her to Jon. She resurrected Jon through R'hllor, she brought Jon and Dany together, and we know that she turns some of the dead against the NK. It's likely that her sacrifice weakens the NK in some way. It's a battle between the servants of R'hllor and the Great Other. There are several arguments against this though because Mel wouldn't necessarily be someone vital to Jon in terms of importance like Dany, but without her in Jon's company, what would have happened to him if "For the Watch" still occurred.
  4. That's a good point. Cersei's mid-season is relatively unknown. We don't really know anything between Euron's victory parade and the Dragonpit for her, which seems odd. Maybe she appears somewhere when Tyrion comes to meet with Jaime and Bronn and then Davos seeks out Gendry. So it would definitely be shocking if she was missing for 3 consecutive episodes. My guess is those were probably indoor scenes that Lads didn't discuss much because the focus was mainly on Jon and Dany until people started asking more about other character arcs in the season.
  5. I think Carice van Houten as they likely wanted to give her time to spend with the new baby. Also, we haven't really heard at all what Mel is up to besides that potential body double during Dragonstone filming. Lena and Sophie have been spotted in Belfast and on set multiple times.
  6. Yeah, they only had a limited time of daylight and I remember that Kit was injured on set too. l I think using Iceland makes the atmosphere more realistic, especially since winter has already come, but yeah having the actors be cold and miserable might not translate well to the screen. It does add that chilling and eerie aspect of Beyond the Wall though. And they also filmed part of this action sequence in NI so I'm also surprised they didn't just do all of the filming there and then maybe even some at Magheramorne Quarry where they did Hardhome.
  7. It depends on how an epilogue would play out, but I agree with the OP that Arya and Sansa will both likely have open endings. I like the idea of Arya sailing west of Westeros, even if it's similar to LotR when Frodo leaves Middle Earth and sails west with the Elves. Also, considering GRRM has used Tolkien for inspiration, it would definitely tie in with the "bittersweet" ending he's been teasing. As for Sansa, I'm still debating whether she'll end up back with Tyrion. However, I imagine she could potentially go south in S8 because she has unfinished business with Cersei and it would allow for another storyline besides the war with the WW.
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