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Posts posted by Tony

  1. It kills me how they keep trying to perpetuate this "it's just makeup!" bullshit. Lipliner can make your outer rim bigger but it doesn't make the bulk of your lips poufy and huge. Eyeliner can emphasize your eyes but it doesn't give your lids and brow an inch of lift. They are so full of shit.


    These are also the same people that claimed Kim and Khloe's baboon butts are "natural" and gained through "working out". Everything about them is bullshit.

    • Love 3
  2. ...be set for life.


    I strongly doubt that'll the case with these people. Their fame will not last long and the income will dry up. They might be millionaires now, but they're also big spenders, so unless they manage their money extremenly carefully, they'll be bankrupt in no time. Rumors have it that Kanye is already broke and had to sell the house they've been renovating for the last two years.

    • Love 1
  3. I don't think we got a good look at it, but Claire's tattoo sounded nice. She's a mom so a having a Sanskrit mom tattooed to her ankle is one she can proudly show off, even someday as a little old lady.


    But Claire interpreted it as being an homage to her mother, whom she's not exactly on good terms with.

  4. Looking at the PRAS site, I still think Sam should have gone home.




    Eye-gougingly bad.


    It's been at least three challenges so far where Sam has produced hideous pieces that should get her sent home but yet she inexplicably gets put through with the safe bunch. She's now the weakest designer there (yes, even below Helen), so her time is running out.

    • Love 4
  5. My love for Michelle skyrocketed when she pointed out Helen's stupid Russian roulette slip. I screamed the exact thing to my TV when it came out of Helen's mouth.


    I like Jay, but he was being a total a-hole. The earlier version of his dress with the bare midriff screamed trashy club wear, so unless wearer was heading to brunch the next day after an all night rave, I'm with Helen on this (bleggghh).

    • Love 3
  6. Well that turned out to be a whole shitstorm for the Islamabad American compound.


    Seriously, have these people managed a single win since Carrie became chief/start of the season? Besides maybe turning Ayan (by sexing him up), everything else they've attempted has been spectacular screw ups.


    I'm pretty over with this season.


    ETA: Could Saul be any more fucking useless? That whole scene with Carrie's heart-to-heart pep talk with him was inanely stupid. Blowing him up along with Haqqani and crew back when they had the chance was the total right thing to do.


    ETA #2: Nobody thought to hand over a fake dossier? It's not like Haqqani's going to break out the case and inspect it for authenticity before giving them a thankyoucomeagain, so why would they easily give up the real thing like that. They're fucked either way, so they might as well lessen the impact.

    • Love 3
  7. Zanna's ridiculous dress and ratty hair.  It boggles the mind that she is in the fashion industry


    I wonder the same thing every time she shows up on the show. How desperate is Marie Claire/PR to keep her in this gig?



    I wish someone could explain to Justin that most women don't want their butts or their ladybits showing below the hems of their clothes.  He seems like he's trying to see how short he can make his dresses without getting auf'd.  With that butt-showing coat, I think he broke his own record.



    Yep, this is probably the third outfit so far where he made it ridiculously short that the good china's out on display. I'm not a huge fan of his work, so I don't mind seeing him gone.

    • Love 2
  8. Just when you thought this family couldn't be any more fucked up, here's a gem from that article:


    "I had done a nude shoot when I was pregnant with Mason, really last minute just for myself, and I love it. The photo is hanging in the entry of my mom's house. It actually used to be in her bedroom next to her bed but Bruce would always make a comment about having it in his room."


    So not only do they hang nude pictures of themselves on their walls, they thought it was more appropriate to move it from the bedroom because Bruce couldn't stop noticing it to the fucking entryway? How screwed up are these freaks?

    • Love 7
  9. Did I miss the part where the sword grants Irving superior sword skills, because while he was fighting Abraham, I just couldn't get over how a police captain who's probably never held a sword before and up until now has been shackled to a bed at a mental institution, could hold his own in a sword fight. I was expecting him to be killed 3 seconds into the duel.

  10. She had about 4 bags of stuff, not even over stuffed bags. I'm sure she can manage 4 bags by herself. After all she works out regularly.


    We're talking about the Kardashians here, not average hard-working people. Spending hours taking selfies is considered a hard day's work to them.


    And do they look like they have the bodies of people who work out regularly? The only thing they do is enter and exit the gym during their daily pap strolls.

  11. Good grief, some of these articles crack me up.  Khloe "cut a lonely figure shopping solo".  I've got a news flash for the people who write these gems; I, and most every woman I know grocery shops solo.  Sure, I see couples shopping, but there are usually more women doing it alone than there are husbands/significant others tagging along.  I guess they'll print just about anything to keep the Kartrashians front and center.  When will it ever end?



    The rest of that sentence says: "Khloe Kardashian cut a lonely figure as she was seen loading food items into her car with no help at the Gelson's supermarket..."


    From the grocery shopping with absolutely no help at all with loading it into her car afterwards to the cooking of the entire meal all by herself, we need to dedicate a national holiday to this woman. Her greatness is just mindblowing. I don't know about you guys, but when I shop at the local supermarket, I have to have a personal shopper to help me out and then someone to take it out to my car and load it into the trunk for me. How does she manage to do it all by herself?


    Seriously, that article was a bullshit fluff piece just like every thing ever written about the Kartrashians.

    • Love 3
  12. Now I'm actually rooting for the wrestlers, only as a total fuck you to the dentists and the surfers. I may be alone in this, but something about the surfers just annoys me. As for Jim, I'm looking forward to his total failure at a task and an epic freak out Hulk-style.



    As far as the Fast Forward goes, while it is true that this was similar to what Adam and Bethany do, it isn't exactly the same. After all Adam did fall on his first attempt so it was not a sure thing that he and Bethany would do it on their second attempt. Surfers fall all the time, even pros.


    Failing the first try at something you do professionally for a living doesn't negate the fact that you're the most adept at that task over other teams. The FF is an important element, especially this late in the game, so when they knew that professional surfers were cast, they should have swapped it for something else. Nothing is set in stone.

    • Love 4
  13. I saw Khloe post on her instagram, her thanking her hair stylist for doing her two French braids since it'd keep her hair out her face while she's cooking. The table looks beautiful and I bet Khloe cooked everything herself. Even though she's a bit brash, she's the most maternal/ Suzy homemaker. And I'm sure they all had a lovely dinner without princess Kim


    Wow, way to go Khloe! What a martyr she was dialling all those phone numbers and hiring the caterers/decorators/servers. Now she deserves a well-earned rest at the plastic surgeons to get some much needed lipo thanks to all that "home-cooked" food and a top-up of the Fix-a-Flat in her ass. Nobody's dumb enough to believe that she slaved in the kitchen to cook that obviously catered in food (complete with disposable aluminum trays for fuck's sakes). This family is such a joke.

  14. ... with her gone, that gave Jack time to keep getting into Beth's business, until she finally agreed to a "rain check" on drinks.  Not sure if he's trying to hit on her, or that's just Dylan McDermott being Classic Dylan McDermott.


    God, he's so annoying with the whole "open up to me, I'm here for you" bullshit these past two episodes. DM's character just comes across as a total tool to me, so everything he does is just so tiresome. He's bringing the show down big time.

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