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Posts posted by Dot

  1. 28 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Maybe she takes up boxing.  

    Well, as a matter of fact . . .

    Note Twit's shirt names her as a "founding member" of this boxing gym Ryan is vigorous promoting on his IG page -- along with a collogen supplement. (He is such a grifter.) I'm.sure a new season will show her working out at Rock Box.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Colleenna said:

    I saw that pic and thought "Isn't that  something that  adolescents do,  posting videos of  themselves  dancing in the  bathroom?"

    That's a takeoff of  Drake's "flip the switch" challenge on tik tok, most famously performed by JLo & ARod until last Sat when Eliz Warren & Kate McKinnon performed it.

    It wore it self out about a year ago. I guess it's back cuz of SNL.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

    Yay!  More weightlifting, I can hardly wait! 

    I know, right? What could be more exciting than watching a super morbidly obese, hygienicallly challenged narcissist lift 1/2 her weight over her head. Sometimes.

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  4. Twit pretends this is a photo asking her fans which they see first, cat in background or her in foreground. Of course, it's actually one of those calls for fans to tell her how beautiful she is.

    One fan didn't bite & instead said she noticed how Twit was wearing clothes other than a sports bra & leggings! 😁

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  5. 1 hour ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

    image.jpeg.96ab9bbd043b349116e3a422d2b5f2ba.jpegAgain - with the midriff exposed. It’s not even a cropped top. She pushed it up. She just cannot NOT show skin. It’s truly bizarre. No one wants to see that Whitney. Not even your ‘fiancé’ 😂

    Nor can Twit manage to stand next to a man without pawing him.

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  6. Not much to say about this episode that hasn't been very well covered by others in this forum

    That leads me to wonder if maybe I'm at the end of the road with MBFFL. There's only so many times you can talk about the same subjects: Twit's personality, clothing -- actually, lack thereof, her braying & her disdain for boundaries. Wgt-lifting. Phony romance. Supposed concern about parent's health. Her busy days. Buddy & the fleshhold. Buddy & standup. Buddy & recovery. Buddy.

    Et cetera. I think my days with MBFFL are numbered.

    I will say I thought this ep's Buddy & fleshhold conversation pointed to an end without a resolution. Buddy wasn't very convincing, even in his TH. He seemed to acknowledge they had sex without admitting it. It's like he's thinking the same thing we always have: IF he had sex with her, he blacked out & doesn't remember.

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  7. 41 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Buddy's in the picture, Dot. Heather has the names tagged in her instagram. From left to right is Chase, Whitney, Ashley, Heather, Ryan, Buddy (slightly behind Ryan) Tal  and Todd, almost unrecognizable with that beard. Maybe a production photographer took it?

    Oh, yeah, I see him now. He sorta disappears into the background.

  8. 1 hour ago, mytmo said:

    As for the whole Buddy and the mysterious crossing of the fleshold it may be a true mystery if "it" ever happened. Logistically if both partners have big tummies the act itself is quite difficult and as I heard one commedian put it as it was trying to f&@k a canoe.

    Well, for sure Buddy never said that since he's no comedian!😂

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  9. 7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Maybe they are going to traipse around the country looking for a wedding dress so they can show us how the wedding industry fat shames women. 

    Actually, one of Nat's fans suggested that TLC should initiate a show in which Nat & Twit travel around the country. Nat said that would be "rad."

    It kinda reminds me of that "reality" show years ago with Paris Hilton & Nicole. Richie. 😖 

    • Love 1
  10. Fascinating walk down MBFFL Memory Lane, @princelina. You really took one for the team!  😁

    I did want to say to you & anyone who may have misinterpreted my stmt that Twit said she crossed the fleshhold w/ Buddy. I believe she SAID that; I don't believer HER. Only way: if Buddy was stumblin' drunk, which is a possibility.

    • Love 6
  11. On her IG page Natalie sez she & Twit will be traveling together soon for new "adventures." I wonder if that's going to be a story arc when filming renews.

    I've thought that the only reason Natalie doesn't have full barnacle status is that she's 2,000 miles from NC.  Adding her to the cast by travel story arcs would solve that problem.

