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  1. So because I was curious.....I looked up the Oscar Wilde room. It's $830 for one night this Sunday. I can think of a lot better things to do with 800 bucks in Paris.
  2. Under Armour is one step away from a dumpster fire in general, so I'm not surprised they replied this way. Their CEO is leaving, they're being investigated by the SEC, they used corporate cards to pay for trips to strip clubs..... Honestly, Whit fits right in.
  3. So on Whit's insta story, there's a repost talking about "Whitney's tattoo pack." I......words are failing me at what the hell this could be.
  4. My guess is Chase went for one reason. The unlimited drink package.
  5. Good lord yes. I'm not a small girl, and I have one from Glamorise. Was $50.
  6. Twit, you put yourself on a show called "My Big FAT Fabulous Life." You plaster your life over social media. You act like a 12 year old. When you make your life public, people will comment. That's life. Don't like it? Maybe try growing up. Or maybe don't make so much public.
  7. Who the HELL is in the comments offering her a Sphynx kitten???
  8. I checked out the Capital Pride Parade website....neither TLC or Discovery gave a donation of any sort. So I'm hoping you're right, Dot and this was Twitney standing at the corner of 17th and R looking like a moron.
  9. I would also argue that insurance companies don't recognize the help from bariatric surgery. The number of hoops that someone often has to go through can take months, and for someone who's tried for years to lose weight, it can be pretty disheartening. Yes, from a financial perspective, it can cost up to $25k, but complications from diabetes, heart disease, and joint surgeries are way more. I think it's seen as the "easy way out," and it's not. (Note, I say this as someone who had weight loss surgery 7 years ago, and also currently works for a small health insurance company.)
  10. Yep, I remember. And as someone who's had weight loss surgery, I feel pretty confident in saying no reputable hospital would do it. I had to go through nutritional counseling, 6 weeks of a physician assisted weight loss program, and (most importantly), a mandated 12 week group therapy on getting to the bottom of how the hell I got to 380 pounds. I don't think she could get doctor approval. Also, there's no way she could make it through the eating regimen after the surgery. I didn't eat anything that wasn't pureed for 30 days. I had a soft scrambled egg after that and nearly cried, it was so good to have actual texture. She'd have to give up frappucinos and anything with a lot of sugar, or risk dumping syndrome. (Or hell, she pees in hot tubs, maybe she wouldn't care.) And sugar is in a lot more than you think. Surgery was a godsend for me, but it wasn't easy, and I don't think she could do it. Oh, and I had urinary issues when I was at my heaviest. I can safely say I never, EVER pissed in a hot tub, swimming pool, bathtub, or any other body of water. On a totally separate note, she drove me nuts in this ep by ignoring how beautiful Alaska is. I've been there on a cruise...it's easily one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. And the best parts were when we were just walking around quietly and seeing the wildlife. Not screaming like a banshee.
  11. Hold up. THOSE are the stairs she couldn't walk up normally?? I was on a trip last year in Scotland and managed the same kind of steps just fine. I'm not Twitney-sized, but I'm on the plumper side of things. Hell, I hiked Chimney Rock years ago and did better, even weighing more. Every time I think I can't be amazed at how little she can do.....she surprises me again.
  12. Well, on the Starbucks app it shows calories, so I "ordered" one of Twitney's drinks to see calorie count. A grande coffee frappucino with heavy cream is 240 calories. I have no idea if she's getting any syrups added. Now, a grande is a medium....I think she's actually getting a large/venti. (I've seen pics of her with a venti cup for hot drinks.) That's 350 calories per cup. So 1400 calories A DAY from coffee if it's 4 a day. All the salad in the world won't help that. By comparison, I get a venti skinny latte once a week. It's 160 calories, mostly from the milk.
  13. Hell, I would have been a NitWhit several years ago. I was 380 pounds. But I was healthy! All my labs were FINE! And then I got severe cellulitis in my left leg. And then my knees went to shit. And then I couldn't take 5 steps without sounding like I was having an asthma attack. Or a heart attack. And then it was impossible to keep myself clean with all the fat rolls. (Black ring on my neck. Bleh.) And then it was impossible to find clothes that fit for a professional job. And so, I had weight loss surgery. Because newsflash, I WASN'T HEALTHY. I permanently fucked up the circulation in my left leg as well as my knees. I'm still above my "ideal" weight, but I can take walks, climb all over castle ruins in Europe, and live my life without worrying about how being heavy holds me back. Oh, and I'm totally addicted to Starbucks too, but mine is a nonfat latte with sugar free syrup once a week. I treat myself to fast food once a week. I'm not depriving myself. THAT is a fabulous life, Whitney. Not what you have.
  14. Oh thank the Lord, I wasn't the only one who thought this.
  15. Me from ME, I'm on the same message board, and I was wondering who was asking about Twit.... :-)
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