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Posts posted by Tony

  1. From off the top of my head, I can name some past Kardashian endorsements that ended up in flames:

    • Sketchers sneakers that promote weight loss = class action lawsuit and huge settlements
    • Kardashian Kard credit card scam = scandal and lawsuit
    • QuickTrim diet pills = lawsuit for unsubstantiated claims and false advertising


    Past Kardashian endorsements that had success:

    • *crickets*


    Technically, I guess their app could be considered a modest success, but it's a free product and nobody really knows the actual income it brings in. The k-trash claims it's huge and earns billions. Anyone with a working brain knows otherwise.

    • Love 3
  2. You know, the Dentists started out annoying and all, but I like them.  Jim didn't get upset with Misti at all, he supported her, and he complimented other teams as well.


    I was going to say the Dentists seemed to handle adversity well.   They weren't fighting with each other or adding pressure.   They were just working through the problem.


    The only reason that spray-tanned baboon was tolerable at last place was because they had the Save so he knew they weren't going anywhere. The real test is when they don't have it. Phil should have asked them if they wanted to use the save, demand a "final answer", take it, and tell them it was a NEL. I'd relish the stupid look on Jim's face.


    I thought the wrestlers were totally amusing this ep (in a good way). I LOL'ed when they were going to start the waitressing task and he said they get hit in the head for a living and she was tapping her skull and saying there's nothing there. Then later on he commented on how he called himself a waitress. These two are really growing on me.

    • Love 4
  3. Well - that was disappointing (as expected). Sean's was a snoozefest, Char's is Forever 21 gone hoochie, Kini's is Victorian womenwear (that coat dress was horrid), and Amanda's is Gretchen 2.0 minus the bitchiness. Like Gretchen's inexplicable win, I predict Amanda's going to end up on top in this crapfest.


    However, the worst part of this freakshow for me has to be the Best Western infomercial. It's so obvious that they aren't even trying to make it at all relevant to the show material. If there's any trace of doubt that Tim has sold the last remaining trace of his dignity for a paycheque, it all evaporated after seeing him shill for BW.


    I'm just glad this season is over soon.

    • Love 2
  4. I still don't like Lily or the actress. Her lines were good; her delivery was bad.


    I'm ambivalent about her as an actress.


    From the producer's point of view, they hired an infant who grew up with the show and who may or may not have any acting abilities. It's all a crapshoot.


    Unfortunately for them, replacing any of the actors at this point would be a huge ordeal and potentially lead to negative backlash, so unless they write the characters out of the show with a plausible story line, these actors pretty much have guaranteed job security until the show ends.

  5. I thought the beginning of the episode was ridiculous. I'm 30, which is one year younger than these guys, and I've used landlines until the end of high school, so the whole phone schtick was eye-rollingly bad.

  6. She needs to go. Can't stand her sour face. And she needs to finish forming her sentences in her mind before she starts speaking. I hate her 1.5 words per minute way of speaking.


    She'll try to cling onto this PR gig for as long as she can, because she knows without it, she has zero star power or charisma to retain her current fame, so she'll just fade back into obscurity in a heartbeat. Unless TPTB wakes up and gives her the boot, she's here to stay.

  7. Was there absolutely any point in bringing Louise back at all this episode? When she was in the opening recap with Victoria and her separated at the doors of the mental institution, I knew she'd make a reappearance, hopefully as either Emily's plant or a spiteful lunatic, but all she did was ask for a handout from Victoria only to be turned down. The writers are really grasping at straws at this point.

  8. Meh.  Kym & Alli's antics didn't bother me.  It's not like it was done in B.J. & Tyler's all-too-obvious type of mugging.  And the editors weren't forcing it down our throats like they did theirs.  So I'll take the girls' "mugging" (which I don't even consider it to be called) over the phony Hippies'.


    BJ & Tyler couldn't compete with the obnoxious out-of-control mugging by the Afghanimals, who also had this really annoying habit of picking up Phil or the locals whenever possible.

    • Love 6
  9. "...what exactly is her purpose?" - Exactly what the viewers are asking every time Paige is in a scene. 


    Case in point: after Walter got off the phone and said that the machine part they needed from Germany would arrive the next day, she tried to "contribute" by asking if it could get there any faster. Classifying her as useless would be putting it lightly.

    • Love 2
  10. ...I offer you slutty watermelon.


    It's like they're reading my mind! I know if I want to dress up as something slutty and provocative, the first thing I think of is a watermelon.



    The main issue I had with Korina's this week was there were so many pieces that the model looked like a pile of laundry. Edit, people!


    ITA. If they paired it with simple leggings and heels, the outfits would look a hundred times better. Those fucking hats were the final nails on the coffin.

    • Love 2
  11. Carrie at her worst - after the car mob scene in the first episode and she was yelling at Quinn "you could have done more!!"


    He was driving the vehicle while fighting off the horde and shooting at them, WTF else was she expecting him to do? Develop telekinesis and blow them all away with his mind?

    • Love 13
  12. When his model was walking down the runway, I couldn't believe Kini said "thank God she doesn't look like a hooker any more". That fake fur cropped jacket and super tight/short soccer dress couldn't scream street walker any louder. And top that off with the 80's prom hair. She looks like an extra coming off the set of SVU.


    Overall a completely mediocre week. There were no winners today. Char is still a dead-weight and out of her depth. I'd be fine with a double auffing. Or better yet, throw in Christian Sirano and promise not to bring him onto my TV again.


    ETA: Tim was the big loser this episode. He just came off as a total ass. Zero joy or charisma at all. He needs to be replaced asap.

    • Love 4
  13. I thought it was hilarious how many people said no...


    What stood out for me was that the people who said no were asked if they would like a makeover, whereas the ones who said yes were those that were asked if they wanted to model on PR or if they wanted an outfit designed for them. I guess going on TV for a makeover is like a minefield for most people.

    • Love 2
  14. Any tweets of outrage from Khloe or Kourtney regarding Kim's assault? 


    Considering the guywas paid to do that for attention like the blackface incidence at the Vienna ball or the supposite racist airplane incidence, I doubt there's much outrage.

    • Love 2
  15. These designers didn't work very hard to challenge themselves. Older women, guys, heavy people... 


    It would have been all kinds of awesome if one of the designers did pick a guy. Then they could literally put the guy in the ugliest outfit possible and still be put through to the next round because they did something so daring and mindblowing.

    • Love 2
  16. I highly doubt that Elbaz would hold up his show for 40 minutes to meet with anyone let alone these two skidmarks. A show is a big event, so barring a natural disaster, they're not going to start it late. My prediction is that Kimye held him hostage in order to unload their amazing and endless insights into the fashion world and then announced that he "requested" the meeting.

    • Love 4
  17. Alex has progressively become angrier and unlikeable to me the last couple of seasons. They're writing her into a corner being the school-obsessed neurotic kid who wants to get into the Ivy League and has low social skills/interest in other people. It doesn't help that the actress isn't that good and can't do more than scream her lines or make pouty faces.

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