    • Love 2
  12. 25 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

    Whitney correcting Chase's table manners/ use of knife and fork:

    According to kitchn.com: "There are two basic methods for eating with a knife and fork. The 'American' involves having your fork in your left and your knife in your right when cutting your food, then putting the knife down and switching your fork to your right hand to eat, tines facing upwards. (If you’re right-handed, that is.) With the 'European' method, the fork remains in the left hand and the knife helps coax your food onto your fork. The tines remain facing downwards."

    Chase was doing it European style and Whitney poked him and corrected him. Quite obviously, with her parents watching. Just as she loudly chastised him for "dropping an F-bomb" in front of his father. Her interactions with this poor schmo are starting to look like a rejected version of the script for "How To Lose A Man in Ten Days." Even if he is enthralled by gigantic rear ends, Whitney's isn't the only one out there. Maybe he should try and date Natalie; she seems kinder and more good-natured than La Thore.


    I found it rather strange that Twit, who has traveled the world, never noticed that much of that world holds a knife & fork as Chase does. Yet more evidence about how self-absorbed she is.

    Natalie is also in his age range if he's like his bro, Ryan.

    And, @princelina, I thought Twit said she DID "cross the fleshhold" with Buddy. Anyone remember for sure?

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  13. Random thoughts
    📌 Well, I didn't have to wait for a regained 50 #s -- per my thought last week -- to know how Twit is gonna handle stairs. Why would anyone who has to walk up & down stairs one step at a time while holding a wall move to a condo with two steep flights?
    📌 And what chutzpah demanding her parents avoid stairs when she can barely maneuver down a flight herself?
    📌 "I'm sure Ryan did this." (Inserting a Solo cup in the skeleton as its vagina.) Me too. He's not just a rat & a weasel but a pig as well.
    📌 Twit sez to Chase: "I'm your girl friend. You don't have to ask to take me out on a date." But in the TH: "It's really sweet . . ." One of many instances in this episode where she belittles Chase. I hope that TLC paycheck is worth it.
    📌 The morn after the frat bro party, Twit tells Jessica, "I feel fat -- fatter than I am." Later -- at the wgt-lifting gym, I think -- Twit sez, "I'm super-fat, but I am fit." Delusional, anyone?
    📌 When Twit was grumbling about how the ol' gang never gets together anymore at Tal's condo, I'm glad Ashley pointed out that only one of them moved away.
    📌 And what's with mute Todd? Second week he's said nothing except a brief TH in ep. 7.
    📌 Chase is "a very sensitive bro," illustrated by his getting "really mad" when Twit was on the phone with Buddy. Huh? Not the way I've ever defined sensitivity.
    📌 Even when Buddy does not appear, we hear about him ad nauseam.
    📌 Interesting that neither Olympic wgt-lifting trainer has ever made it to the Olympics -- but are still trying. And, boy! Are they ever eager to be on TV.
    📌 Dead lifts. That describes my eyelids while watching this shitshow.
    📌 Twit sez Chase plans things when he's in town bc "he wants to make the most out of the time we have together." I see it as more a way he can stay out of the bedroom with her pawing him.
    📌 When (if?) Twit & Chase have sex, does she don her CPAP mask before or after?
    📌 Chase: "I love you, Whitney." Whitney: "I was about to say the same thing." You need a mirror for that, Twit.
    📌 What is it with Ryan walking thru her unlocked front door & wandering into her bedroom?
    📌 Then Ryan worries about wgt-lifting bc he can't do the 5 videos a week by himself if she's injured. Why not? He's been doing it all since they started.
    📌 Ryan must have a contract clause that sez he must appear in every ep. The scene in Twit's bedroom didn't move the plot forward in any way.
    📌 At dinner with the parents, Chase claims he is a contractor. Why didn't he admit to also being a bartender?
    📌 Twit to Babs: "I'm 35 years old. I'm used to living alone." Since when? Except possibly Korea, someone has always been around to shave her legs, apply chub rub ointment, lift her from the tub . . .

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