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Posts posted by Tony

  1. Seeing her getting invited to the Grammys, Oscars and being compared to people with talent who work hard, just makes Hollywood look bad.


    She, might be "invited" to craptastic events like nightclub openings or BET awards, but I doubt any events attended by a-listers would allow the stench of a Kartrashian anywhere in the same zip code. All this is the exception of the Grammy's where she's just riding Kanye's coattails.


    The only reasons she's able to attend any events is because 1) trashy media companies like E! is shilling out their prized pig, or 2) Pimp Mama and/or Kanye.

  2. Uggghhh I think this is the final Suits episode for me. Except for Donna, everyone is just so idiotic and unlikeble. The worst is Mike. When the fuck did he become such a sanctimonious asshat? Clearly he selectively forgot that he's the sole source of everyone's problems. Also, they could be smart about it and keep him purely in the background akin to a paralegal instead of trotting him out to the frontlines as a lawyer and have him meet with clients or, god-forbid, step foot into a courtroom. Letting him have meetings with that Harvard professor client was pure idiocy.


    ETA: How exactly is Rachel attending an Ivy League law school and is able to carry a full time job during the day and pull all-nighters at work? Last I checked, they have things called "classes" and "learning material".

    • Love 8
  3. Ugh at Helen.  I always picture her lurking in the dank alley next to a methadone clinic, but now she's wearing a diamond ring and necklace while sipping wormwood tea from a hideously frou-frou china cup.


    Nope, she'll be selling all that stuff to pay for more fugly tattoos.

    • Love 4
  4. I actually liked Isaac when he was the mentor on The Fashion Show (PR knock-off hosted by Kelly Rowlands). He was much more likeable when he was moving around and interacting with the designers. On All-Stars he just treats the judge's chair as a throne and sits there throwing out "witty" soundbites. He just comes across as a delusional tool IMO.

    • Love 2
  5. I think I'm going to drown puppies if Fabio is the winner this season. He's skated by with ugly shit just as many times as Sam, so he should have been gone by now. He needs to get over his obsession with ugly pastels (remember his hideous final runway collection?). I'm fine with anyone winning as long as it's not him... even Helen!

    • Love 2
  6. Rookie TV/movie mistake - turning your back to the bad guy before making sure they're absolutely dead.


    And I just don't care for Margaux's lame vendetta. Hope her takedown by Ems will be delicious.

    • Love 4
  7. Enough with imaginary problems such as traffic when there is only one or two cars passing by.


    I remember an episode of HHI where the couple kept bitching about heavy traffic and noise, and then the producers cut to a shot of the street with a kid going by on his bicycle and no cars whatsoever. I burst out laughing. It's moments like that when you know even the producers are on board with poking at the house hunter's stupidity.

  8. Michelle's or Jay's pieces were the most A-G up there. When I saw Helen's I thought she was in the bottom. Since when does shower loofahs + shapeless box dress = avant garde? And Fabio's stupid proportions and baby pink fug should have sent him home.


    With that said, I'm fine with Justin going. Maybe it's something about a grown man constantly on the verge of tears? And Elvira called. She wants her look back.

    • Love 1
  9. Isaac Mizrahi is a total joke. I just can't deal with him after watching the judging and hearing the idiocy that comes out of his mouth,


    Even though there are a million things that make this show craptastic, him being one of the judges has to be the final nail on the coffin for me.

    • Love 1
  10. You'd think after watching this show that every friggin' guy out there NEEDS a man cave in their house, and not just a small bedroom-sized one, but one big enough that you can run laps in. Just exactly how oppressive are these wives that they need a space to hole themselves in?

  11. This show is pretty much running on fumes at the moment. Based on Rollins and the Atlanta chief's awkward interactions last episode, you could see this sexual misconduct storyline coming a mile away. Since I can't stand Rollins at all (both b/c she's a horrible actress and the character's extremely annoying), I just turned this off 10 minutes into the ep. I think it's time to shut down this show.


    I'll volunteer to sacrifice my first newborn if they agree to bring back L&O original flavor. Meanwhile, I'm just gonna binge watch the L&O Trial by Jury DVDs I have.

    • Love 2
  12. The construction worker spying on Schmidt applying lotion was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. That scene alone made up for Nick and Coach's ultra stupid storyline about Winston's training officer.

    • Love 2
  13. Do the writers think that people tune into this show so they can see a storyline about a deadbeat mother? They might as well up the suck factor by bring Dana back with her inane teen angst storyline.

    • Love 2
  14. That was just awful. Everything just ranged from hideous to bleehhh. There were absolutely no winners this week. Just send them all packing and call it Project Sponsors. Could they make it any more obvious that they just shoehorned a crapload of advertisers into the show? That was just embarrassing. 

    • Love 3
  15. I cant believe this gem hasnt been posted here yet. Kris posted on Instagram an e-mail Kim sent her. Now I'll be the first to admit Kris' fashion sense is sometimes wrong, but 1) this dumbass has the nerve to insult ANYONES fashion sense when 90% of the time she looks like shit? And 2) nice spelling of "Amish". What an idiot. 


    That's comedic gold coming from Kimmode. Her "fashion sense" is the laughing stock of... anyone with working eyeballs, and she has the galls to criticize someone else?


    Also, most mothers would give their child a swift slap in the back of the head if they received crude shit like this. Instead this mother of the year shares it to the internet like it's something to be proud of.

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